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ICT consultant / manager

ICT consultant / manager

Work Experience

Professional background:

Programme manager migration and consolidation for Dutch foods & beverages multinational, working with delegates and project managers from both business and ICT sides of the company. Scope study. Project plan for a migration and consolidation programme for 20 decentralized single-site ERP applications (sales, warehouse, distribution, finance, complex interfaces) and systems into one multi-site solution and central system. Selection and implementation of new wide area network (WiFi, xDSL) supporting QoS and priorities. Negotiations with hard/software and network suppliers. Sizing servers for development, test & user acceptance and production. Disaster recovery. Starting with business processes, user requirements, software development, user acceptance testing. Followed by a phased roll-out to support both new and old situation.
Change management and communication. Standardisation of reference tables, master data (cleansing) and parameters used, authorizations. Service level agreements (ITIL) for systems & support, software development, including new user procedures. Reporting of internal and external data by SAP BW (finance, orders, invoices). Definition of tasks for the set-up of shared services operation for financials, business processes with split central/decentral, software development and interfaces. In addition to the business processes, business control framework definitions to provide risk prevention and to comply with international legislation and accountancy standards (Sarbanes-Oxley, IFRS)

Information & Programme Manager SAP R/3 BW/CRM: iterative development, implementation and roll-out of a global business warehouse for financials, human resources, customer services, buying, mat. management, sales, quality & regulatory affairs (FDA) for Dutch subsidiary of multinational in medical equipment. Integration of newly acquired group of companies with worldwide subsidiaries. The legal and financial implications of a timely integration being quite prohibitive, a very tight timeframe for this project had been set and deadlines had to be met. Set-up of competence and support centre, authorisation/security profiles, reporting requirements, user acceptance testing and training, standards and procedures, sizing, hardware architecture. Change management. Blueprint for strategic information plan. Upgrade to BW 3.1.
Global outsourced contract with support centre in India. Knowledge transfer, implementation of support processes, communication structure, infrastructure.

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Consultant outsourcing: RFI/P, negotiations, contract, implementation outsourced ICT-environment (architecture, network, security, capacity, QoS, SLAs, ITIL), transition management for an international financial institution.

Post Implementation Crisis Manager SAP R/3 purchasing, inventory and warehouse management, financials, BW, advanced planning (APO), business processes, audit and training at Dutch subsidiary of multinational in chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Project Manager: Strategic plan, business case, pilot for the introduction of E-business for a Dutch company in office supplies on a European scale. After a comparative package selection with Baan, PeopleSoft and Oracle, SAP/Tibco was chosen. Outsourced ASP model. Risk analysis. Standard software architecture. Secure European network. User training. Connection to electronic marketplace (XML and Tibco messaging, portal). Phased migration to SAP 4.6c.

Solutions Architect: requirements review mobile operators: strategic blueprint, impact on IT-applications (mediation, billing, customer care), equipment, processes, organisation and support at the introduction of GPRS/UMTS. Main software packages examined: Remedy, Amdocs, Arbor, BSCS, EHPT, Geneva and Portal integrated with SAP/Tibco or Oracle functionality.

Implementation Program Manager, rolling out a DSL network in Germany for a Dutch/American telecoms company. This included the preparation of a market service description, design of a Partner Implementation Plan (incl. change management), implementation and training of the first DSL-partners (ISPs), prepare them for operations asap, focus on preselling, analyse potential partners to be implemented, monitoring and training sales force, hand over and coach future permanent staff as soon as they are available. This spider-in-the-web position involved contacts with marketing, product development, sales, buyers, project managers, technical specialists, operational support and the IT-team to develop the secure Web based DSL order/provisioning process (Clarify), including billing (Arbor), customer care, buying (PeopleSoft), financials and data warehouse. Furthermore, I monitored the implementation process at the side of the wholesale customers. In short, I was involved in the total product process cycle.

Solutions Architect: Feasibility study, business case for the introduction of E-business in respect of organisational, ICT (old and new architecture) and financial implications, incl. risk analysis for Dutch company acting as an agent for a US based heavy equipment supplier. MFG/Pro upgrade to EB2.

