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Director and owner

Director and owner

Work Experience

Job Experience

1 Employer: Choosing IP Creativity B.V. (CIPC), Zaandam
Function: Director
Period: July 2003 up to till now
Main acitivities:
As a director and owner of a Business Internet Service Provider responsible for the daily management but in particular Operations, Finance and Human Resources (7 people). My partner is responsible for Sales and Business Development. As main priority for CIPC, I was responsible for transferring an almost bankrupt company into a lean, mean and profitable organization. Severe costcutting and lay offs (2 people) next to the growth of the activities made this possible. I also arranged funding based on our debtors to cover the operational losses. However the funding of a loan (payable end 2004) and the dispute with a supplier could not be realized by our own cashflow. Therefor CIPC decided to sell the company to a third party. This process is still pending.
Detail activities:
* set up of an independent company, privately funded, based on the Management Buy Out of CSS IP Connect B.V.
* responsible for finance, operations and human resources in the most general way
* responsible for daily management (7 people)
* transferring an almost bankrupt company into a lean and mean profitable organization (cash flow positive in November 2003 and net profit in August 2004)
* development of new products together with partner
* development of a new webbased Customer Relation Management System suitable for orderintake, projectcoordination, troubleticketing and provisioning
* negotiations with all suppliers in order to cut costs
* acquiring funding for outstandng loans due 31 December 2004, accomplished in September 2004, by adding a new shareholder;
funding by a bank (internet and ICT is to risky) or a Venture Capitalist (CIPC is to small) was not possible

2 Employer: CSS IP Connect B.V., Zaandam
Function: Director and owner (5%)
Period: July 2002 up to July 2003
Main acivities:
As Director of CSS IP Connect I was responsible for transferring the @Work activities from @Home Benelux B.V. to CSS IP Connect. Operations, Finance and Human Resources had to be set up. CSS Holding, the parent company, filed for bankruptcy in August 2002, which caused a lot of uncertainty. The focus was changed to staying in business instead of expanding the business. As of August 2002 until July 2003 I was negotiating with the curator, CSS Group and NMB Heller to acquire the shares of CSS Holding. In the meantime we planned the frame of a new company named Choosing IP Creativity (CIPC). In July 2003 everything was ready to have a smooth transition to CIPC.
Detail activities:
* responsible for transferring the @Work activities from @Home Benelux to CSS IP Connect
* set up the organization in a new location
* to get the company started without interruption of the service
* to keep and to try to expand the business in a period of great uncertainty
* start negotiations with the curator in August 2003 because CSS Holding filed for bankruptcy
* start negotiations with curator, CSS Group and NMB Heller to take over the shares of CSS Holding. In July 2003 the shares were acquired by the management

3 Employer: @Home Benelux B.V., Amsterdam
Function A: Director Finance
Period: August 2000 up to July 2002
Main acitivities:
As Director Finance I was responsible for Finance as a whole and reporting to the CEO. The Finance Department including Billing & Collections were 14 people. Together with the CEO we were point of contact to the Shareholders and the Supervisory Board. I also was point of contact for external auditors, banks, lease companies and tax authorities. In June 2001 I was responsible for preparation and coordination of a restructuring plan . Severe cost cutting and lay offs in personel resulted in moving the financial breakeven point (cash wise) one year ahead.
Detail activities:
* responsible for Finance as a whole and reporting to the CEO
* all activities which were performed as a Finance Manager (see below)
* to maintain the relationship with Shareholders and Supervisory Board
* presentation of company numbers including financials to Shareholders and Supervisory Board
* sparring partner for the CEO and the other directors for financial aspects
* negotiations for several contracts
* preparation of the annual report
* arrangement of the short term funding of @Home Benelux which was successful
Special projects: * responsible for the sale of the @Work activities, which resulted in a sale to CSS Holding (May 2002). This included negotiations about loanagreements, outsourcing of activities, shareholdership and employee benefits
* responsible for integration of all overhead activities into the Essent organization (first half of 2002)
* participation in planning the restructuring of @Home Benelux due to the change in Shareholder structure (October 2001)
* responsible for preparation and coordination of a restructuring plan (June 2001). Severe cost cutting and lay offs in personnel resulted in moving the financial breakeven point (cash wise) one year ahead
responsible for the implementation of Management Information System (Hyperion Essbase)

Function B: Finance Manager
Period: July 1999 up to August 2000
Main activities:
As a Finance Manager I had to start from scratch to set up a Finance Department for a rapidly growing company. In 3 years time revenues rose from 0 to €50M. The set up included the accounting system, (non)financial reporting on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis, budgeting and forecasting, treasury and fiscal affairs. Based on a new developed Balanced Score Card I reviewed the (non)financals with the Directors on a monthly basis. Next to this I was point of contact for several external parties like banks, lease companies and external auditors
Detail activities:
* management of the Finance Department (2 people for Accounting/Payroll and 12 for Billing/Collections) and reporting to the CFO
* facilitate the growth from € 0 to € 50M in revenues in 3 years
* preparation and analysis of (non)financial reports (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually)
* monthly discussion with directors team to evaluate the financial performance
* setup of the accounting system, accounting structure, administrative organization and internal controls
* preparation of budgets, forecasts and businessplans
* development and implementation of a Balanced Score Card
* sparring partner for IT in the field of billing, billing platform and billing procedures
* treasury
* fiscal affairs (Wage Tax, Value Added Tax, Corporate Tax)
* preparation of presentations to Shareholders and Supervisory Board
* coordination of leasing arrangements
* setup of the stock option administration
* preparation and evaluation of business cases related to development of new services
* point of contact for external auditors
* point of contact for banks and lease companies
* sparring partner for CFO/CEO in various matters
Special projects: * point of contact for external auditors regarding the due dilligence of the potential cooperation with Telenet Belgium
* point of contact for the European Commission regarding the potential merger with Chello

