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Telecoms Start-up, Transformation and New Product Developmen

Telecoms Start-up, Transformation and New Product Developmen

Work Experience

June 2002 - September 2004 Mahindra-British Telecom
Offshore Software Services Supplier. Turnover $170m
General Manager. Planning and Inventory Business Unit.
People 60 (35 in India).Budget £2.5m.

Main duties:

Define, plan, fund and build a market presence in telecoms network planning.

Quantifiable Benefits To The Employer

Supported the company wide strategic change initiative and market re-alignment programme, by delivering new products to a new market through a new business model and new operational processes.

Established the reference model for subsequent Business Units.

Main Achievements

Produced business plan and gained main Board funding for a new Business Unit (January 2003).

Recruited team of 60 in the UK, USA and India (35 people).

Delivered three propositions to market inside first financial year:

- Consulting-led solutions for investment analysis in new telecom services and associated network infrastructures. A number of case studies produced involving 2G - 3G, Voice to IP transformation.

- Service based propositions attending to network asset utilisation, focusing on how disparate IT systems conspire to hide assets from operational use. Heavily influenced by the practices, tools and methodologies from the Information Management industry such as TDQMI. Sales success in the UK and US markets.

- System Integration services based primarily around planning and inventory products from Cramer and Telcordia. Sales success in the UK market.

Implemented new financial controls to support new business model.

Met year 1 investment funding target.

Closed in excess of £1m in revenue and assisted in securing in excess of £5m in revenue for other units of the company.

Built sales pipeline in excess of £5m across three distinct geographies of BT, Europe and North America.

Implemented process-based operating model that covered marketing, product management, product development, sales and customer delivery.

Recruited 11 business partners to strengthen the portfolio offer to market.

June 2001 - May 2002 Marconi PLC
Telecommunications Equipment Vendor.Turnover c£2.5bn
General Manager, Netscient Product Unit.(Turnover £1.2m)

Main Duties

To integrate the Netscient products and people (22) into Marconi's OSS portfolio and sales distribution network. (Marconi made a strategic decision to acquire Netscient Limited, a company I had formed 3 years previously.)

Quantifiable Benefits To The Employer

The Netscient product was central to delivering a number of business benefits to Marconi.

- Increased automation and productivity in Marconi's sell - bid -deliver cycle.

- Increased intimacy with customers when undertaking network investment decisions.

- Extended portfolio for Marconi software solutions (Telecoms Operations Support Systems - OSS)

Main Achievements

Managed transition of a new business into a broader corporate operation, including software engineering, product management, marketing and sales and distribution.

Undertook senior management positions within Marconi OSS SBU including head of SBU sales and projects on product integration and value differentiation.

Generated two further product sales on behalf of Marconi (£450k each) as well as maintaining existing customers and delivering product into Marconi's core operations.

Contributed to further strategic initiatives for taking the whole of the Marconi OSS portfolio forward into market, including divestment and funding alliances.

March 1998 - May 2001 Netscient Limited
Start-up in Network Planning Systems
Turnover (year 3) £760k

Managing Director

Main Duties

Lead a new business from start-up to market entry and on to revenue generation.

Main Achievements

Conceived market opportunity, produced business plan, secured investment capital from 3i PLC for a start-up business in planning and inventory systems.

Performed hands-on Managing Director role that led and managed the disciplines of finance, product management, sales, and marketing. Recruited team of 28.

From a year one of product development built revenues of £370k and £760k in successive years through sales to telecom operators in the UK, France and Canada.

Secured sales in both new wave and tier 2 telecom operators against more established product rivals (Telcordia, Granite and Cramer).

Undertook speaking roles and conference chair in pursuit of building brand image in the market.

Personally led a consulting assignment into Marconi which ultimately underpinned the sale of the business to Marconi.

March 1983 - March 1998AT&T Europe and AT&T Unisource
Global telecommunications operator and service provider. Turnover $23bn
Various senior management positions

Main Duties

Various management positions involving strategic planning for network services and operational management systems; product development for new service offerings; and network planning, design and implementation of multiple technologies across multiple geographies and cultures.

Headed plan and build for AT&T Europe network infrastructure of voice, data and value added network services; led the transition of the team into AT&T's joint venture with Unisource (Swisscom, KPN and Telia) and onward to the creation of AT&T's Worldpartners consortium in Europe.

Responsible for £25m capital budget and core transmission budget (c£50m), team of 32 direct and 25 indirect.

Main Achievements

Managed the implementation of AT&T's new generation of value added data services across Europe (Interspan and Worldpartners), within three years taking a base network of 7 nodes to in excess of 100 deployed switches.

Re-engineered the plan and build team and re-modelled the commercial, engineering and service provisioning processes that resulted in 95% of new business being delivered within a 5 day provisioning window.

Led the implementation of activity based costing (ABC) within the Network Services Division to deliver cost apportionment across multiple network services.

Became European lead on network build for AT&T's global services offer under the Worldpartners brand, including capacity management, design, budget planning and service fulfilment.

Undertook consulting assignments on behalf of external clients; held numerous face to face meetings with AT&T customers including JP Morgan on matters covering service performance and forward planning; led technology evaluation teams; established numerous new departments, teams and operating procedures.




Senior manager and business leader with 30 years in IT and telecoms. Experience spanning large corporate, small business start-up, business change initiatives and team management across multiple geographic and cultural boundaries, including India.

Experienced in the full business lifecycle from market research, business plan creation, business case funding, operational execution and on to market entry and revenue generation.

General manager with business and technical acumen embracing strategic marketing, finance, product development and portfolio management, sales management, through to organisational modelling and people management.

Business Planning - market analysis; market research; SWOT assessment; strategic planning; competitive positioning.

Product and Market Planning - product, services and portfolio vision; portfolio management; product development; market entry planning; competitor analysis; brand creation; collateral build; market communications including website build, press relations, PR and speaking engagements.

Sales Management - revenue generation; market entry strategy; direct and indirect sales models; shared risk: : reward strategies; partner selection and management; strategic alliances; process-based pipeline management; sales incentive and commission plans.

Finance Management - business case production including profit and loss, balance sheet and cash-flow; company funding; investor presentation and negotiation. Operational finance management including project costing; product cost analysis; activity based costing; budget building; profit and loss accountability; major contract profitability analysis; product pricing.

Project and Programme Management - target setting; programme deconstruction; risk assessment and management; project tracking; team management; truth management.

Telecoms Management - telecom finances and network economics; network planning; network design; network build; Inventory Management; customer service provisioning; Off-shoring and Outsourcing.


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