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Change and business re-engineering

Change and business re-engineering

Work Experience

2000- Intim Ltd. – Interim management and change Consultancy Company.
Managing Director
Assignment 1
New business ‘start up’ aimed at multimedia for consumer and small business.
· Analysis of the company’s products and service to match defined market needs
· Developed strategic business plan with key success factors
· Developed business survival budget and 18 month cash flow analysis
· Successful presentation to Business Link and local bank

Assignment 2
Analysed an established (30 years) landscape gardening business in order to develop a campaign to capture more market share.
· Analysis and categorisation of past business successes
· Development of core differentiation factors
· Authoring of a multimedia kiosk

1987-2000 Zellweger Analytics Ltd – T/O £38m. International operation manufacturing and supplying safety instrumentation to worldwide markets.
Part of the Zellweger Luwa Group, a Swiss quoted company with a turnover of £350 million
1996-2000 Managing Director
350 employees, 6 executive direct reports. Invited into this position in recognition of implementing radical changes, commercial negotiation skills and establishing a Total Quality ethos throughout the company.

1990-1996 Technical Director
Invited into this position as a result of the outstanding track record in introducing fundamental technology to the company and a flair for creating and managing teams. 6 direct reports.

1987-1990 Optics group manager
Recruited to introduce infrared optical gas sensing technology to the company.

1982-1987 GEC Hirst Research Laboratories Senior scientist, recruited to the Chief Scientist Unit to help revitalise new technological advances.

1978 - 1982 Higher Scientific Officer at the Health and Safety Executive (UK Government laboratories)
Recruited to develop new analytical techniques for the detection of cancer inducing compounds

1977 – 1978 GEC (Wembley) Scientist in the Chemical Laboratory
Recruited to carry out various analytical tasks.


Qualifications :
1979 CPhys - chartered physicist
1977 PhD - Chemical physics
1974 BSc (first class honours) in chemical physics

Membership : Member of the Institute of Physics

Patents and Publications :
15 patents
11 papers (scientific and business)
3 books (chapters, and complete)
6 international presentations, including presenting and chairing at the Optical Remote Sensing World conference in Houston.

Courses :
1997 Advanced Industrial Marketing, Insead Fontainebleau, France
1996 Top Management Course, Oliver Wight, UK
1995 People and Change Management, Oliver Wight, UK
1994 Essential of Marketing, Henley Management College
1994 Business Process Reengineering, Oliver Wight, UK
1994 R&D Strategy, Cranfield Management Centre
1990 Product Transfer into Production, Frost & Sullivan, UK


Areas of particular expertise:

· Assessment, implementation planning and execution of company acquisitions
· Strategic business analysis with the development of key objectives
· Utilisation of SWOT analysis to identify and capitalise on new markets
· Goal directed project management to commercialise new products
· Analysis and formation of multidisciplinary teams
· Process mapping to establish streamlined customer focussed processes.
· Outsource partnering of non-core activities to gain competitive leadership.
· Brainstorming to develop novel and effective solutions
· Technical innovation coupled with market analysis for step change products
· Sales and Operations planning – linking the entire business process

· Utilised a rapid 9 month programme to achieve a two Company integration, turning a £1m loss into profit, whilst maintaining sales in a dramatically changing environment.
· Streamlined company processes focusing on core requirements and customer excellence, resulting in a headcount reduction from 550 to 350, a stock reduction of £3m, and delivery improved by +20%
· Initiated Sales and Operational Planning routines which coped with 20 times increase in volumes in 6 months allowing new product introductions and supply management gains.
· Developed the company’s Total Quality concept. Actively promoted by training, communication and team sponsorship. Overall profitability improved by 4%.

· Launched and successfully implemented a strategic business review to increase turnover (£22m to £38m) and profitability (8% to 12%) within 3 years.
· Championed strategic partnering, outsourcing electronic manufacture to China, reducing the costs by 25%, improving the supply flexibility by utilising the Chinese FMCG expertise
· Using classic SWOT techniques clearly and unambiguously identified growth markets. Resources were realigned and market share increased.

· Initiated a new product/consumer market, gaining 55% European share within a 2 year period growing from under £1m to £5m in 4 years, with high profitability (>15%).
· Catalysed and lead a review of market segmentation strategy. Worldwide markets were realigned resulting in wining major multi million £ contracts.
· Spearheaded ‘total solution provider’ programme to combine products with service packages. Profitability improved due to increased ratio of service revenue.

· Captured and maintained market leadership in infrared gas detection. These products generate in excess of 20% of the current business at sustained high margins.
· Introduced ‘total product concept’ embracing initial market research through to fully debugged manufacturing processes, resulting in reduced time to market
· Developed multidisciplinary teams in conjunction with goal directed project management this resulted in key projects meeting the agreed timescales.


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