Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
21218 professionals


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general manager

general manager

Work Experience

*Change or reorganise medium and small sized companies (SME\'s)into sustainable and healthy organisations (personnel, organisation, financial) compatible in its (economic) environment. Highly experienced in maritime industry (offshore, yachting, harbours, supply- and service industry).
*Introduction of innovative companies in the maritime industry.
*Search and find of export partners abroad.
*Finance and marketing business-to-business.
*Extensive international experience in Africa, Nigeria; The Antilles/caribean; Pakistan; latin America.
*Specific experienced in niche markets.


1981-University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Business economics.
1983/1986-Trainingsprogrammesfor business economics analysis.
1991/1999-sales, communication, management and media trainings.
1994-1999-Strategic decision making. Organisational learning applicated to and in the Dutch maritime industry.
a/o 1997- Boardmember EUROGIF and NDC.


*Finding independent and non-conventional new marketing ways to give companies competitive advantage.
*Restructure companies on integrity basis (towards personnel)
*Structure Management Information from administrative processes.
*Export partner search.


Dutch, English, Spanish, German, French


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