1998 - 1999 European Telecommunications Manager at the Unilever Rotterdam headquarters: data centre consolidation, shared financial and HR services, ITIL, selective outsourcing, transition management, redesign of data network, introduction of international virtual private network (wireline and wireless voice, video). Information management, call centre, PABX, CRM (Siebel), Security (policy for network, applications and tools, BS7799). Budget control. RFPs. Negotiations with telecom & network providers, soft- and hardware suppliers, implementation partners. Set-up of partnership agreements with suppliers.

1996 - 1997 Information Technology Manager at the Unilever Rotterdam headquarters: responsible for information management, selection and implementation of data warehousing and Oracle Financial Analyzer (OLAP) for reporting (planning/actuals) and consolidation of management accounting information on behalf of subsidiaries and the corporate centre. Set up competence centre. Standard chart of accounts. Off-shore development (India) of standard interfaces with MFG/Pro, SAP and Oracle Financials.

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1993 - 1995 ICT Manager Foods Executive Sourcing Group, responsible for the information process of the total supply chain of foods companies in Europe and North America. Major logistic systems used: MFG/Pro of QAD Inc., Oracle Financials, Manugistics and SAP/R3. Template rollout. Initiate, monitor, audit/review, implementation of applications supporting European lead-buying and operations planning, maintenance management, quality + material specifications and efficient consumer response. Set up a new European frame relay network with Sprint. Introduction of EDI-tools and IBM as major EDI-mailbox partner. Selection, migration, implementation treasury system. Secure EDI (PKI) with European banks (SWIFT, Edifact). Negotiations with telecom/network providers, soft- and hardware suppliers and implementation partners. Set up international competence centres for the major packages and networking. Member of the Unilever worldwide telecom working party, responsible for matching the business requirements with latest technology for data, voice, multimedia and video conferencing.

1987 - 1992: Business Systems Manager Unilever Meat Group. Responsible for an annual operational budget of NLG 10 mln. Initially in charge of a reorganisation of the Business Systems Department and Data Centre. Introduced new data warehouse applications for marketing and sales information, service levels, sales forecast, EDI, personnel information, time & attendance, maintenance management, production planning, LIMS, QM, logistics and office automation (incl. Lotus Notes). Enhancement of the technical infrastructure by way of a large server park, wide and local area network, Cisco routers, PABX, ACD, standardised development methods and prototyping. Initiated a sale and lease-back construction for hard- and software. Negotiations with telecom/network providers, soft- and hardware suppliers and implementation partners. Responsible for overall ICT security, business continuity, risk analysis, disaster recovery. Counsel for the IT part of mergers, acquisitions and divestments. Participation in various international steering committees in respect of future worldwide Unilever strategy and information architecture. Pilot site for MFG/Pro, SAP and Oracle. Contacts with local and international authorities in respect of European rules and regulations regarding taxation, international transportation and environmental planning.

1982 - 1987: ICT Manager Transport Group Alvracht, Rotterdam. Information planning, together with board and management team resulting in identification of major business processes, the overall ICT solutions/architecture, project schedule and timelines, cost/benefits, risk analysis, social plan. After approval development of and implementation started (Adabas, Natural), using (DSDM) proto-typing as development methodology in close cooperation with user groups. RFI/RFP, implementation of outsourced ICT operations (EDS). Relocation of all offices to one single location, which had a major impact on cabling and data and voice communication.

1968 - 1982: Various European IT positions (e.g. in London and Hamburg) within Unilever: international commodity trading and buying project, information planning, data modelling, software development (internally and through third parties), development methodologies (e.g. SDM, DSDM, Yourdan, Jackson, Porter), project methodologies, relocation and removals of offices and data centres, etc.

1964 - 1968: Various non-IT positions outside Unilever (e.g. sales, financials)


HBS-B, SPD (accountancy & business economics). Various information technology and management courses, such as advanced supply chain, financial management and advanced negotiations. Master of Business Telecommunications (MBT) at the Delft Technical University. Graduated with honours on the subject of E-business.


various from consultant to interim ICT manager, project and programme manager, people management, negotiations


Languages: Dutch, English, German, French


Able to adopt quickly to a new working environment, flexible in country and location


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