Flex Manager
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Work Experience

I started of as an electrical engineer at Groenpol Technical Installation during the first Year after school.
After serving the millitairy, my first office job was a process engineer for 1 year, followed by 1 ½ year as a technical commercial engineer and service coordinator with SCS a daughter of a Swiss company specialising in electronic equipement for industrial climat-controll.
During 12 ½ years I worked for Spruyt Hillen, a daughter of OPG, the largest Pharmaceutical whole-sale company in the Netherlands, of which 4 years as a manager of the Technical Service Department and 8 ½ years in purchase, sales and marketing of all technical equipement used in Pharmacies and Hospital-pharmacies. The technical specialties in this team were: Filtration, Water engineering and Weighing among others.
8 years ago I started my job in General Management of Sartorius Filtration BV.
This new company was founded after the former agent of Sartorius in the Netherlands went bankrupt.
Sartorius Filtration is active in the field of Laboratories, Microbiology, Pharma/Bioprocess, Food & Beverage and Waterprocessing.
Keyword is teamwork in this small but very succesfull company.
Untill a year ago Sartorius Filtration BV had 4 participants: 1 is SartoriusAG and 3 are
Dutch laboratories suppliers. Since 1 year Sartorius AG owns 100% of the Dutch company. This situation needs a lot of political management.
As extra duty, during 5 years, I was involved, in the International Strategy and Productmanagement at Sartorius


HAVO ( Middle school)
High school diploma ( Midland Texas USA)
MTS ( Middle technical school)

Other: Attending trainings and courses as much as possible in Commercial, Management, Communication and
Technical skills depending on job and responsability.


My goal is always building up a excellent team, standing for an excellent product.
I like to motivate people by open communication.
It seems that I’m a good trainer.
I have a quick overview in commercial, human and political situations and interact accordingly.
Once a policy is set, I will go for it and need the freedom to do so.
I will reach a goal by building up string-activities
With customers I seek for a long term relationship.
I have skills in International Strategy and Productmanagement

In general my job should be fun to do it properly.


Nederlands, duits,engels


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