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Principal consultant / information architect

Principal consultant / information architect

Work Experience

Activities in time

Period: march 1989 – today
In general terms:
. Founder and Managing Director of a flourishing consulting agency. Managing up to 6 people and determined to keep the number small.
. Principal Consultant (EISS: AD8), information architect, author of books and articles and lecturer/teacher on an array of subjects.
. Involved in several capacities in many national and international organisations like GIA, ISO, VRI, NGGO etc. and other activities.

Period: november 1999 – today
Introducing written en verbal courses in information architectures and other subjects in the mar--ket.

Period: july 1999 – today
Gemeente Rotterdam, Dienst Gemeentewerken (Municipality Rotterdam, Municipal Works). Eva-lu-ation and in-tro-duction of an information architecture for the organisation (2500 employees) as a whole. Working as interim chief architect in the trial project introducing an infor-ma-tion architecture for the water management department. Preparing a reorganisation introducing a Chief Information Officer to be able get information and IT governance.

Period: march 1999 – october 1999
F. van Lanschot Bankiers. Evaluation and introduction of an information architecture for the bank (1500 em-plo-yees) as a whole. Involved in the start-up of the E-commerce activities.

Period: april 1996 – juli 1996
Ministerie van Financiën, Belastingdienst (Ministry of Finance, Dutch Internal Revenue Service). Support of the start-up of the Euro-project for the Belastingdienst.

Period: april 1995 – february 1999
Ministerie van Defensie, Militaire Inlichtingendienst (Ministry of Defence – Military Intelligence): Chief architect for the development of an information architecture and an information infra-struc-ture for MID as a whole. Including database oriented and document based information systems, sys-tem development, system management, procurement of software, text retrieval etc. Activities in-cluded project management, quality management and support for the activities.

Period: january 1995 – april 1996
Ministerie van Financiën, Belastingdienst (Ministry of Finance, Dutch Internal Revenue Ser-vice). Initiated the development of an organisation-wide executive information system as Chief Information Architect.

Period: january 1992 – april 1995
Ministerie van Defensie, Landmacht Wapen en Commando Systemen (Ministry of Defence – Army Command & Control Systems): Information architect to the procurement of a very lar-ge pro-ject to introduce a completely new information system for a battalion working in intel-ligence. The total cost of procurement at a point in time was up to €50 million and was down-sized to an all-in €6 million fixed price, time and quality.

Period: august 1991 – december 1991
Ministerie van Verkeer & Waterstaat – Rijkswaterstaat (Ministry of Transport Public Works and Water Management – Water Management). Organisation-wide conceptual information modelling and creation of an in-for-mation dictionary for Water Management.

Period: february 1991 – august 1991
RIVM: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiëne (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment):
. Consultant to the introduction of an Executive Information System (EIS) for environ-men-tal issues.
. Consultant for an object-oriented approach to an organisation-wide conceptual infor-ma-tion model
. Consultant to the activities intended to model the business processes necessary to collect information for the production of the periodic Environment Balance report.
. Quality management.

Period: november 1990 – february 1991
Ministerie VROM: Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening & Milieu (Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment): assignment to develop a conceptual information model for environmental issues within the organisation of VROM.

Period: may 1990 - october 1990
Bührman-Tetterode, main-office in Amsterdam: world-wide conglomerate of around 80 companies producing and selling package material, printing, office machines etc. Tasks:
. Ad-interim Senior Quality Support Consultant. Supporting the intent of quality for the conglomerate.
. Writing a plan for the development of an Executive Information System for BT as a whole.

Period: march 1989 - today
Managing Director of Van 't Veld Information Consultancy bv. (vtVIC bv.)

Period: 16 march 1989 - 15 september 1989
CREON: senior consultant for a Belgian/Dutch high-tech company introducing advanced software en-gi-neering, I-CASE, con-sultancy, ERP and education in the European market.

Period: autumn 1983 – beginning of 1990’s
Teacher and lecturer (in the Dutch and English language) in a large number of subjects in the areas information analysis and project management for a number of organisations. Taught S3 en HS2 courses (Methods and techniques for system development, 30 evenings) for the Dutch NOVI-organisation.

Period: june 1985 - march 1989: ORDINA
Quality manager. Some of the tasks:
. Developer of the ORDINA-framework enabling offers for system development to customers anticipating the use of their methods, techniques and tools.
. Developer of the standard methodology to develop information systems for customers.
. Watcher of developments in the marketplace. Initiator and co-ordinator of activities to implement changes in the organisation to be able to anticipate expected changes.
. Co-ordinator of Research & Development activities.
. Support of commercial activities: accompanying sales representatives, writing and co-ordi-na-ting larger and/or high-risk offers etc.
Responsible for starting activities in the Netherlands and Belgium to get ahead (and stay ahead) of competitors. The work included many consulting jobs in the Netherlands and Belgium.

