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sales/marketing mgr / mgt coach

sales/marketing mgr / mgt coach

Werkervaring interimmanager

Ø Significant knowledge of European EMS marketplace. Inroads with major electronics manufacturers and players in telecommunications. Understanding of marketing and selling of SCM and PLM operations as well as of supporting software packages.
Ø Senior Sales- and General Management responsibilities with blue chip companies Ericsson , Nokia and Philips.
Ø Extensive international business experience in Europe and the Far East.
Ø Language skills. Dutch, English and German fluently. French working ability. Some Italian and Spanish. Polyglot attitude.
Ø Seasoned skill-set of business management processes in F& A, HR, Legal , Marketing & Sales, Procurement, Logistics , Mergers & Acquisitions, Electronics Design and Manufacturing.
Ø Successful developing new end user business and opening multinational accounts for complex systems. Data- and telecommunications, mass storage, and imaging market theatres.
Ø Re-seller, OEM and Distribution channel responsibility.
Ø Excellent leader and manager to develop and grow successful sales teams through strong training- and presentation skills.
Ø Self motivated, aggressive and results-oriented salesman and manager.


April ’03 to May ’04 SalesLink International : sales manager EMEA
February ’96 to June ‘01: tronics International - Business Dev. Director
September ’99 till December ’00: Agile Software Inc. Account Executive Philips
June ‘95 to January ’96: Independent consultant
August ‘94 to June ‘95: Intellect Australia -Marketing and Sales Manager Europe
Jan.\\\'92 to July `94: Philips LMS- General Manager Europe

October \\\'90 to January \\\'92: Microland / Infotheek Group- General Manager
January \\\'86 to October \\\'90 Ericsson Information Systems/ Nokia Data Sales Unit Manager
April \\\'83 to January \\\'86: GEC Computers - General Manager Benelux
April \\\'78 to April \\\'83: Data General – salesman ,salesmanager, branchsalesmanager
August \\\'76 to April \\\'78: Control Data Corporation - salesman

1967 to August \\\'76: career in various positions in advertising:
copywriter, print buyer, production manager, account executive, account supervisor

Details of experience:

April ’03 to May ’04 SalesLink International
Salesmanager EMEA

Assigned with major accounts new business Philips and Sony and other new business.
Took on board Sony SLE / indirect and Targus. Left after major project with Sony Alsace,
EU 30 mln, was stopped by dismantling the Alsace operation by Sony.

February ’96 to June ‘01: tronics International
Business Development Director
Restarted career in Electronics Manufacturing Services by coincidence. Set out to develop business with major European players Ericsson, Nokia, and Philips. Opened up the European market for tronics, leading to doubling the company’s revenue. Closed significant business volumes. Contacts with Ericsson resulted in take over of the Karlskrona factory as a start. Overachieved sales quotas. Won tronics largest single order- US$ 150 mln - ever. Set up Eindhoven office. Actively involved in Ericsson’s Industrialisation-projects as account manager for the DECT-group.
Business volume generated ~ US$ 1 bln. Ironically, the exponential growth in Europe led to major restructuring, as a result of which a position based in Vienna was offered. Finally resulting in an amicable buy-off. The balance of this exciting, successful position was in-depth understanding of outsourcing/merger & acquisition as a corporate tool and the knowledge and experience of multilevel high visibility corporate sales engagement and its related processes. For additional info :

September ’99 till December ’00: Agile Software Inc.
Account Executive Philips

In parallel with my position with Flextronics, I took up an assignment with Agile , vendor of Supply Chain Management software specifically for the Electronics Industry. Joined the European Agile team, as Account Executive for Ericsson, Nokia and Philips. Was reassigned to Philips after the expansion of the European organization. Major project: selling and rolling out of Philips Digital Networks from Sunnyvale to a world wide operation managed from Eindhoven.

June ‘95 to January ’96: Independent consultant

Several freelance and interim assignments with the Dutch PTT and with Elektroson, developer of the Gear product, a CDR and pre mastering tool.

August ‘94 to June ‘95: Intellect Australia

Marketing and Sales Manager Europe
Manufacturer of computer security products, Pinpads and encryptors. Based in Brussels with Prodata, acquisition of Intellect. Restructured and integrated Prodata and Intellect sales and marketing departments.

