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Project Manager / Systems Architect / Company owner

Project Manager / Systems Architect / Company owner

Work Experience

Career overview
In my career in the Software Industry I've held several positions in software development in the areas of Industrial Automation, Core Database Development and High Performance Computing Architectures, ranging from engineering, development, design, management and industrial development consulting.

During my 14 year employment at Oracle Corporation, I've designed and contributed to several critical architectural and conceptual RDBMS and Operating System modifications targeting both OLTP and DSS, covering performance (functionality and scalability), usability and database management, holding 3 patents in these areas.

My people and leadership skills have further developed since 2000 during my voluntary work, investment evaluation work and startup.


1. 2007-now
my own company in Management, Consultancy and Innovation. Currently involved in three projects:
1.darple.com.eg: an online market in Egypt for which I've managed and implemented the Arabic translation, hosting, a new GUI, and the integration with automatic negotiation services.
2.price-beetle.nl: an automatic price negotiation service, complementing the darple Egypt site
3.ETIRC Aviation IT: the design and implementation of the IT infrastructure to manage CRM, Service and Financials for operating the Eclipse 500 sales and services operation in Europe.

2.Instigo 2006-2007
Reviewed various investment opportunities (i.e. BMeye, Nimbuzz, EmailDome, WMax) and assisted companies in making strategic decisions.
Reason of departure: Invited to join startup project.

3.Primentia 2005-2006
Designed and build a relational database interface on top of the Hilbert Engine which is a mathematical database using a dedicated language based on Forth.
Reason of departure: Large investing opportunity was turned down.

4.Sabbatical from 2000 till 2005
In 2000 I decided to devote my time and my skills to the religious activities of our church. I have been the chairman of our church-board from march 2001 till September 2008, and have been active in restructuring the church organization, teaching and counseling.
Reason of departure: approached to help out.

5.Oracle August 1986 till Oct 2000
During this time I held various positions from porting engineer, rdbms kernel developer, development manager, systems architect, industry consultant to trainer. I've worked in all areas of database engineering from OS, networking, transactions, caching, locking, query optimization, query execution, parallel execution and performance improvement projects. I've accomplished successes like the first Oracle WW Cluster demonstration in Madrid 1996, the best tpcC performance in Europe, and various inventions resulting in 3 patents in my name. I developed good relationships with both European and US vendors to maximize the combination of Oracle and specific hardware platforms.
Reason of departure: needed a change in life.

6.ICT Novotech from june 1985 till august 1986
I was detached to Philips Eindhoven to assist the department building controls for lathe and contour machines. I was responsible for:
1.development of a complete tool and test-set to automatically test the system that was build using a simulator
2.redesign and rebuild the task/OS interaction
during this project I also built a pre-processor to eliminate unused variable names to assist compilation.
Reason of departure: Workload too low, needed a bigger challenge.

7.Rood Testhouse (Heerde) from February 1985 to june 1985.
I was employed to program test-robots targeted to test DRAM chips. This included design of test-patterns to stress test the devices, and program the test-machine to automatically classify and sort the devices based on test results.
Reason of departure: Attractive offer.


VWO-B August 1974 - June 1980
HTS Electronics August 1980 - January 1985


I'm an expert in the area of data management and data processing architectures, both hardware and software, with a strong interest in technology in general. I have a well developed and trained analytical mind resulting in an outstanding ability to analyze problems and map them to solution models, and v.v. grasp concepts and models and map them to practical applications.

I am a dedicated self managed worker. I have a creative and visionary mindset, with an eye for detail without loosing sight of the big picture. I am persistent, I have a steep learning curve, I think 'out of the box' and can quickly design and implement 'solution prototypes'.

I am good at presenting ideas, solutions or issues to others, reviewing designs and interactively design (solutions and architectures) with other people. My skills allow me to effectively communicate and transfer ideas and plans to others such that they become motivated and instrumental in the execution of it. During my various jobs, I've gained a natural desire and ability to deliver high quality.

I have an optimistic character, and focus on opportunities without ignoring obstacles.


Dutch, English, German, French (moderate)


The following is a list of topics I have gained experience in and have been exposed to over the years of education and employment.

Languages: C, Cobol, Fortran, Pascal, PL-M, PL/SQL, C++, C#, HTML, javascript, java,
assembler(x86, Sparc, Mips)
Operating systems: Unix (SVR3,SVR4,SunOS4, Solaris 2.3, AIX, Linux ...)
VMS, MS-DOS, Windows(95/98/NT/XP/Vista),Primos, CP/M
Computer architectures: UP (various vendors: NCR, IBM, ICL, SNI, Olivetti etc)
SMP (various vendors: NCR, HP, SNI)
MPP (various vendors: NCR, IBM, ICL, Meiko, Parsys)
Tools: source-control, system editors, word-processor, email, spreadsheet,
web-browser, databases, web/application-servers, development tools etc etc
Others: SNMP MIB compilers (use and internals)
People/Group: team leader, chairman/leader of medium (12) to large (100) population meetings

Additional information
Religion: Baptist
Sports: Tennis, running, cycling
Leisure: playing music (organ, piano, electrical guitar)
tracking and trying new technology


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