Period: march 1986 - october 1987: ORDINA
Public utility and power company PZEM in Middelburg. Working as quality manager for the information systems department (50 to 60 people). Tasks:
. Introducing a methodology for system development. Consultant and trainer-on-the-job.
. Auditing of results of activities.
. Introduction of fitting methods, techniques and tools.
. Introduction of the necessary procedures.

Period: march 1985 - march 1986
AEGON: Teaching the MABIS-methodology. Consultant and trainer-on-the-job in the use of this advanced method for system development for a new information system for life insurance.

Period: oktober 1984: Control Data
Teacher of a 1 week course on NIAM information analysis and DBMS for an administration in Zagreb in former Yugoslavia.

Period: beginning of 1984: Control Data
Consultant and information analyst aiding in the development of an information analysis support tool in Brussels.

Period: february 1983 - march 1985: Control Data
For the branch society for Bakers in the Netherlands in Groningen:
. Consultant for the introduction of a new and integral method for system development.
. Projectmanager, consultant and trainer of the development of an integrated information system for the pen-sion fund.
. Projectmanager, information analyst and designer of an interactive data-dictiona-ry sys-tem (changing number of programmers, plan-ning around 3 man-years). Delivery as planned.

Period: may 1982 - february 1983: Control Data
For the Dutch Bureau of Statistics (CBS):
. Building a prototype for a statistical information system based on a NIAM-based data-base manage-ment (full 3-schema DBMS with full support for integrity constraints).
. Projectmanager, information analyst and designer for an inter-ac-tive Personnel In-for-ma-tion Sys-tem (5 programmers, 3 man-years of work). Successful delivery on plan in Janu-ary 1983.

Period: november 1981 - march 1982 : Control Data
Gerard de Lange Witgoed: Information analyst, designer and programmer for a logistics system for a large company selling household appliances. Providing support for inexperienced analyst/programmers.

Period: may 1981 - november 1981: Control Data
Analysis and build of an analysis documentation system based on NIAM for a Dutch Bank.

Period: february 1981 - may 1981: Control Data
Start of my professional career at Control Data. Many courses, both verbal and through CBT (PLATO system). Several weeks new hire training in Minneapolis (USA). Course subjects included project ma-na-gement and planning, procurement, the use of CDC hardware and soft-ware, Nijssen’s Information Ana-lysis Methodology (NIAM) etc.

Period: september 1979 - december 1980: Dutch Ministry of Defence
Military Service (ROAG 1st Lieutenant) Army. Working for the Directie Automatisering (DAUT) in the Central Organisation of the Ministry of Defence in the department Infor-matiebeleid (information policy). Activities included:
. Analysis of the business processes of the Ministry of Defence as a whole using ISAC.
. Information analysis of the Ministry of Defence as a whole using Entity-Relationship Diagrams. Worked as secretary to senior database consultant Dr. T.W. Olle.
The results of both activities were abandoned due to organisational pressure near completion.

These activities were a direct continuation of my student internship with the Ministry of Defence in the period august 1978 until may 1979.


HEAO Bedrijfsinformatica (business informatics)

FURTHER EDUCATION: Many courses on a large number of subjects, including project management and many con-tent oriented subjects.


. Founder and managing director of a successful consulting agency since 1989.
. Principal consultant with a major expertise in information architectures. Very knowledgeable with regard to business- & strategic alignment. Used to get jobs done.
. Initiator, co-ordinator and/or chairman of a number of organisations with a variety of goals and objec--tives.
. Specialist in procurement of IT on a national and international level with budgets up to €50 million.
. Recognised author, lecturer and teacher.
. Specialised in conceptual schemas, methodologies, company wide information modelling, quality management and auditing known for the pragmatic approach.
. Worked for and with a large number of customers, large and small, in many areas of business and administration.


Dutch: mother tongue
English: fluent
German: a little
French: hardly


. Initiator and chairman of GIA (Society for Information Architects – Genootschap voor Informatie Architecten).
. Chairman of GIA
. In charge of external relations
. Initiator of the new Dutch magazine Architectuur & Infrastructuur published by Kluwer publishers.
. Initiator of the definition and description of the function of Information Architect.

. ISO (International Standardisation Organisation). Involved in many working groups at national and international level:
. Member of the ISO/IEC SC21-committee (standardisation of OSI, SQL, ODP, Conceptual schemas etc.).
. Chairman (for NNI) of the Dutch standards group on Conceptual Schema Modelling Facilities (SC21/CSMF) and international representative. The standard FCD 14481 is not finished yet.
. Chairman (for NNI) of the Dutch standards group on Open Distributed Processing (SC21/WG7-ODP) and international representative. Several standards are finished.
. Involved in the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standardisation.
. Participant of the international ISO working group Interfaces for Application Portability (IAP). The work was completed in 1991.

