Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience

-Strategy development, Mid Range Planning, Budget and Rolling Forecasting
-Project leader of various restructuring programs
-Participated in acquisitions and due diligence
-Maintaining good relationship with customers, agents, suppliers, bankers and accountants
-Strong leadership style with direct reports up-to 20 employees

Finance and IT:
Management reporting for different organisations throughout Europe to local management as to mother companies in Europe and the US. Streamlined reporting of different organisations to IFRS and US GAAP standards
Good experience in preparing Budgets, Forecasts and Mid Term plans.
Financial analysis and implementation of cost accounting and performance measurement
Implemented transfer pricing policies
Installation and improvement of internal control procedures and systems
Strong affinity with IT and ERP systems. Project-leader for two major SAP implementations and one Navision (Dynamics) implementation

Sales and Marketing:
High interest in- and affinity to sales and marketing
Controlling of various Marketing Projects within the Consumer Food branch
Experienced in writing marketing plans for start up businesses
Strong experience in Sales- and Contribution analysis and market- and product segmentation

Involved in investment - and turn-around projects and implemented an investment approval procedure
Experienced in improving production efficiency and reduction of costs
Being familiar with ISO 9000 and 14000 certification

Strengthening of the supply chain. Strong involvement in final contract negotiations with strategic suppliers.
Optimisation of the purchasing organisation in defining purchasing policy incl. organisation structure and cost saving projects up-to € 2.0 Mio.

Legal/Risk Management:
Assessment of risk management in the organisation
Set-up of project/contract management
Handling of claims with companies, insurance companies and lawyers


Master of Business Administration 1991, Delta University, Utrecht
HEAO economics 1988, Fontys Hogeschool Eindhoven
Atheneum-A 1985, Augustinianum Eindhoven


Strong Leadership
Teamplayer and independant
Own opinion and vision
Target oriented


Dutch fluent
English fluent
German fluent
Spanish good
French familiar


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