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Projectmanager / Interim Manager / Line manager

Projectmanager / Interim Manager / Line manager

Work Experience

Aenova BV
Mijnbouwstraat 108
2628 KX Delft

Aenova was founded in 1992. It is a small software house where they design, develop and sale workforce management system (TimEnterprise) and a printing solution Maggy.

Professionalising the organisation.

Personal Goals:
- Changing the outlook on consultancy, support, development and marketing. They should not be secondary products to the software sold.
- Changing Aenova from a product driven organisation into a customer driven organisation by introducing user group, newsletter, changes to the website, training sessions for customers, changing the way Aenova presented itself.
- Introducing PRINCEII as the way to do project management.
- Setting up a project desk
- Introducing Scrum for software development
- Make development more efficient. Faster and more customer oriented.
- Adding more functionality to TimEnterprise and Maggy that will benefit the customer and thereby raising the turnover of Aenova.

- Manage the Sales department;
Changing the department from a reactive in to a
proactive sales department where internal sales and account managers work closely together.
- Playing an active role in the bigger sales opportunities
- Managing Support department
Getting in place a support system / application / tool
Introducing procedures for support calls, 1st 2nd and 3rd level of support.
- Increase efficiency
- Managing Consultancy department
Setting up different procedures for consultancy
Introducing PRINCEII for implementation projects
Making consultancy more efficient thereby boosting
profit of the consultancy by 15%
- Managing the marketing department
- Marketing strategy (plan fairs, mailings, user group)
- Product manager: Research new functionality for the
various software applications of Aenova.
Discussing new or possible new functionality with customers and the design / develop team
- Defining the strategy for the software application for the next five years. What, when, how..etc.

- Partner manager: Building and maintaining the partner network. Partners of Aenova are Kaba NL, Paralax, Magna Carta, Getronics PinkRoccade, NashuaTec / Rico, Oce, ADP, Centric)

- Responsible for all projects of Aenova.
- Managing both projects and the project managers.
- Support the junior project managers in their work
- Train all project related employee in PRINCEII

- Managing the first steps of Aenova on the international market. Fairs in Germany (Moderner Staat in Berlin December 2007, Tagung MEMO Munster May 2008).
- Talking to possible partners in Germany (Kaba GER, DataFox, Dorma)


Member commission external communication.
Member sub commission Website VPTU
Member sub commission Marketing research.

- Manus Plus is an ‘hour registration’ application with modules that cover Scheduling (week, day, illness registration, vacation registration), Schedule assistant (showing graphical information on client counters, conversion (customers / outgoing visitors), and all other to be imported information) Budgets (Agreeing schedules on a budget, scheduling on a budget), Turnovers and productivity reports.

- Managing the Manus Plus development project (managing the developers, scheduling recourses)
- Discussions on new functionality DM / GM-MSE
- Analyzing / suggesting new functionality / improvements generated by customers, LB’s, GG’s
- Defining functional designs of improvements and extensions
- Approving technical designs before DM can commence development
- Initiating customer reviews
- Participant in Customer group meetings.
- Guarding / determining budgets for product development / maintenance in cooperation with GM-MSE / GM-MGS
- Prioritizing development
- Reporting to management
- Scheduling resources for internal testing / Guarding product quality
- Release management (when, what and how to inform) (in cooperation with marketing and Local Branch manager)
- Defining functional designs of improvements and extensions
- Approving technical designs before DM can commence development
- Defining procedures for functionality requests (OM/DM)
- Defining procedures for bug escalation (OM/DM)
- Defining a public statement on release management
- Defining workflow for releases

- Setting up the german branch of ManusPlusEurope (manusPlusGemany) in Bad-Homburg, contacting possible partners Holtl / Unisoft retail Solutions.


University Leiden english and Art history
Higher General Secondary Education


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