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Program manager/Interim manager

Program manager/Interim manager

Work Experience

Managing Partner Conduco Management & Advies B.V.
Recently Erik joined Conduco as Managing Partner responsible for lifting Conduco to her next stage of professionalism.

Feb’96 - currently
Senior Partner Galileo Group B.V.
Erik is co-founder of Galileo Group and personally specialized in process-, quality- and knowledge management.

During his last projects Erik was mainly involved in Change Management, developing Automatic Service Assembly Lines for automatic service provisioning and activation.
The analytical skills of Erik results in quick wins with long term ROI. Erik’s focus is always on increasing turnover and/or decreasing costs.

As a Senior Project Manager and Consultant Erik was involved in several projects e.g.:
· Versatel: Monitoring and reviewing the roadmap for an automatic service assembly line for both Belgium and The Netherlands
· KPN Belgium: ADSL Roll Out: Processes and Systems; Partly responsible for the realization of the Automatic ADSL services assembly line (including web front end, automatic provisioning and service activation)
· Czesky Telecom: Responsible for the development and implementation of Marketing & Product Development as part of the OSS (Operating Support Systems) project.
· Boers Holland (Greenery): As interim IT-manager optimizing the IT-department of this multinational
· Kabelfoon (CAI Westland): Research for multi-site videoconferencing over the Internet
· KPN Telecom: Partly responsible for developing the sales and installation processes and the founding of the first Dutch Internet Center.
· KPN Telecom: Responsible for the development and implementation of a time-to-market process for major accounts.

1990 - Feb’96
KPN Telecom
Erik held several positions within KPN:

Erik’s last position within KPN was that of Senior Project Manager where he was involved in the designing and implementation of the Customer Care policy within the business units of KPN.

Erik started his career within KPN as a junior consultant Process Management, responsible in several projects for describing business processes.

The longest time however, Erik joined the Quality Department of KPN where he was co-responsible for the development and implementation of the quality systems TQM, ISO 9001 and EFQM within KPN Telecom. During this period he developed his skills in Change Management.


Lead Assessor of the European Foundation of Quality
Management (Brussels)

Lead Assessor of the International Organization of
Standardization (ISO 9000)

1986 - 1990
Master in Science of Business (drs.) State University of Groningen(expertise: Management Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence)


ISO 9000, EFQM, Middleware solutions, CRM


Dutch (excellent), English (excellent)


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