Flex Manager
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financial controller

financial controller

Work Experience

Barco - Industries NV , Theodoor Sevenslaan, 106 Kortrijk
Period: 01.06.81 / 31.08.88
High-technology Company specialised in visualisation en automatisation.
Sales: 112 million euro
Function: first as chief-accountant
Responsible for: annual accounts
Justifications of the accounts
Control of the interface material (copics) & general ledger (msa)
Control of the sub-systems (AR & AP) to the general ledger
Function: Chief Accountant later as Controller
Additional responsibilities:
Financial reporting with 'Information Expert'
Installation of a Cost Accounting System ( ACEC schedule)
Budget & budget reporting ( system msa )
Involved in the preparation and follow-up of profit-plans

Team : 6 persons

Jonckheere France SA , ZI Rue de la pointe Seclin / France
Period: 01.09.88 / 30.06.91
Subsidiary of the bus division of Jonckheere Roeselare
Commercialisation of busses and coaches on the French Market.
Sales: 20 million euro number of employees: 26
Function: Financial and Administration Manager
Responsible for: accounting, personnel and the total administration.

Scaldia Volga NV , Woluwelaan, 186 Diegem
Period: 01.07.91 / 31.12.95
Importer of Lada & Ssang Yong , trade with Russia and the eastern countries
Sales consolidated: 570 million euro number of employees: 156
Function: Finance & Accounting Manager.
Responsible for: Budget & budget reporting
Total accounting: general & cost accounting.
Cash planning
Insurance and legal
Administrative & Accounting Procedures
Team: 10 persons

Walbro Automotive NV , Brandstraat, 17 Lokeren
Period: 23.01.96 tot 30.09.99
American Multinational, producer of fuel tanks for cars in HDPE .
Sales in Belgium: 55 million euro. Number of employees: 211
Function: Financial Controller
Responsible for : General Accounting ( EFAS ) & Cost Accounting
Internal procedures
Rapporting in US-Gaap to the Headquarters in Paris
Administration and systems (MFG/PRO)
Insurance & Legal
Budget & Budget reporting, forecast, variances analyses
Contact: banks, external & internal audit
Legal reporting, Tax
Team: 4 persons

PEFA.COM NV , Ierse Zeestraat 201 Zeebrugge
Period : 12.10.1999 until 30.04.2000
Belgian Business to Business E-commerce company who brings together supply and demand
for the fish auctions via Internet.
Sales in Belgium : 100 million euro . Number of employees : 15
Function : Financial Manager
Responsible for : General Accounting ( Delfi ) & Cost Accounting
Internal procedures
Cash planning
Budget & Budget reporting , Forecast
Contacts : banks, external & internal audit
Legal reporting and Tax matters
Performed : reworked business plan, due diligence with Investors
transfer from Cubic into Delfi, audit book year 1999.

Team : 2 persons

Ytong NV , Kruibeeksesteenweg 24 Burcht
Period : 04.05.2000 tot 04.10.2001 ( first 6 months interim management )
Production unit of concrete blocks (cellenbeton) : Blocks and armed elements.
Sales : 35 million euro . Number of employees : 135
Function : Verantwoordelijke Financiën en Administratie
Responsible for : General Accounting & Cost Accounting
Internal procedures
Reporting, monthly to Ytong Holding in München in German.
Cash planning
Budget & Budget reporting , Forecast
Contacts : banks, external & internal audit
Legal reporting and Tax matters
Performed : Preparation of implementation of SAP, implementation of the Euro.

Team : 4 persons

Advalvas Group, Pontbeekstraat 2 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Brussels
Period : 04.11.2001 until 30.03.2002
Internet and smart cards
Sales : 10 Mio euro . Number of employees : 61
Function : Financial Controller – Interim Management
Responsible for : General Accounting & Cost Accounting
Internal procedures
Reporting, monthly .
Cash planning
Budget & Budget reporting , Forecast
Contacts : banks, external & internal audit
Legal reporting and Tax matters
Team : 2 persons

Tetra Pak MPS NV, Westerring 13 9700 Oudenaarde
Period : 01.04.2002 until now
EBM activity in Lummen, Barrier in Oudenaarde
Sales : 6 Mio euro . Number of employees : 34
France : Sales 5 Mio euro. Number of employees: 19
Function : Finance and Administration Manager – as independent.
Responsible for : General Accounting & Cost Accounting in Scala
Internal procedures
Reporting, monthly in Darwin
Staff - Administration
Cash planning
Budget & Budget reporting
Contacts : banks, external & internal audit
Legal reporting and Tax matters
Team : 2 persons



Primary School : Broederschool Menen
Secondary School: Sint-Aloysiuscollege Menen
Economische Afdeling Moderne Humaniora
Period: 01.09.66 / 30.06.72
University : UFSIA Antwerpen
Kandidatuur Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen
Period: 01.09.72 / 30.06.74
Superior Studies : Provinciaal Handels en Talen Instituut Gent
Graduate in Accounting and Administration
Period: 01.09.74 / 30.06.76

IDAC Accountant : since 7 June 1986
Registration number: 909.N.53
Permanent formation IDAC


Accounting - Budget - Management control - Reporting - Business Administration - Implementations



Dutch : mother language
French and English : speak and write fluently

Good knowledge of German .


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