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IT Manager

IT Manager

Work Experience

Mid 2000 – present European IT Infrastructure Manager at Applied Biosystems

The european IT department, which has the responsibility over the EMEA region, consists of the following departments:
1. European IT Infrastructure, 6 FTE (responsible for EMEA projects and consultancy).
2. European Support Center, 3 FTE (responsible for central escalations of incidents which cannot be resolved by local IT on the local sites.
3. Local IT, 30 FTE ( responsible for 1st and 2nd level support on-site throughout the Emea region)
4. Application Support, 5 FTE (responsible for the SAP application)

• Assigments:
o Budget, policy, staff and result responsibility for the European IT Infrastructure, European Support and Local IT departments. Member management team European IT. Responsible for all personell matters. Primary span of control: 8 supervisors and secondary span of control of about 39 FTE. Responsible for internal and external contracts and Service Level Agreements. Responsible for the total IT infrastructure throughout the EMEA region (IT, Telephony, Hardware and Software) with exception of the SAP application. Resposible for the infrastructure, management, staffing and budgetting of about 25 sites throughout the EMEA region. Setting up and implementing training plans for all IT employees. Responsible for internal businessplan European IT Infrastructure group. Streamlining and raising efficiency IT businessprocesses. Creating synergy between Local IT departments and European IT. Job involved frequent (weekly) travel.

Early 1999 – mid 2000 Manager Support Centre/ICT at KPN Telecom

• Managing the Support Centre and ICT departments for KPN Corporate Networks.
o Job involves: Support Centre department management involves managing a group of ICT specialists responsible for all matters relating (external) customer network projects and support. KPN Corporate Networks does facilities management. Member of management team. Responsible for quality improvement, (Human) resource management, budgets, policies etc. Span of control: about 20 employees. ICT department involves managing a group of ICT specialists who build and maintain the internal Corporate Network. The rest of the responsibilities are the same as above.

1997 – early 1999 Project manager at a software house

• Starting up of business unit Enterprise Management for current employer (Staff, budget etc.)
o Job Involved: Starting up from scratch of Business unit Enterprise Management. Defining Enterprise Management, defining marketing plans, defining products, recruiting Enterprise Management employees. Work done on targets set by management.

• Manager Service unit IT Midden at Dutch jobcentres (span of control: 40 employees)
o Job involved: management, budgets, People management, Human resource management, implementing ITIL in organisation, Resource management, project manager for all nationwide projects.
• Manager IT Dutch jobcentres region Central Holland (span of control: 15 employees)
o Job Involved: Same as above but on a smaller scale.
• Several Consultancy assignments. (START, KPN (Dutch PTT), Lucas Hospital etc.)
o Jobs involved: Advising customers on technical and organisational issues. For instance designing a Microsoft Exchange environment en implementing it (as Project manager)
• Trainer (TCP/IP, Networking Essentials, Project management, etc.)
o Job Involves: Giving courses to our employees. Courses given are technical as well as project management/organisational. (TCP/IP, Windows NT, Exchange, SMS, Project management, ITIL foundations etc.)

1995 – 1997 Consultant at a software house

• Consultant infrastructure Stork installatietechniek.
o Job involved: The designing (Consultancy) and implementation (project manager) of the entire nationwide LAN, WAN and system infrastructure based on Ethernet, ISDN and Windows NT v4.0/ Exchange/SMS.
• Consultant & Project manager implementation Electronic Messaging Phillips.
o Job involved: The designing (Consultancy) of the Electronic Messaging infrastructure of Phillips S&V on a Lotus Notes basis. Establishing connectivity and synchronisation between ALL Phillips E-mail environments. Implementation (Project manager) as a test environment (11000 workstations) prior to worldwide implementation (100.000 workstations).
• Consultant management organisation (ITIL) CMG GECIS project
o Job involved: Designing (Consultancy) and implementation of ITIL processes within the CMG organisation itself. This means designing the IT management processes.
• Consultant Back office Rijkswaterstaat directie Noordzee
o Job involved: The designing (Consultancy) and implementation (project leader) of the Office environment based on Windows NT v4.0/Exchange/SMS.
• Consultant Back office Raet Consultancy Services
o Job involved: Designing and implementation (as member of team) of tender for SVB. The successful tender produced an order of Fl. 50.000.000,-
• Consultant & Project manager Microsoft Exchange at Brink Trekhaken.
o Job involved: Designing (Consultancy) and implementation (project manager) of the worldwide Exchange environment (8 countries). Also needed for this project was the designing of the LAN and WAN infrastructure (VPN’s and Ethernet).
• IT Management organisation (ITIL) consultant Centrale Recherche Informatiedienst (Dutch Scotland Yard)
o Job involved: Implementation of ITIL processes and professionalisation of the support organisation.
• IT Management organisation (ITIL) consultant backoffice DOW Chemical.
o Job involved: Implementation of ITIL processes (Netherlands site only), Exchange consultancy and professionalisation of the support organisation.

1995 Facility manager at at direct marketing company

• Management of facility department with 15 employees
o Total management of all facilties including restaurant, database management, storage, building, carpark, network. Span of control: directly 15 employees.

1991 – 1995 Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports

• Head of Network management department
• Sr. System manager
• System manager
• Head of Operating
• Operator


MAVO (1978-1982)
HAVO (1982-1985)
HTS Bedrijfskunde (1985-1989)
Third semester MBA study.


Technical education/training/courses
Microsoft Certified System Engineer (since 1996)
Microsoft Certified Trainer (1999)
All VAX-VMS courses.
Several Lotus Notes trainings
SAP introduction course
Several networking and electronic messaging courses. (ATM, ISDN, X.25, TCP/IP, FDDI etc.)

Non-technical training/education
ITIL Foundations
ITIL Practitioner, Change Management
ITIL Practitioner, Helpdesk
ITIL Practitioner, Configuration Management
ITIL Practitioner, Problem Management
Introduction to Project Management
PRINCE Project Management
Customer aimed automation.
Information Quality Management
Middle Management
Conversation techniques for managers


Spoken languages : Dutch (native), English, And German.
Written Languages : Dutch, English, And German


Looking for ICT Management job. Keywords: Strategy, vision, people manager, driven, change processes


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