4 Employer: Logica B.V., Rotterdam
Function A: Financial Controller, Finance & Retail Division, Amsterdam
Period: July 1998 up to July 1999
Main activities:
As a Financial Controller I was responsible for all financial matters of the division and part of the management team. Next to the day to day management of the department (2 people) the main focus was concentrated on the improvement of several key indicators like utilization, cash flow, sales, revenues, gross margin, number of staff and staff turnover. I developed a Balanced Score Card to have a clear view on these indicators. For Logica nation wide I developed a standard budget and forecast tool which was used on a monthly basis. The total operational proces was included.
Detail activities:
* responsible for all financial matters of the division focusing on major key indicators like utilization, cash flow, sales, revenues, gross margin, number of staff and staff turnover
* part of the management team of the Division
* to transform the division with a centralized finance department to a decentralized finance department responsible for all financial matters except payroll, treasury and taxes. Number of staff was 2
* to determine the finance strategy together with the division manager
* to prepare budget and monthly forecasts
* to determine the monthly financial result, analysis of this result and reporting to division manager and directors Logica Rotterdam
* to develop a Balanced Score Card
* to prepare cost and benefit analyses to justify investments
* to handle ad hoc questions of division management and directors
* to develop a forecast tool for Logica nation wide which includes the total operational process

5 Employer: Europe Combined Terminals B.V., Rotterdam
Function A: Controller Delta Dedicated East, Delta Container Division
Period: January 1996 up to July 1998
Main activities:
As Controller of a new fully automated container terminal I had to set up the accounting and billing because of the very special nature of this terminal. I also had to develop financial guidelines for the logistic operators in order to work cost efficiently. The terminal became operational in July 1996.
As part of the management team I reported to the Terminal Manager and the Division Controller.
Detail activities:
* responsible for all financial affaires of the terminal
* part of the management team of the terminal
* to prepare budgets, forecasts and strategic plans
* to determine financial results, analysis of results and reporting to the Terminal Manager and Controller Delta Container Division
* to determine the cost-efectiveness of capital expenditures
* to prepare cost-benefit analyses
Special projects: * to set up the administration and billing because of the special character of the terminal. The terminal became operational July 1996
* to develop guidelines for logistic operators to control the operational process. Cost awareness was the basis for these guidelines
* further development of budget software
* further development and implementation of EIS
* to calculate and evaluate the effects of one major client leaving ECT

Function B: Staffmember Planning & Control
Period: November 1993 up to January 1996
Main activities:
As staffmember Planning & Control the main activities were focused on analysis of financial results, preparing financial reports and presentations to the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. On the other hand I was involved in several projects like the development and implementation of a budget tool for ECT as a whole based on activity based budgeting (Hyperion Pillar) and the development and implementation of an Executive Information System (Oracle PC Express).
The main special project was a feasibility study of the Project Delta 2000-8. This study, business plan, proved the profitability of this €1.000M project to Shareholders, Supervisory Board and banks
Detail activities:
* to prepare internal financial reports and presentations to the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis
* to analyze results of container divisions and corporate
* to prepare and control budgets
* to prepare forecasts and strategic plans (5 to 10 years)
* to develop budget tools for ECT as a whole based on Activity Based Budgeting (software of Hyperion called Pillar). These tools were also used to prepare long term financial forecasts and strategic plans
* involvement in the development and implementation of an Executive Information System (EIS) with help of PC Express of Oracle
* to prepare cost and benefit analyses for capital expenditures
* to prepare cost-benefit analyses
* ad hoc projects to support the Board of Directors in various matters
Special projects: * (financial) feasibility study of the Project Delta 2000-8. To prepare a business plan which proves the profitability of this € 1.000M project to Shareholders, Supervisory Board and banks.

6 Employer: Arthur Andersen, Den Haag
Function A: Senior Accountant
Period: May 1992 up to November 1993
Main activities:
As senior accountant planning and execution of the audit (year end or interim audits) is the main responsibility. Most of the clients were manufacturing companies, trading companies and holding companies
Detail activities:
* responsible for the audit and point of contact for the client
Special projects: * responsible for bookkeeping at one of the clients
* audit of environmental taxes on behalf of the Ministery of Finance
* training to assistant accountants

Function B: Assistant Accountant
Period: January 1991 up to April 1992
Main activities:
As Assistant Accountant I was mainly involved in execution of serveral audit tasks. Most of the clients were manufacturing companies, trading companies and holding companies


University: Tilburg University
Faculty: Economics, direction of business economics
Graduation direction Accountancy
2nd graduation direction: Finance
Graduation subject: To describe the administrative organization of the garage of Pon’s Automobielhandel B.V. and give recommendations in the field of administrative organization, internal control and efficiency
Study period: September 1983 up to July 1989
Sidelines: Boardmember and chairman of accountancy union ISABEST


A handson manager who can pinpoint the issues in a very short period and act on it. A pleasant colleque to work with


Dutch, English and German fluently


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