Flex Manager
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Marketing and/or Sales Manager

Marketing and/or Sales Manager

Work Experience

Director / Owner, Buro Rotterdam (Mar 2008-present)
Activities: Interim Management and Advies & Consultancy.

Sales manager at AstraZeneca, Sales & Marketing Department, Zoetermeer (Jul 2006 – Feb 2008)
Lead a team of 9 Sales Representatives/Region Managers responsible for the growth of sales and market shares of three mega brands (Crestor, Nexium and Symbicort).
Activities: Responsible for strategic, tactical and operational business planning. Realize business, personal and team growth. Lead, empower and develop people. Listen, coach, inspire and set clear vision, strategy and goals. Provide focus, clarity, balance and pride in team. Optimize sales Force Effectiveness.
People management: 9 FTE. Responsible for personal development, talent management and team development.

Marketing Manager at Schering-Plough, Business Unit Open Care, Maarssen (Jan 2004 – Jun 2006)
Responsible for the development and growth of a product portfolio.
Activities: Development and implementation of strategic and tactical marketing plan for a product portfolio, consisting of 3 products for allergic complaints: Aerius, Nasonex en Elocon, in their own markets for all target groups: specialists, general practitioners, nurses and pharmacists. Execute market research and translate findings to strategy. Execute portfolio analysis and improve segmentation & targeting. Evaluate and anticipate market developments and adjust strategy and tactics if and where necessary. Upgrade marketing job!
People management: Marketing Leader NDS Team: 8 FTE: responsible for start-up and development new dedicated allergy team that visits general practitioners as well as specialists.
Main focus: Train, coach, enthuse and inspire people. Incorporate “new and improved” mentality.
Leader Allergy Brand Team: Marketing, medical and sales knowledge sharing platform: 6 team members.

Strategic Brand Manager at Organon Chile, Marketing & Sales dept, Santiago de Chile (Mar 2001 – Dec 2003)
Responsible for the launch of a new product in Chile.
Activities: Prepare and execute the product launch for a new contraceptive method: Implanon. Develop the marketing concept and strategic marketing plan. Maintain and monitor product development. Enthuse, motivate and energize field force for new product! Develop pre-marketing and launch plan for NuvaRing.
Specific projects: Initiate consumer-oriented tactics: PR plan, a Starter Kit and a customer loyalty program.
People management: 2 FTE: a product specialist and a marketing assistant.

During first year active as Sales Representative (Region Manager).
Activities: Convince doctors to prescribe our products and build and maintain customer relations.
Project: Market research to evaluate and select new target groups.

Assistant Area Manager Area The Americas at Organon International, headquarters, Oss (Oct 1998 – Feb 2001)
Provide strategic, tactical and operational support to the local marketing & sales organizations of Organon in Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and Chile.
Activities: Develop and approve business plans and product launch plans. Execute strategic, financial and marketing analysis. Monitor product and portfolio performance. Provide strategic marketing and branding support. Act as sparring partner for local management and share knowledge: cross-fertilization within Area.
Projects: Organon Ecuador: Development of business plan; Organon Peru: Improve cooperation and profitability of local operation; Organon Chili: Evaluation targeting process and implement ‘territory management’; General: Direct-To-Consumer marketing project; corporate recruitment.
Co-founder/Partner & Consultant Rotterdam (Mar 1996 – Sep 1998)
Lead and execute international research and consultancy projects.
Activities: Prepare and execute research and consultancy projects for Dutch companies interested in investing abroad. Business development and acquisition. Relationship management.
Research Project Ghana (Nov – Feb 1998): Project evaluation of a palm oil plantation in Ghana for the FMO - Dutch Development Finance Company.
Research Project South America: Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay (Jun – Dec 1996): 2 projects:
1. Project evaluation of the Hidrovia Waterway Project for Royal Boskalis Westminster NV, a leading Dutch dredging company, in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.
2. Market research and Partner Search for Lips International Textile Services, a Dutch industrial laundry company, in Argentina.

Teacher at Ichtus University Rotterdam (HEAO), Unit Economy & Management, Rotterdam (Oct 1997 – Apr 1998)
Teaching (part-time) marketing and communication management (part-time) to 2 groups of third year students.
Activities: Coach and support students. Develop a marketing & communication plan and evaluate and assess final plans and the performance of the students.

Internal Marketing Consultant at KPN Telecom, Marketing & Sales department, The Hague (Feb 1997 – Sep 1997)
Participate in and lead projects which are focused on making the marketing organization more flexible, enterprising and customer-oriented.
Main project: Identified the critical success factors for reducing the time-to-market of telecom services and developed a new product development process. Research is used for final thesis and results are published.


Master of Science Business Administration, Erasmus University, Rotterdam (1991 - 1997)

Pre-University Education (VWO), Sint Laurenscollege, Rotterdam (1985 - 1991)


Profile: Marketing & sales professional with broad experience on strategic, tactical and operational level.
Experience ranges from starting up and managing an own company to working for multinationals at headquarters and in local marketing and sales organizations in different countries.
Strategic thinker with hands-on mentality who is driven by creating and adding value.
Colleagues describe me as an authentic strong leader and motivating inspirer with a real zest for living.


Dutch (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (good), French & German (basic).


Top 5 achievements:
Started an own research & consultancy firm and did several projects in Latin-America & Ghana;
Developed a strong business plan in Ecuador as a.i. General Manager;
Successfully launched a new product in Chile;
Set up, trained and developed a new team as team leader; Lead a team through a tough reorganization.


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