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Procurement & Sourcing Director

Procurement & Sourcing Director

Work Experience

Activities Deloitte Services & Investments 01/06/2001 until now:

· Procurement & Sourcing Director
§ Responsible for
· Procurement department
· Travel
· Fleet management (2000 cars)
o Full self insured and own operated accident management
o Full serviced operational module
· Telecom department
· Strategically and operational management buildings
· Building projects
§ Personnel: on own payroll without contractors from 85 to 29 depending on period in time
§ Main purpose of the function:
· Budgetary savings
o Contract saving over 25%
o Personnel reductions
o TCO sourcing strategy regarding all support services
· Organisation and re-organisation of the Procurement department
· Organisation and re-organisation of the Facility department
· Integration of SAP, Front Office activities, …
· Highlight :
o Merger D&T Belgium and Andersen in 2002
§ Due diligence study regarding the listed responsibilities
§ Roll out and project director for integration moves on 4 months period
· Approx 32.000 man hours
· Rebuilding of 30.000 m² offices on 9 different locations
· Integration move of 1.700 people
§ Procurement saving plan with effective savings of over 5 M€ per annum
§ Integrator for all Procurement and Facility activities
o Full in sourcing module for car fleet procurement and related operational management. This includes a self-insured module regarding accident management and unique SAP controlled system.

Activities ExxonMobil

· 01/03/2000 Procurement Manager Projects (additional assignment)
· 01/01/2000 Procurement Manager (Pan-European)
· Functional reorganisation internal and external of portfolio’s
· Merger related reorganisations (merger Esso, Exxon and Mobil)
· Change over of responsibility for IT related contracts (hardware, software, outsourcing, consultancy and related services) from IT department towards the procurement department.
· Development and integration of sourcing strategy
· Roll out and Implementation Manager for complex new contracts
· 1998 Procurement Manager Benelux
· Responsible for strategic planning regarding suppliers.
· De-investments assets
· Budget and year planning various business lines.
· Responsible for international major contracts and agreements
· Direct supports groups.
· Initiator of internal reorganisations (Ex. Benelux telecommunication) : processes, personal, handling costs and savings, services, hardware, software…
· Strategically alignments for handling processes and relationships suppliers.

Continuous average value of procurement portfolio was approximately €470 M spend per year. Sourcing and procurement strategy and savings were met, with saving higher then 25% on TCO.

Activities Esso Belgium: engagement level: technical engineer (A1)

· 1992 till 1998 various executive operational functions
· 1983 till 1998 various projects and special assignments
· 1983 till 1992: various functions at Esso Belgium during this period. This period can be seen as an educational period caused by the specific educational level in the refinery industry.

Above functions have given a major knowledge regarding day-to-day operational management, project management, logistics and maintenance mainly in production and oil movement and storage in the very demanding environment of the refining industry. This includes working with hundreds of personnel members and contractors.


Science Biochemistry


Dutch : Mothertongue
English : Fluent spoken en written
French : Moderate spoken, basic written


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