Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Hoger Management

Hoger Management

Work Experience

Work experience

2002-2004 ApplicationCare BV and VanillaLINX BV
Director and Co founder
Two start up, expert services, companies for CRM Performance Testing and Tuning (ApplicationCare BV)and EAI Expert services (VanillaLINX BV)

General management
Business Development
Contracting and Human Resources
Develop Customer Base
Initiate Partnerships

Landis BV later changed to Westcon BV
Vice President Facilities (interim)

Pan European distributor of network components
Third largest in Europe
>160 FTE within facilities
Turnover > 1 billion guilders

Reporting directly to COO
Responsible for marketing, purchasing, logistics and fin. administration
Responsible for organizations in France and UK
Implement new organization structure
Increase professionalism and service in back office.
Lower inventory levels
Improve quality and control of financial services
Improve quality of reporting and mngt. Information

Libertel Network Organization B.V.
Procurement Manager (interim)

Daughter of world wide Industry leader Vodafone
Second largest mobile operator in the Netherlands
>3500 FTE
Turnover > 2 billion guilders
Procurement budget > 1.3 billion guilders

Reporting to Quality Management (temporary)
Responsible for procurement department (20 FTE)
Responsible for strategic contracts
Increase professionalism and service in purchasing dept.
Create cost reduction program (savings > 30 million)
Centralization of all procurement activities within Libertel
Primary negotiator for UMTS contracts (50 million euro)

Micro Verkoop B.V.
Operations Director

Industry leader in Tie manufacturing
Worldwide procurement, manufacturing, and distribution
150 FTE
Turnover > hfl. 50 million
Annual growth >25%

Reporting to CEO/owner of company
New function at top level of organization
Responsible for procurement, planning, manufacturing, packaging and distribution
Lower cost
Improve efficiency in the production process
Increase service levels

Nedlloyd Lines B.V.
General Manager Business Europe/Africa

Top ten shipping companies worldwide
Three directorates (Asia, Europe/Africa and America)
Turnover 3 billion Dutch guilders
Volume 1.000.000 TEU
Employees 1000 fleet; 2600 land
After 1 Sept. 1996 merged with P&O Container Lines

Reporting to Executive Vice President
Line responsibility for the sales and back office function
10 direct reports (country business managers, agents & Staff)
Turnover 1.3 billion Dutch guilders
Volume 530.000 TEU +/- 550 FTE

Nedlloyd Districenters B.V.
General Manager DC Geldermalsen

Largest retail Distribution Center (DC) in Northern Europe
In-sourced management for Blokker (retailing giant)
90.000 m2
> 550 FTE
Through put: 160.000.000 consumer units per year

Reporting to Steering committee Blokker/Nedlloyd (4 x p.a.)
1. Improve service level
2. Improve efficiency
3. Improve quality of management
4. Improve internal communication and cooperation

Business Development Manager Nedlloyd|Sou¬rcing

Business Development for Division Specialized Transport Development of logistic services for retailers
Budget 1.000.000
Employees 5 fixed, 10 variable

Direct report to director Sourcing
Business development
Monthly reporting to director Sourcing and Division Director

Royal Nedlloyd Group N.V.
Consultant Strategic Planning

Staff department of Royal Nedlloyd Group N.V.
Board, Divisions and Companies as customers
7 in house consultants
Started and finished MBA executive program
Reporting to Head Strategic Planning
Project Management over various strategic studies
Own area was focused on: Marketing information, Information Technology, Transport and Distribution, Management Development and Core Competence

Neddata B.V.

100% daughter Royal Nedlloyd
Services consisted of:
Computer en Network Services
Research en Development
Computer Training Center (CTC)

Manager End Users Computing

Unprofitable PC Help desk added on to responsibilities(7 FTE)
Help desk activities en PC application development

Reporting to Director Neddata
Improve profitability of PC support group
Responsible for top and bottom line CTC and PC Help desk.

Commercial Affairs Manager

Neddata was changing roles from staff to business unit
Required a more customer driven approach

Reporting to Director Neddata
Development and implementation of Marketing and PR policy
Advising of CTC with respect to commercial policy and practices

Spruyt-Hillen B.V.

Trading company in bandaging and medical supplies
100% daughter OPG
100 employees
55 million guilders turnover

Communications Manager

Reporting to director Spruyt-Hillen
Communications manager
Coordinate corporate communication
Project leader Faramanet(as of Aug. ‘86)
Chief editor Spruyt-Hillen News (as of Jan. ‘86)

Product manager bandaging materials

Reporting to Marketing Manager Product Group
Profit responsibility for product assortment
A-Brand and market leader (market share 67%)


Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Executive development program together with Rochester University, Rochester N.Y.

University of Utrecht, Utrecht
Doctoraal in Clinical Psychology

R.L. Paschal High School
Fort Worth, Texas


After having grown up in the USA for 15 years I took a sabbatical leave at the age of 21. The sabbatical has gotten out of hand and I am still in the Netherlands. This is not a bad thing. It is my international past in combination with my studies in clinical psychology and business administration that have shaped me into an internationally oriented strategist with good problem solving and people skills.

I love a challenge. Not for sake of the challenge itself but the result! When the challenge involves motivating and stimulating people the challenge becomes inspiring. I have learned that there is no greater satisfaction than facilitating the growth of those working with me. I specifically enjoy complex environments where structure and order are just as important as flexibility and responsiveness.

Being customer focused has been a natural result of my growing up in the United States where the customer is truly king. The different commercial positions I have held have further helped me to develop my marketing and sales skills.

I have a good sense and interest for details and can “get involved” without loosing sight of the end goal. It is this quality that helps me to understand and utilize Information Technology to better support organizations and their business processes.

The combination of these traits have formed my career and life. I am “naturally” attracted to positions where change and development are a critical elements for success. The past four years of my career have been directed towards interim functions and entrepreneurship.


English fluent
Dutch fluent
German OK


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