Flex Manager
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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

Chris initially followed a conventional accounting career, starting with articles in the City of London followed by stints at Caravans International and Lex Service Group as an Accountant/Financial Director Then followed E J Arnold as Managing Director/Chairman and work as a trouble shooter for the Maxwell group where he was a main board Director. Chris has been a senior independent Interim Manager for the last 12 years working mainly on troubleshooting assignments both at home and abroad.

1989-to-date Interim Management

Burall Carwood Ltd
Printer of Wet Glue and Self Adhesive Labels Turnover £10m . Loss £1.5m. Employees 70

I was called in to evaluate the options for the company by its parent, to be followed by a work out if appropriate. I recommended that the business be closed, having established( with difficultly ) that part of the company was profitable which is to be transferred to other group companies. The recommendation is being implemented.

Tudor Dairies Ltd
Manufacturers of Private Label and Branded Ice Cream Products. Turnover,18m, Employees 120
I was appointed by the bank to evaluate their options following a disastrous refinancing operation. Ran the company for four Months while all the many options could be examined and costed. I put the business into receivership and the accountants who performed the financing due diligence were successfully sued.

Nice-Pak International & Nice-Pak Inc.
Baby wipes\" manufacturer. Turnover $140m. Employee?s 750. Near-bankrupt US group.

A Director of both companies over a broken three year period. Turned UK business from large losses to an AIM floatation. Profits up from Losses of £1.5m to Profits of £1.0m. Turnover up from £8.0m to £34.0m. The only Executive ( US or UK ) to have seat on Parent board ( Made up of US bankers).

Bulldog Tools Ltd
Gardening tool manufacturer ( forge & foundry ) Turnover,£8m, losses ,£400K. 400 Employees

A Company with feuding shareholders. I ran the business for 11 months during which I increased its resale potential. . I was then able to sell it to the mutual satisfaction of all shareholders.

Griffin International
Loss making International Communication Group in fax broadcasting

Non-Exec Chairman, following on from an Interim management assignment in its Australian subsidiary where fraud had been discovered.

Waterstone Glassware Ltd
Short run semi automatic glassware manufacturer

Non-Exec Chairman following on from an Interim management role to cut its losses and change the day to day management.

Star Computers plc Quoted Main List

Computer software company that had got out of control
Interim Managing Director for 4 months to get the company back on its feet


Non-Executive Director Positions-

BLP Group PLC Quoted Main List
Manufacturer of wooden furniture components in the UK , USA and Canada

Non Quoted positions have been held in Rubber Extrusions ,Scaffolding Hire, Computer Software & Intruder Alarms



Member Institute of Chartered Accountants---------


Senior Manaagerial and Financial


English, Schoolboy french


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