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Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant

Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant

Work Experience

Most Recent Work Experience

Self-Employed Consultant - November 1997 to date
Since November 1997, I have been operating as a self-employed consultant and interim executive.

Assignments have included:

Cornwell Management Consultants. April to July 2002
Acted as interim financial controller. Resolved major backlogs of work, brought all key accounting processes up to date, introduced effective management information, developed short and medium to long term cash and profitability forecasts and helped recruit and induct replacement.

Ministry of Defence. DSMS Project – June to November 2001
Led a small team system setting scope and developing stock and fixed asset accounting designs for two major potential implementations of this large supply chain project. Responsible for both Army and Navy environments. Identified a series of major issues and facilitated processes for resolution. Developed detailed plans for implementation.

National Air Traffic Services (NATS) -January 2000 to April 2001
This major assignment involved leading a team negotiating a £40m pa contract between NATS and the Ministry of Defence. I then helped NATS develop a commercial strategy for NATS and develop new working arrangements. I reported to a Steering Group comprising the Chairman (Sir Roy McNulty), the Chief Executive and the Finance Director.

Centrica - 1998 and 1999
I worked as part of a Deloitte and Touche team carrying out a series of regulatory compliance and assessment projects. These culminated in producing major reports for the Office of Gas Regulation.

Ministry of Defence – 1999
I was seconded to the Army for 3 months as interim financial controller of an 11,000 strong training and recruitment agency. This took place while the Agency was facing significant funding problems and I helped set up and participated in a major review of strategic options working for the Director General.

Anglian Water - 1997 to 1998
This project which started in June 1997 and continued through to June 1998 focused on identifying and implementing an improved performance management process. The target was to transform the company’s ability to deliver shareholder value. We recommended a variant of Value Based Management that involves individual managers taking accountability for delivering improvements in performance, both financial and non-financial.

In addition, in January 2000 I was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Adam Smith International, an economics and regulation consultancy based in London. My brief is to help guide the company towards sale or floatation.

Deloitte Consulting - 1984 to 1997
My experience with Deloitte Consulting included the following selected assignments and roles:

Utilities and Rail Market Group – April 1995 to March 1997

I established and led Deloitte Consulting’s Utilities and Rail Market Group. This was one of five Market Groups set up in order to provide focus on marketing, selling and relationship management activities within the consultancy. The Utilities and Rail Market Group produced the best growth performance of any of the Market Groups.

Rail and Utilities

A series of projects for East Midlands Electricity over a period of about 3 years.

 Seconded to the company for a period of six months, responsible for managing financial forecasts and advising on regulatory and commercial accounting issues

 Led joint consultant/client teams carrying out organisational change and reengineering projects for head office departments. The main outputs were identified cost reductions in excess of 20% and a structure built along business lines as opposed to the previous functional basis.

 Led joint consultant/client teams carrying out a series of projects associated with the company’s diversification strategy. These involved acquisition search, research into and analysis of targets’ financial performance and prospects and the evaluation of each one as an acquisition, as well as negotiations with target senior management.

For British Rail

Led a team developing a management development workshop, through which all BR senior and middle managers eventually went, in a programme that stretched over two years.

For two separate US Utility Clients

Led large teams which carried out number of evaluations of potential UK acquisition targets in the electricity sector. This work involved extensive research and analysis and produced estimated breakdowns of each company’s cost structure as well as an assessment of future cost reduction opportunities.

For Railtrack

Led a joint consultant/client team which looked at and mapped existing accounting and management reporting processes, assessed the costs attributable to each and then identified potential improvements.

For Trainload Freight, at that time the main freight operator within British Rail

Led teams carrying out a series of projects over a period of about two years. The most significant of these was an evaluation of the size of the potential threat to the company arising from open access to the rail network by third party operators and existing customers.

For the Department of Trade and Industry

Major project aimed at understanding the potential benefits to be gained from integrating Magnox, the owner of the remaining and unprivatised Magnox power stations, and BNFL the fuel reprocessing company which runs the Sellafield site in Cumbria.

Other Private Sector Assignments

For Cunard
Led a review of and implemented the organisation structure of its finance function following a period of rapid growth and a major acquisition. Also led a team which assisted in resolving a range of systems related problems over a period of about 2½ years.

For Europcar.
Led a team which was asked to review the performance of the UK operations following a major downturn in performance

Public Sector Assignments

For the Ministry of Defence was the only non-civil servant chairman of one of seven teams reviewing bids for the contractor operation of the Atomic Weapons Establishment. My team focused on the business planning and management skills of the bidding companies.

For the Department of Economic Development in Northern Ireland carried out a series of major assignments with regard to Short Brothers.

Responsibilities included:

monitoring the activities and performance of the company over a period of six years including reviews of Corporate Plans and assessing the various markets in which it was operating;
assessing a series of major investment proposals for which the company was requesting funding and grant aid;
assisting Government in transferring Shorts to the private sector including assessing the costs of various business options, reviews of prospective purchasers’ bids, assisting with negotiations and reviewing the financial standing of Bombardier the eventual purchaser.

Career Experience Prior To Deloitte Consulting

1980 to 1984 - A series of short term consulting assignments in the UK, Africa and the Middle East
1976 to 1980 - Triad Holding Corporation. Large international investment and marketing company owned by Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian businessman. Held two senior finance management positions
1970 to 1976 - Smiths Industries - Large UK based manufacturing company. Held two financial management posts:


FCA (Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)


Summary of Capability

 Experienced Finance Professional with over 10 years line finance roles in industrial and commercial companies. Has acted as interim finance manager in both private and public sector environments

 Expert in a range of financial and related methodologies, particularly those around generating Shareholder Value and improving the quality of decision taking, (including VBM, Balanced Scorecard, ABM etc). A costing “guru”

 18 years experience as a Management Consultant (including 13 years with Deloitte Consulting). Clients have included National Air Traffic Services, Centrica, Anglian Water, Railtrack, Cunard, a number of Government Departments, notably The Ministry of Defence, and Birmingham City Council

 Leader of major multi-skilled consulting projects operating to demanding time and quality standards. These have included assignments in Mergers and Acquisitions, Performance Improvement, Organisation Design and Major Change Programmes

 Very effective at Board level: develops and validates strategies for major organisations

 Currently Non-Executive Director of Adam Smith International




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