Flex Manager
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interim manager

interim manager

Work Experience

10/2001 till 30/04/2002 consultant with 6 months contract for a touroperator - budgets, trade organization, recover mark with brochures, direct marketing, publicity, human resources. and start up of travel chain with 6 oulets.
1997-2001 managing director of a touroperator, trade organization, accountancy, production, brochures, publicity, direct marketing, computerization.
1995-1997 General manager of software house, licencee of softwarepackage for tre travel trade.
1992-1995 Managing director of travel agency chain with 8 branches ( 26 employees)
1985-1992 Freelance consultant - setup of travel chains- market research en creating programms for bustours and shuttle services in Europe. Productmanager for a touroperator with contracting in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia and Switserland) copywriting, lay out of brochures.
Setup of business- and marketingplan for a new softwarecompany in Belgium.
Creation of an incoming travel agency in Turkey.


Secondary school - classical college - 1 year bachelor Psychology Leuven university. Selfmade manager due to Professional Experience.


leadership skills - organizational skills - windows 3.x,9.x, NT and old Msdos - ms office - consultancy for website setup and design


Dutch - French - English - German (all of them spoken and written) and notions of Spanish and Turkish.


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