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ICT Manager, Architect & System Integrator

ICT Manager, Architect & System Integrator

Work Experience

2001 Euronext (AEX) as Organiser Outsourcing Management,
as negotiator IT Costs Reductions
2000 Mirant as Applications Architect
2000 an insurer as Lead-Architect
1999 AEX as Auditor / Project leader / Technical Architect
1999 Ernst & Young as Unix Teamleader
1998 Robeco as Unix Teamleader / Open Systems Consultant / Project Leader
1997 Postbank as IT-architect / Project Leader
1996 IBM as Open Systems Consultant / Project Leader
1996 Unilever / Quest as Open Systems Consultant
1995 Krone / Intersystems as Open Systems Consultant / Engineer
1994 KLM as Open Systems Consultant / Engineer
1993 - 1995 Systemhouse as Systems Engineer / Technical Architect / Project Leader
for: KLM, Deloitte and Touche, PTT Post
1992 - 1993 Court of Law as Administrative Information Systems Advisor
1991 - 1992 Trav Automation as Technical Architect / Systems Programmer
1991 Siemens as Systems Engineer / Systems Programmer
1984 - 1991 Various freelance jobs as:
Programmer, Analyst, Project leader, Unix Systems Administrator,
Systems Engineer and Trainer


HTS-I - Polytechnical Computer Science (degree)
UvA - Organisational Science


Mr. Gerrits is an all-round IT-professional with broad interests and skills in project-, interim-management and technology, with primary interests in delivery/performance oriented projects.

Mr. Gerrits is specialised in Systems Integration and Technical Architecture of medium- to large-sized infrastructures. He has done various projects as Project Manager, Project Leader, Technical Architect and Client/Server Systems Engineering in Unix systems (HP-UX, AIX, Solaris) and TCP/IP networking (Internet, Intranets, firewalls, routing). His technological know-how is based upon systems integration theory, practice in design and deployment as well as leading multi- and inter-disciplinaire teams. Furthermore he is a Storage Management specialist trained in EMC and ADSM, and designs & develops middleware enabled (TIBCO, BEA-Tuxedo, MQ-Series, etc.) infrastructures.

As Project Manager he is specialised in infrastructural projects where multidisciplinaire teams including System Developers, System- and Network- managers up to operators, are guided from the design en specification phase, building and testing, into deployment and production phase.

Currently, mr. Gerrits is experienced in in-depth IT outsourcing matters concerning SLA's, management of decision making processes and costs savings through architecture and consolidation of environments.


English, Dutch


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