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Experienced sales, marketing en distribution Consultant

Experienced sales, marketing en distribution Consultant

Work Experience

Consultancy in South Africa on project basis.
Recently started as a consultant.
Started in Banking as a commercial rep for Bank Brussel Lambert in 1980 and studied finance during 7 years together with working for the BBL. Headhunted away by Brewery Artois in 1986, working 3 years in domestic services for Belgium with main task the change of all contracts in on-trade and make them in line with recent ec rulings. In 1990 set up of a new devision and i have let this division of 10 years with success to a turnover of above 40 mio euro per year. Strenghts in team work, management, budgets, strategy etc.... In 2000 a new career change to export, distribution and licensing in Africa. Main targets : project management : manage all functions of your partner to optimize sales, distribution and marketing.


Graduated in economics.
Courses followed on :
• Sales & Marketing : Ehsal, Brussel, Belgium – 1992/1993
• Negotiation skills : Insead, France - 1997
• Financial dynamics : Interbrew, Leuven, Belgium – 1997
• Brand opportunities in Eastern Europe : Moscow, Russia – 1997
• Distribution Management : Frost & Sullivan, London, UK – 1998
• Mergers and Acquisitions : Prof. Gheeraerts, Leuven, Belgium – 1999
• World Class Account Management : Abyzco, Bremen, Germany – 2004
• High Impact Communication : Abyzco, Budapest, Hungary – 2004
• Train the trainer : Via Entra, Prague, Czech Republic – 2005


Project management
Change Management




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