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Change Executive, Interim Manager in ICT environments

Change Executive, Interim Manager in ICT environments

Work Experience

Independent Contract Manager and Consultant since 1991. Business generalist with broad experience in ICT related environments: IT Integration, IT Outsourcing, Systems and Network Services, Telecommunication, Contact Centers, Mobile Operator Services, Internet and Mobile Commerce.

Major Projects performed as independent professional ().
In chronological order, latest projects first

IT Integrator & Outsourcing (Be) Project Management
Leading change in Customer Management approach. Defining Account management teams.

Distribution (Be) Consulting
Developing a retail business case for e-commerce via Internet kiosks placed in shops.

Mobile Operator (Euro) Project Management
Structuring Mobile Multi Media (Internet Entertainment) business projects with partnerships.
Managing the Software Platform selection for this GPRS-3G business (m-Forma).

Mobile Operator (Be) Project Management
Starting-up the Sales Academy. Focus on business solutions account management.
Business Engineering function, managing projects to improve processes for B2B needs.

Holding Company (BNL) Transition Management
General Manager of the Service business. (CRM Solutions in Multimedia Contact Centres).
Developing outsourcing business. Leading acquisition process of two call centre companies.
Establishing distribution and support partnerships for automated self-service solutions.

Holding Company (Be) Transition Management
General Manager leading the merger of two acquisitions in the data networking business.

Desktop Full Service Provider (Be) Transition Management
General Management assistance during a major growth phase and International start-up.
Putting a new organisation and team in place to cope with the increased business goals.

IT Integrator (US) Transition Management
General Management assistance to restructure a Belgian subsidiary (resolve loss position in AS400 medical software house).
Launching PC-based software packages (electronic patient records).

Data Storage (US) Project Management
Developing a marketing plan for a new product/market combination in “Distributed Back-up”

Document Managing (BNL) Consulting
Coaching managers in developing service products for electronic document management.

Imaging Company (US) Transition Management
Transition function as European Service Director.
Developing a strategy to support the new electronic imaging markets; setting up a major partnership; restructuring European Service Organisation and preparing internal handover.

Telecom Operator (Euro) Project Management
Starting up of the network operation centres in the Benelux. (Brussels-Amsterdam).
Marketing assistance with the introduction of voice and data communication service products on the Belgian market.

Speech Technology (Be) Transition Management
Implementing business organisation and coaching of the management team during the early growth phase leading the expansion from 65 to 110 people.

Before becoming independent, worked 16 years (1974-1990) for Wang (currently Getronics), of which 10 years as business unit manager Customer Services for Wang Belgium, and 4 years as European Service Operations Director, being resposible for effectiveness and efficiency of 2000 people organisation.


Master degree (Ing) in Electronic Engineering.

Additional education / training in management: people, sales and marketing, strategy, finance, IT, HR, TQM, Business Process Reengineering and Project Management.


Change or Transition Management: leading reorganization, acquisition, fusion, outsourcing or partnership; refocusing or implementing a new strategy; developing new management teams during start-up or early growth.

Project Management: taking responsibility for in-time and in-budget delivery of projects in the business environment, structuring the project and working with internal and/or external resources to achieve business objectives; managing cost reduction and outsourcing programs or Business Process (Re-) Engineering.

Consulting and Advice: strategic and operational advising, business planning, performance and process auditing, service product portfolios analysis and recommendations, in- and outsourcing questions, etc.

Coaching operation managers in becoming professional business managers.




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