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General Manager

General Manager

Work Experience

1991 – today Independent advisor / interim manager
International BV.

1984 – 1991 Export BK Koninklijke Kempen & Begeer - Director
Start-up of the export in the household appliances market and assisting in the sale of BK to Koninklijke Kempen & Begeer. Initiated and realized the purchase of a German company in the household appliances sector. After having streamlined both companies the turnover was doubled (in 1990 – $ 75 million) while at the time a lower cost level was realized. As the managing director responsible for the entire organization.

1981 – 1984 Elektuur BV
Commercial director
Elektuur BV is a publisher of electronic hobby magazines. Total number of
employees are 100. Responsible for the offices in Germany, France and the
United Kingdom, as well as for the editorial offices in The Netherlands. Sales of
license rights in Spain, Italy, India, Japan and the US. Preparation of the final sale of the company to Kluwer.

1966 – 1981 Manufacturers Centre Holland (MCH)
General sales director.
This company was the export department of approximately 12 companies.
Very successful in the sales of various articles, a.o. music instruments.
Established a sales office network in Germany, Switzerland, France, the United
Kingdom, Canada and the US. Turnover in 1981 was $ 42 million. Very success-ful in the sales of licenses in Japan.

1962-1966 RSK Transport company
Head of the central acquisition department
Took the initiative in starting up direct transport lines from city to city in Europe, as well as the initiator of take-over percentages for transport and custom clearance services.

List of projects executed from 1990 untill today - July 2004

· At the request of the Executive Board of a Finnish multinational in the household appliances sector (glass, porcelain, cooking utensils, cutlery) realizing sales outlets in Central and South Europe (Greece, Switzerland, Austria, the Benelux, France, Spain and Italy). The sales outlets were later on expanded and reorganized. Participated in the acquisition of companies and
realized an increase in turnover. This project had a time-span of 2½ years.

· At the request of the same Finnish multinational realized a market organization for disinfectant machines for hospitals for their medical branch in France and the United Kingdom (a project of approximately six months).

· At the request of another Finnish company realization of commercial openings for metal wall coverings of stations and tunnels. Sales accomplished in the United Kingdom and France (a pro-ject of approximately six months).

· At the request of the management of a large company manufacturing saucepans in Indonesia, realized the sales organization for entire Europe. Furthermore investigated the possibilities of acquisitions in Germany (a project of eight months).

· At the request of an Italian company in household utensils setting up the sales in Germany. (a project of four months).

· At the request of a German company manufacturing cutlery, investigated the market situation in the US and established a sales organization (a project of two months).

· At the request of an American company in California, investigated the possibilities of buying luxurious wooden cigar boxes (humidors) in Europe. These possibilities were found in France and The Netherlands.

· At the request of an Israeli multinational in plastics realized a reorganization of the sales de-partment and executed several acquisitions. As a result of the successful work-method several interim jobs are still being offered to me from time to time.

· At the request of a US plastics manufacturer, searched for production possibilities in Europe and created a European sales organization (a project of four months).

· At the request of a Dutch printer initiated a merger with an IT organization in Malaysia.

· At the request of the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam (financed by the EC) executed two projects in 1999, being an organizational review and restructuring of a metal manufacturing company and a commercial IT company.

· At the request of a receiver in bankruptcy and the existing management, avoided a possible bank-ruptcy of a plastics company and contributed to the take-over by a third party. Consequently
executed several interim jobs for the new owner (a project of fourteen months).

· Restart after a bankruptcy and expansion of the production of a metal manufacturing company in The Netherlands (a project of eight months, presently involved from time to time as an advi-sor).

· At the request of a US company, investigated the possibilities for sales in Europe of spaghetti machines and toasters. Set up a sales organization (a project of two months).

· At the request of a Spanish manufacturer of cutlery, reorganized the exports and setting up sales organizations in various countries (a project of eight months).

· Interim director Marfo in Lelystad, The Netherlands. Producers of frozen meals for the airline industry and retail companies (the owner is Martinair, turnover $ 67 million). Installing a new milleniumproof computer system, realizing a correct cost price analysis, in cooperation with Ernst & Young and reorganized the sales department. Furthermore all the other tasks which goes with the job of managing director, such as contacts with the Works Council, chairman of the management team etc.

· In 2000 during several months active as an integration manager / director; worked at the realiza-tion of a merger of 19 companies active in the sanitation industry. This company, with a turn-over of $800 million and 28,000 employees, has been fully integrated in 2001.

· Contact person for Europe for the members of two American branch organizations: the N.H.M.A. (National Houseware Manufacturers Association) and the A.H.M.A. (American Hardware Manufacturers Association).

· Member of the Board of Directors of the FEC (European manufacturers of household utensils in Paris, France).

· Various repeatedly recurring jobs to act as a sounding board during changes and determination of strategy for various companies (food, metal and plastics industries and wholesale companies)

· Successfully completed various interim jobs such as selling and / or buying companies. Success-ful implementing reorganizations and mergers. Being a very strong people’s manager and an excellent negotiator, many companies have asked for my expertise and experience during times of changes or restructuring.

· During 2002 and early 2003 helped an investor to reorganize his investment in a wholesale welding company, which company was selling mostly to offshore companies and to European dealers. I restructured the company and found financial help to bring this company full in shape, found in January 2003 a new MD and I stay as a member of the supervisory board.

· During end of 2003 and first months of 2004 ( December 2003 – april/may 2004) closing down a compounding ( plastic )factory in Holland on request of the Keter Group from Israel in Hol-land. The customers were sold to a Belgium holding, the machinery sold to Israel, the employ-ees were placed in another factory of the group and all debts and credits, stocks etc are satisfac-tory solved


Gymnasium A (Higher Education – Classical Sciences) in Haarlem, The Netherlands
Economics studies at the Institute Social Sciences in The Hague, The Netherlands


organisation and reorganisation,peoples manager


fluently in english,german,frenc h and dutch


In 2005/6 and 2007 new projects for food in the airline for KLM and Air France.Food know how and new concepts were made and given and implanted in the airlines


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