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CFO, Consultant, Corporate Finance

CFO, Consultant, Corporate Finance

Work Experience

Senior Executive with CFO, business development and strong implementation track record in the UK and overseas. Extensive joint venture, corporate finance, post acquisition integration, IPO and government negotiation achievements. Both SME and blue chip coverage.

Strategic options evaluation for global telecom division, generating shortlist of potential joint-venture partners/buyers and preliminary approaches.
Identification of production bottlenecks and evaluation of trading impact and transaction timing.
Prepared comprehensive valuation providing rigorous foundation for negotiation process.
Evaluation of impact of transaction and consideration structures on Group accounts.
Transaction co-ordination and mediation between stakeholders, eliminating process bottlenecks.
Led preparation and implementation of due diligence ensuring a focused and positive presentation.
Identification of carve-out and post acquisition integration issues, to limit buyers risk.
Constructed consolidated US GAAP accounts, compensating for Siemens “matrix” allocations, significantly reducing risk of price adjustment on closing.
Early formulation of anti-trust strategy, minimising timetable delay risk.

Integration of investee companies’ budgeting process, internal systems and controls, significantly improving speed and quality of management information and issue identification.
Particular focus on regulatory and legal framework.
Creation of tax efficient corporate structure and international treasury function.
Preparation of IAS group accounts ahead of planned IPO.
Recruitment and mangement of core finance and legal team.
Successful financing acheived in difficult market conditions, combined with partnership with major European utility generating enhanced dealflow access.
Appointment of and key relationship officer for investment banks, auditors and lawyers, resulting in blue chip advisory team and enhanced public profile.

Introduced project completion discipline enabling successful coordination of three parallel projects. Resulted in elimination of project drift and a controlled and positive PR flow during a critical period.
Applied rigorous analysis and evaluation of pipeline projects with focus on efficient resource allocation and early termination of non-core initiatives. Potential losses significantly reduced.
Review and validation of investee companies business models resulting in tighter cost control.
Key role in development and implementation of strategy with senior management.
Worked closely with Group accounting, tax and planning functions to control losses reported in the financial accounts and establish project valuation benchmarks. Both had a material impact on valuation.
Identified key USP Ü financial services six million registered customers Ü applied in joint venture negotiations, securing a £45 million windfall profit.
Led negotiations for acquisition of online retailer achieving significant price reduction. Successful post acquisition integration eliminated cost duplication, strengthened IT systems and enhanced data capture.
Negotiation of complex trading and cross shareholding arrangements to maximise transparency, shareholder value and eliminate conflicts of interest.

Due diligence and valuation advice for £1.3 billion Zeneca leveraged private equity acquisition.
Identified key issues for innovative €300 million hotel fund with enhanced risk/return profile.
Feasibility analysis of Orange Telecom investee company.
License auction strategy formulation for European customer acquisition software group.

Director, Corporate Finance 1996-1998
Leading origination and execution role in both financing, IPO/capital markets and advisory projects. Built strong and focused team covering Europe and Asia.
Pharmaceuticals Secured mandate and led IPO for Pliva, plus further Asia joint venture.
& Healthcare Won major advisory and joint venture mandate for US group in France and Japan.
Hotels & Leisure Secured advisory role with Intercontinental Hotels.
Initiated private equity hotel fund with leading management consultant.
Financial Services Key privatisation mandate for BPH, a leading Polish bank.
Advisory role for consortium bid for PBK, a Polish bank.
Led Daiwa direct investment project with Polish Development Bank.
Japan and China Key mandates for Shanghai Industrial and CTS, two leading Red Chips.
Business development in Japan, generating four mandates.
Other Projects Additional private equity initiative to develop M&A business.

Finance & Development Director 1992-1996
Leading Asian multinational with core business in hotels and food processing with operations in 15 countries. Initiated the group’s successful expansion into complementary activities and new markets.
Initiated a group-wide operations and systems review, streamlining management, cutting overheads and improving competitiveness and cost control. Hands on post review implementation
Introduced advanced project evaluation techniques, enhancing risk return profile in negotiations, generating significantly improved outcome for joint venture with a European partner
Prepared IAS group accounts followed by successful equity issue combined with first London listing for an Indian corporate, raising international profile and achieving low cost funding.
Recruited and managed high calibre team to strengthen key finance and treasury functions.
Rescued greenfield hotel development in Mauritius. Successfully negotiated with Mauritius and
Indian governments and arranged consortium project financing
Finalised joint ventures with leading international groups in construction, healthcare, food processing, leisure and hotel sectors, creating first mover advantage in South Asia market.
Hands on involvement in ensuring successful development of these new ventures.
Personally responsible for securing Indian government approvals for six major projects and joint ventures.

Assistant Director/Manager/Assistant Manager/Executive 1984-1992
40+ projects completed involving M&A, joint ventures, IPO’s, privatisations and equity issues.
Executed two largest South Asian takeovers in the 1980’s.
Led complex transaction logistics in the successful Rolls Royce and British Steel privatisations.
Led IPO’s for Tie Rack, Kelt Energy, AOFS and Beaverco.
Organised successful $2.5bn United Newspapers, WPP and Tompkins acquisition programmes.

PROFESSIONAL Ü FSA registered Corporate Finance Advisor


 M.Sc. and B.Sc. (2:1) Accounting & Finance
 M.Sc. Economics.


CFO,M&A,funding,joint ventures, strategy,IPO's,negotiation,business development,post acquisition integration,carve outs, valuation, due diligence and privatisations


English, French


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