Jan.\\\'92 to July `94: Philips LMS

General Manager Europe
Colorado Springs based manufacturer of optical and magnetic storage products such as CD-ROM, 12\\\" WORM- and tape drives. European head office in Eindhoven. Branch offices in Suresnes, Paris, and Cambridge. Opened Frankfurt office. Made \\\'93 first profitable year in company\\\'s history by focus on sales and $1 mln of cost cutting. Built a distributor\\\'s network in 13 European countries, Israel, the Middle East and South Africa, by assigning distributors and resellers as business partners. Strengthened position with traditional US OEM\\\'s subsidiaries and intensified contacts with so called Euro-OEM\\\'s. Achieved 93\\\'s revenue goal of $35mln first time in the company’s existence.

October \\\'90 to January \\\'92: Microland / Infotheek Group

General Manager
Microland, the franchising chain of Infotheek, largest Dutch IBM PC reseller. Goals for \\\'91 : signing up and starting 15 franchise outlets throughout the Netherlands with a total revenue of Dfl.20 mln. Microland had a total staff of 28 in head office and in two pilot operations. Signed up seven outlets in Q1. Unfortunately the Infotheek Group is running into financial problems by then.
The wave the Group has been surfing on, the IBM PC-distribution, is breaking up by the world-wide PC-clone industry causing price-erosion. Due to heavy take-overs in Denmark, the UK and France, there is no funding available for financing the franchise upstart. I am assigned with the dismantling of the Microland operation. After having accomplished this task, the Group finds itself in serious financial trouble leading to bankruptcy.

January \\\'86 to October \\\'90 Ericsson Information Systems/ Nokia Data

Sales Unit Manager
Successful manager of various sales units of 3 - 8 salesmen out of a sales force totalling 60 during the heydays. My responsibilities are the company\\\'s major prestige accounts: PTT, Shell, Philips, Hoogovens, DSM, Fokker, AMRO Bank, Nationale Nederlanden and Telegraaf. As Sales Unit Manager deeply involved in the sales activity. Member of a team that had to plan and establish a three party marketing operation between PTT, Ericsson Telecom and Ericsson Information Systems as per 1/1/89, date of PTT\\\'s privatisation. This operation was ruled out by Nokia\\\'s take-over in January 1988. In 1989 responsible for setting up a data coms group, selling third party equipment such as Case(Dowty) and Fibermux.

April \\\'83 to January \\\'86: GEC Computers

General Manager Benelux
Joined, lured by the company’s ‘VAX-killer’, 32-bit machine, offering 125% performance at 80% of the then new VAX-machine’s price. Turned the office into the company’s most profitable branch office. Staff total of ten. Major task is the sales effort to large Dutch accounts PTT and ICI. In Belgium the sales activity is in conjunction with a consortium shared with Siemens and Bell Telephone, bidding for the National Belgian Videotext system. As an enhanced responsibility of the management function temporarily Director of Picker Medical Holland, a GEC company.

April \\\'78 to April \\\'83: Data General

Branch manager
Successful salesman in the Amsterdam office, most business is new business. Promoted to Hong Kong with the assignment of setting up the branch office for the \\\'Americas and Far East\\\' Division. Closed the \\\"Computer Deal of the Year\\\" of Computer Asia, local computer magazine, by signing up a significant( $ 1.8 mln) systems order for the Hong Kong stock exchange\\\'s data com network. Winner of the division\\\'s Q4-81 Manager Award.

August \\\'76 to April \\\'78: Control Data Corporation

Successful salesman of DBMS, Management Sciences and Financial Planning software packages. Acquired the New Account Leaders Award for the highest number of new customers within the European organisation. Qualified as quota member for the Acapulco 100% club.

1967 to August \\\'76: career in various positions in advertising:
copywriter, print buyer, production manager, account executive, account supervisor

Opleiding interimmanager

Education and training
MULO A-B Advanced Secondary School , The Hague
MTS-E City of Leiden Polytechnic, electronics dept
HBS-A College A-levels , The Hague
Semesters Law and Economics University of Rotterdam
SRO / NIMA Institute for Advertising in Amsterdam
Apart from the above product and technology training, classes and courses in marketing, sales and management, of which the best were :
Selling and negotiation skills Control Data Corporation / Schumacher
Product & Services Class Data General Corporation
Professional Management GEC Computers
Lots Ericsson Information Systems
Finance for non-financial Managers Ericsson Information Systems
Franchising Infotheek / Microland
Etc.etc. Furthermore continuous study of the industry and its technology.


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