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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience


Project Manager JAN 2001 - APRIL 2002
Start-up software development project developing internet-based investment & analysis system.
Main Duties:
Developed internet based analysis engine for US & UK equities.
Main achievements:
- Successfully tested and delivered software.

Group Director of IT 1998 - DEC 2000
Diverse direct marketing Group providing Leisure, Media and Financial Services products in UK & US. Turnover £400m. 2000 Employees.3m customers.
Main duties:
Recruited by Group Chairman to strengthen and devolve IT services in diverse international group operating large call centres. Budget £10m pa, total IT staff 165.
Benefits to employer:
- Reduced business interruptions from several times a quarter to none.
- Ensured 20% pa business growth supported without budget increase.
- Key milestones achieved on building project.500 call centre staff moved on 'zero error' basis.
- Carried through successful devolution of IT responsibility to operating businesses within Group.
- Developed server infrastructure able to cope with 25% pa increase in customer base.
Main achievements:
- Took responsibility to co-ordinate project management turnaround on oft-delayed building project.
- Improved system resilience and security through Group-wide introduction of change and quality management.
- Strengthened senior team by recruiting business IT Director & Head of IT Operations
- Recruited call centre technologists and project managers.
- Worked with business MD and business development managers on new products and product enhancements
- Oversaw development of e-commerce infrastructure.
- Project managed integration and re-branding of diverse e-commerce sites including online flight booking and on-line insurance sales directed at fastest growing internet use sector.
- Obtained agreement to IT Strategy from senior management team and business IT teams and developed technical strategy to exploit internet and email technologies.

Part a $10 bn turnover, US-based International Energy Group. Turnover £1.2bn. 4,000 Employees, 2m customers
Main duties:
Recruited to a new post, reporting to Business MD, to set up an in-house Programme Management team after a period of outsourced IT Management - budget £15m p.a., total staff 200, and also to control and direct company-wide IT developments.
Benefits to employer:
- Re-negotiated £75m outsourcing contract with leading outsource supplier, resulting in immediate savings of £3m p.a. and a 5 year extension, successfully securing the agreement of both Boards to a radical new approach.
- Turned round relationship with the major outsourcing provider, from near breakdown to positive and developing, evidenced by improvement in 'Balanced Scorecard' rating from 30 to 70 after 18 months.
- Re-negotiated a £35m Client Server development contract; subsequent implementation for 800 Customer Service staff enabled retention of No. 1 position in Customer Service ratings.
Main achievements:
- Worked closely with the three MDs and other Board members to prioritise, and balance, often-conflicting Business requirements, operating within a £25m budget and the overall IT strategy.
- Served as one of two industry representatives on the Electricity Pool's IT Executive, and advised on approach to standards and development of settlement systems for new competitive market.
- Built up a central Programme and Change Management team, initiating, reviewing and supporting, around 30 implementation projects and programmes.

85,000 Staff, Turnover $55bn.
Main Duties:
Promoted to integrate and rationalise an in-house and an outsourced IT delivery operation, to handle BP's rapidly changing business environment and improve financial accountability - staff 65.
Quantifiable benefits to employer:
- Improved performance of outsourced contracts by introducing financial & innovative quality incentives. Supplier achieved highest rating two years running.
- Over a three year period achieved over 20% cost reductions in each year, whilst controlling an £11m budget.
Main achievements:
- Established strategic direction of IT infrastructure, including oil and financial trading floors, E-Mail, Lotus Notes and videoconference connectivity world-wide and a major international data network.

OIL COMPANY, 1991 - 1994
Downstream Oil Company. 37,000 staff, turnover $25bn.
Main duties:
Recruited to provide internal consultancy and to improve project management standards, later taking over a particularly challenging project - the complete refurbishment of IT infrastructure at HQ,- staff 100.Progressively promoted to manage IT teams providing business support and Telecommunications for world-wide operations, including marketing, HR, planning and control - up to 100 staff.
Benefits to employer:
- Implemented technology to support headcount reduction from 700 to 100 in HQ staff.
- Managed significant downsizing of IS team by introducing outsourcing, whilst improving quality
- Managed a team of specialists in voice, WAN, telecommunications, structured cabling systems, LANs, videoconference and AV systems in £7m upgrading of HQ infrastructure.
- Designed and implemented telecommunications infrastructure for a 200-person trading floor
Main achievements:
- Developed and implemented disaster recovery plan, having previously advised Board on IT security, in wake of Bishopsgate bomb
- Led cross-functional task force re-engineering business processes, securing Board level commitment to outcomes.
- Simplified complex IT environment and established common standards across business
- Introduced quality management techniques and concept of QA as aid to IT project delivery.

Main duties:
Investigate and develop use of IT in supporting the main client auditing and reporting operations, involving up to 2000 professional personnel throughout the UK - staff 4.Promoted to develop a technical and applications architecture for use in Europe and internationally and to provide software to improve and support the main audit process - staff 8.
Benefits to employer:
- Led audit process review, which resulted in major re-design of main business process.
Main Achievements:
- Established strategic vision of trends in desktop applications, user interfaces and network design, securing approval from top management with subsequent software successfully applied world-wide.
- Wrote a paper on productivity of professional staff, widely published and quoted in both trade and company publications.
- Modified existing systems into workable solutions and undertook in depth analysis of audit process leading to use of IT in audit process and at client sites.
- Introduced first LAN based office productivity tools such as E-Mail and word processing to senior management


London University
BSc (Hons) in Mathematics,


Programme Management and System Implementation. Improving IT Operations. Outsourcing / Contract Negotiation. Relocations.

IT Services provision, Programme Management, Change Management, Project Management, Outsourcing, e-commerce, Internet Technologies, E-mail Technologies, Web site development, Call centres, Risk assessment, IT security, Quality Management, Contract negotiation, IBM servers, Unix, Sun servers, Infrastructure, IT strategy, Telecommunications, Voice systems, Telephony, Videoconferencing, Data networks, LAN technologies, Structured cabling, Training, Trading, Resourcing, Transactional systems, Productivity, Disaster Recovery, Software development, Audit, Systems implementation, Electricity supply, Insurance, Travel industry.




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