Flex Manager
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Turn around manager- French/English/Spanish/Italian

Turn around manager- French/English/Spanish/Italian

Work Experience

1996-2002 GIB Group (#1 belgian retailer)
96-98 Group COO
Lead turnaround of Department Stores Division (Inno) and
Restaurant Division(Quick)
98-2002 CEO DIY branch (turnover 500M euros)
Turnaround of branch : +25% in sales and +125% in EBIT
Sale of company

1995-1996 JB Delpierre (French smoked fish manufacturer)
Buy in, turnaround and sale of company

1989-1995 Eridania-Beghun Say
1989-1992 Lesieur (French #1 in edible oils-250 MEu
Turaround of company: from 15 MEu loss to 45 MEu EBIT
1992-93 Ducros (French leader spices-200 MEu turnover)
Turnaround of company; from 15MEu loss to 30MEu EBIT
1993-95 CEO Consumer Goods Division (1500MEu)
Purchase of Ellosua and merge with Koipe (Spain)
Turnaround of Carapelli(Italy): from 5MEu loss to 4MEu
Purchase and turnaround of Cremanaze(UK)

1982-1989 Cacao Barry(French #1 cocoa processor and B2B
Turnaround of French subsidiary :from 10MEu loss to

Previous : several VP positions in France, Spain and US


Ingeneer from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris)




French-English-Spanish and Italian : fluent
Russian and Dutch need brushup


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