Flex Manager
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Financial Manager

Financial Manager

Work Experience

2003 – 2007 Tesco Stores Ltd, Cheshunt, UK
A global top four retailer with more than 3,000 stores
• Dynamic Team Member, Group Reporting Department (Tesco Holdings B.V., The Netherlands) (2007 - Present)
- Manage the investments in 12 countries of Tesco Holding B.V., the parent company of all Tesco overseas stores
- Work with UK Tax, Treasury, and Legal Departments for the project of global funding and entity restructuring
- Prepare the IFRS financial report for interim and year-end closing of the holding company
• International Business Analyst, International Financial Department (Tesco Stores, Uk) (2005 – 2006)
- Led business analysis teams across 6 European countries, focus on financial planning, operating review, and investment evaluation
- Prepared the European IFRS financial report for interim and year-end closing
- Prepared the operating result of international business to Investors’ Relationship Department
- Supported building up business case for the assets swap deal between Tesco and Carrefour in 2005
• Senior Financial Analyst, Financial Department (Tesco Stores, Taiwan) (2003 – 2004)
- Coordinated and prepared local budget and long-term financial plan
- Prepared the management report to UK head office

2000 – 2002 Via Technologies INC, Taipei/Shenzhen, Taiwan/China
An IC design company of core logic chipsets with global market share of 37% in 2002, second only to Intel
• Financial Manager (3C Net Ltd., Taiwan/China) (2002)
- Prepared post-acquisition asset evaluation and consolidated financial report of 3C Net, the investment of VIA Technologies with computer chain stores in Taiwan and China
- Implemented new accounting system for POS, stock taking, and retail management
- Coordinated the funding with financial institutions and parent company
• Financial Specialist, Operation Management Department (VIA Technologies, Taiwan/China) (2000 – 2001)
- Analysed the sales of chipsets, mainboards, and CPU business units in Taiwan and China
- Coordinated with Sales and Logistics Departments for the strategy of pricing, margin analysis, and overseas trading risk

1998 – 1999 Grand Asia Asset Management, Taipei, Taiwan/China
Established by the leading food producer of China to manage venture capital funds focusing on early stage and pre-IPO investments
• Investment Specialist
- Evaluated the pre-IPO investment projects in Asia
- Supported post-investment management


2006 – 2007 RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Candidate, Master of Business Administration in General Management
(Leave of absence from April 2007 and plan to switch to Executive MBA course from 2008)

1998 – 1999 National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan
Bachelor of Business Administration, focusing on Financial Management


Financial Analysis, Stationary & management accounting, Quantitative Analysis


English, Chinese, Dutch, and Japanese


A d d I t I o n c e r t f I c a t I o n

2006 U.S.A. GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) - Affiliate Member
2005 U.K. SIP (Society Investment Professionals) – Regular Member
2003 U.S.A. CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) – Regular Member

H o n o r s & a w a r d s
2006 awarded RSM Corporate Scholarship sponsored by Unilever
2004 Awarded Tesco International Talent Spotting Plan from 20 pre-selected candidates of 12 countries


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