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Senior Controller / Director Finance / CFO

Senior Controller / Director Finance / CFO

Work Experience

12/03-current Interim Management & Consultancy

12/03-02/04 ROC Albeda College Rotterdam
MBO school, € 150 m turnover, 2500 employees
Interim Concern Controller
Get Albeda College back “in control”, strengthen and centralise finance & control function, implement planning & control cycle, implement monthly financial reporting.
12/03-06/04 Various small consultancy jobs

11/01-11/03 NEM bv (Energy and Environment Equipment Company)€ 400 m revenues, 4 locations, 600 employees + 100 temps,

11/01-05/02 Director Finance NEM Europe (European Holding Company)
Contact with banks regarding financing arrangement,
Professionalize Finance department (20 FTE),
Implement reportingsystem US GAAP, IAS, German GAAP, Dutch GAAP, Implement new ERP system (Finance module Glovia),
Implement shared services concept for Finance organization.

06/02-11/03 Managing Director/CFO NEM bv
Reporting to Supervisory Board of NEM bv.
Responsible for General Management, Finance, IT, HR.
Implement new ERP system (Glovia),
Responsible for reorganization, 140 job reduction, discussions with WorksCouncel and Unions.
Bankfinancing with bank consortium consisting of 5 international banks
Cash management, managed very tight cash situation
Insolvent shareholder; successfull sales of company to private equity investor.

02/00-10/01 Pharming Group N.V. (Dutch quoted biopharmaceutical company) € 20m revenue, € 25 m loss, 5 locations, 200 employees,
Vice-President & Chief Financial Officer
Responsible for world-wide Finance, IT, Legal and Investor relations, 15 staff members
Member of Executive Board, reporting to CEO.
Improvement internal administrative organisation incl Implementation of IT system (Exact)
Internal monthly and external quarterly reporting,
Define and execute financing strategy, investor relation strategy incl. road shows and presentations
Responsible for mergers and acquisitions activities; managed acquisition of Probio.

05/95-01/00 Centocor B.V. (European headquarters of US Biopharmaceutical company) € 500 m - € 1 bln revenue, € 200 m cost plus, 200-700 employees

05/95-08/97 Plant Controller (member local management team)
09/97-01/00 Director Finance (member management team)
-15-20 staff members
1995- 1996 Also interim responsible for HR department (5 staff members)
1996 Also interim responsible for IT department (8 staff members)
-Standard costing system, internal/external reporting, contact with banks, supporting strong growth of Centocor, SAP implementation, investment program > Dfl 100 mln, spokesman investor relations, public relations, public affairs, integration J&J merger, process improvements.

11/90-04/95 Nutricia Nederland B.V.

11/90-10/93 Manager Production Control Supply Point Zoetermeer (member managementteam)
- 14 staff members
- Budgeting, financial reporting, accounting department, management accounting, cost prices
- Project-manager logistic automation project

11/93-04/95 Manager Production Control & Information Services
- 20 staff members
- Next to above mentioned departments also responsible for information management Nutricia Nederland

09/84-10/90 Heineken Nederland B.V.

09/84-06/86 Supervisor Budgeting and Reporting Brewery Zoeterwoude
07/86-10/90 Manager Production Supporting Department Brewery Zoeterwoude (member managementteam)
- 40 staff members
- Budgeting and reporting production costs and investments
- Production planning and -reporting
- Technical purchasing and technical warehouse
- Coördination information management


09/77-08/84 Master Business Economics Tilburg University (Drs)
Various (internal) Management and Information Management Courses


A financial manager with a broad international experience in finance and general management. A team player able to work on a strategic level as well as manage an operational department. Friendly, committed, responsible, integrity, flexible, overview, analytical, commercial, knowledgeable.


Dutch (native), English (fluent), German (good).


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