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CEO / Directeur Business Development

CEO / Directeur Business Development

Work Experience

Several projects in NL and abroad. Mostly organisational change and business development. Last years (2005-08) at EDF in Paris with responsibility for business development. Set up of new team. Development of investment projects. Delivered projects ahead of schedule. Also involved in M&A. Job language was French.
Before that worked for Essent in NL (2002-05). Set up new team. Development of new businesses in NL and Germany. Delivered on schedule and handed projects over to operational organisation.
Also worked in London for Aquila Energy (1999-2002). Responsible for origination of structured financial products. Leadership of offices in Madrid, Essen and Oslo.
Started career at EnTrade (1993-99) with a.o. responsibility for trading and for sales and marketing.
Started work in 1993 after PhD from Eindhoven University.
Master degrees in Industrial Engineering and in Finance.


on the job


project management
change management
cross cultural and international settings


nl, eng, du, fr


Married and father of four children.
Dutch nationality


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