. Initiator and co-ordinator of the Dutch Forum Methods. This forum brings together 30 principal experts in the field of information science from practice and university (including 6 university professors).

. Member of VRI (Society for Registered Informaticians – Vereniging voor Register Informatici). Active in:
. Chairman of the VRI-working group Kwaliteit (Quality)
. International representative for VRI in Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) working on European Informatics Skills Structure (EISS) and the introduction of Professional Development (PDQTF) and
. Participant in the Platform Kwaliteit & Opleiding (Quality and Education).

. NGGO (Dutch Gebrui-kers-group for Structured Developments- Methods – Nederlandse Gebruikersgroep voor Gestructureerde Ontwikkelingsmethoden). NGGO started as the Dutch User Group for Yourdon methods and techniques. NGGO evolved into a broad platform for information engineering. Functions:
. Chairman of the NGGO
. Chairman of the committee that organises events and responsible for Public Relations (PR).
. Editor of the book "Over the testen of informatie systemen"
. Chairman of the working group "Vergelijking Methoden" (Comparison of Methods). This working group wrote a book comparing 16 methods for system development.
. Member of the working group "Opleidingen".
. Organiser of working groups within and around the NGGO.

. Member of NGI (Dutch Society of Informatics – Nederlands Genootschap voor Infor-ma-ti-ca)

. As reviewer involved in the European Euromethod project.

. Chairman of the NISCO (Dutch Informatics Specialists Co-operation – Nederlands In-for-ma-ti-ca Specialisten COöperatie).

. Industrial liaison and sponsor chair for the international CaiSE*94 conference.

. Reviewer for Certified European Software for the Stichting Software Belangen.

. Reviewer for the PICO project. The objective of this project was to research the expe-rien---ces with CASE-tools. The project was a co-operative effort between NGGO, Software Engineering Research Centre (SERC) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam with in-put from the Technische Universiteit Delft and the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.

. Member of the IT-Forum Kwaliteit (Dutch forum of organisations for quality).

. Member of the platform Sociotechnique (STARS).

Private: Founder (1988) and chairman of the Stichting Ziekte van Perthes. This is the dutch organisation for patients with Legg-Perthes-Calvé disease.

. From 1988 until today organiser, presenter and chairman of a large number confe-ren-ces and congresses over subjects as architectures, methods, testing of information systems etc. Lecturer/speaker at:
. Workshop on information architectures for the Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (KUB) SBIT congress IT Governance and Strategic Alignment (march 28, 2000)
. Guest lecture for the KUB on information archi-tec-tu-res (september 1999).
. the NGGO-conference on Methods.
. EISS function classification schemes at NIOC 94.
. ER94 at University of Science and Technology in Manchester (UMIST).
. Dutch conference on Conference Object-Oriented and Architectures.
A large number of other presentations on different subjects has been given for GIA, NGGO, NGI and other organisations.
. Writes a monthly column in the magazine Informatie (september 1999 until today).
. Author of articles in the Dutch press, including:
. “Information architecture and Service Management” in Architectuur & Infrastructuur (april 2000)
. “An Information Architecture is not an IT Architecture” in Informatie (april 2000)
. “Information vision and policy” in Architectuur & Infrastructuur (january 2000)
. “How to start with Information Architectures” in Architectuur & Infrastructuur (september 1999)
. “Information Architectures in practice” in Informatie (june 1999)
. “Information Architectures and Information Architects” in Informatie (november 1998)
. “Architectures” in AutomatiseringsGids (1995)
. a number of articles on the subject "Object Oriented development" (1994)
. “Evo-lutionary Development" (1993)

Author of:
. paragraph G 1400: "16 methoden voor systeemontwikkeling” (16 methods for sys-tem development)" for the Handboek "Automatisering van de Informatie verzorging" published by Samsom.
. article: "Open Distributed Processing" in the “Handboek Telematica" (Sam-som).
. Editor and co-author of the NGGO-book "16 methods for system development, a comparing report of the NGGO". This book contains a comparison of 16 methods for information and software engineering, including D2S2, Gane & Sarson, IDO, INFOMOD, Information Engineering (IE), ISAC, Jackson System Development (JSD), Methode Merise, NIAM, Pirbhai, PRISMA, SDC, SADT, SSADM, Ward & Mellor and Yourdon-/DeMarco.
. Final editor of the NGGO-book "Over het testen van informatiesystemen, een inventa-ri-se-rend rapport van de NGGO". In this book an analysis is offered of all relevant with respect to testing.


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