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interim manager, projectmanager

interim manager, projectmanager

Work Experience

january 2002 -
interim manager/projectmanager Wissenraet&VanSpaendonck.
My first assignment was interim-managing director at the Orde of Organisationadvisors and -consultants, a dutch professional organisation with about 1300 members.
After this assignment I was in charge as projectmanager of an automation-project. The target was to convert the whole organisation of W&VSP from a custommade system to a standard system. At this moment I am projectleader executing strategyplans.
nov. 1998 - january 2002 I lived in Brazil. I studied portuguese and brazilian culture.
may 1993 - 1998 I lived in Madrid. I studied spanish and spanish culture. I worked as translator and projectmanager for an electricity-construction company. I started my own business International Consultancy.
1986 - 1993 Director Human Resources and Legal Affairs at Control Data B.V.
I was responsable for a big reorganisation. I initiated a culture-change project. I leaded a quality-improvement-process. I was a member of the european project group occupied with `change`. I was also responsible for the information to the corporation and the european subsidiaries of the developments within the EEC-law and in particular EEC-labourlaw. I formed part of the `Control Data European Law Firm`.
1984 - 1986
Heae of the legal and personnel department at Ericsson Information Systems B.V.
1982 - 1984 Consultant and negotiater of general labour conditions for one of the two at that moment existing leading dutch national employers organisations (NCW).


1966 HBS-B
1966/67 one year secretary course
1968/71 study sociology University of Amsterdam
1981 doctoraal (equiv. Phd) law, main course: civil law
1985 managementtraining Schouten en Nelissen
1989 International Managementtraining Insead, Fontainebleau
1989/93 different courses like:
internal communications
compensation and benefits
computer- contract and labouwlaw


I am result-driven, can motivate people and make them enthousiastic and am able to get things done.
I am a organisator and planner


fluently dutch, english, spanish, portuguse, working knowledge: german and french


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