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IT Director

IT Director

Work Experience

Oct 1999 to present – Domino Printing Sciences PLC.

Current assignment (which has been on a full time basis since October 2000) as Group IT Director for Domino Printing Sciences PLC. Domino makes industrial inkjet and laser solutions for the Product marking and commercial printing markets.

This assignment commenced as an initial Strategic review undertaken on behalf of the Board during June and July 1999 and I took on the role as Group IT Director in order to get the recommendations made in my review rolling. The role has been on a full time basis for the last 18 months but is now moving back to a part time basis now that the first European subsidiaries of the company has been migrated to new systems and the Euro.
This role has involved the development and implementation of a plan to role out Oracle Applications across the European Union – also using this programme as a catalyst to create a unified supply chain and financial administration process across the company’s EU subsidiaries. The project delivers a major saving in back office costs and handles the conversion to the Euro. More importantly it establishes an infrastructure which will be much more responsive to the needs of Domino’s Pan European, Mulit National and OEM customers.

I have developed and managed the MIS function during this time in the UK & Europe but also for Domino's major US subsidiary. I have created an effective development group and have strengthened the function across most aspects of IT including improved security, disaster recovery and established best practise procurement and support policies/processes. I have established a medium term systems strategy for Domino’s largest market - the US and this will see the creation of a single Data Centre for Europe and North America during 2002. I have also introduced CRM software and lead the development of a Global e.commerce solution.

I have taken the business through some major upgrade programmes which were required by Oracle including a step change in technology moving from a client server architecture to an internet browser based environment.

I am also working on a systems and process strategy for the company’s very successful and fast growing operations in China and where Domino manufactures and as well as markets and its product ranges.

Prêt A Manger (Dec 1998 to Sept 1999)

In respect of Prêt A Manger I was appointed as Interim IT Director on a 3 day a week basis to develop and implement a systems strategy to support the rapid growth of the company which will result in at least the doubling in size of the company within three years. As well as growing the MIS function and developing relationships with third party vendors I undertook the leadership of a programme of key projects. This included:

Selection of new EPOS system
Development and implementation of a small data warehouse.
Implementation of new Back Office system for stores and a Finance systems upgrade.
Millennium audit.
Improved communication inc. ISDN links into stores, Mobile computing for Operations Managers, Email into stores.
Develop partnerships for operational support and development of new systems.

I also acted as member of a then recently formed executive Board for this private company ensuring that Systems supported the developing business plans.

Laura Ashley (Dec 1998 – June 1999)

During this time I:

Managed the Year 2000 compliant systems and infrastructure

Developed a systems strategy route for replacement of existing systems with a Retail package solution.

Continued to manage the overall function developing an appropriate Management team to take on the management of the current systems and one which was capable of delivering the proposed Package based solutions.

Nandos Chicken restaurants

I undertook a limited piece of consulting work for the UK franchise of a South African restaurant chain – Nandos Chicken restaurants where I worked the establishment of a basic systems infrastructure, development of their EPOS solutions and undertook some work on a supply chain programme for their restaurants developing a detailed systems design for central warehouse based ordering system .

Previous permanent roles:


Key activities at B&Q:

Worked with Andersen Consulting to develop a vision and an executable 3 year programme to overhaul B&Q’s core business processes and support with systems development and technical strategies whilst simultaneously ensuring Millennium compliance.

Outsourced Mainframe legacy systems and support to third parties in order to focus internal team on delivery of midrange based millennium compliant systems

Implemented £2.5m ATM based major store WAN network to replace old mainframe based deficient network.

Delivered AS/400 IBM Midrange systems for flexible pricing, data maintenance and central distribution based on JDA and WCSS package software.

Delivered first phase of data warehouse consisting of a sales and stock data warehouse of over 300 Gigabytes of data with easy to use GUI access for buying team.

Developed and rolled out replacement EPOS Pilot solution to ten new stores

Developed and delivered a major Internet site.

Key activities at Signet:

Amalgamated computer centres and IT organisations from two to one. Introduced new AS/.400 IBM Midrange (models 320, 310 and 200) for core software

Successfully led the development of a programme of new business practices supported by the introduction of a modified AS/400 retail package (Island Pacific). Defined and undertook major programme of AS/400 development around the core retail package

Delivered first phase of an Oracle based decision support system to provide exception based reporting /drill down MIS/EIS.

Successfully outsourced network management to third party provider to deliver more effective and responsive service and planned outsourcing of core operations (subsequently successfully implemented shortly after I left) .

Developed and implemented a planning and stock control systems using Comshare’s Commander retail planning systems and also a pilot system for a store contribution modelling.

PREVIOUS POSITION - Coca-Cola International

Key activities at Coca-Cola.

The high level documentation in computer models of the total business information requirements and associated business processes with the objective of providing a firm and consistent foundation from which to launch the delivery of all new information systems

Definition and implementation of a cohesive European organisation with which to execute this information strategy.


The development of software solutions for Coca-Cola offices and bottlers within Europe.Projects a mix of the tactical and strategic. Example Projects Included:
A common Merchandising system for management of retail activities (AS/400 based).
Sales force automation systems (PC based).
A Common EIS system for Divisional management using Client/Server technology (PC/As/400).
Development of Bottler and Pan European Customer information databases(DB2/IEF based).
The Development of Market Research databases using decision support systems(Various).
A consumer response system for 0800 enquiry and complaints services.

The Burton Group (Now Arcadia Group)

Key Project activities included:

Conversion and transfer of Top Man Division from Mainframe to an AS/400 Midrange database system and subsequent integration into common system with Topshop Division generating a £1 million operational saving to the company.
Review of all AS/400 existing systems in other Multiple outlet chains such as Dorothy Perkins and Principles to creating a baseline with which to launch the common solution strategy.

Establishment of common stock & commitment control and reporting systems using PC network solutions.

Support of Topman/Shop ,Dorothy Perkins and Principles AS/400 systems .

Other Activities included:

Reported to: Managing Director Topshop

Prime responsibilities.

Creation and management of Burton's first significant decentralised IBM Midrange database systems covering all aspects of Buying & Merchandising, stock control, ,distribution and reporting.
Management of operational systems for the Tops Divisions and responsible for the development and implementation of a systems applications strategy to support these businesses.
Responsible for distribution / warehousing liaison with company's Distribution Div.
Control of Divisional Epos.


Wellington School , Somerset

9 'O' levels, 2 'A' levels


Significant experience in 6the development , managment and Delivery of IT Stratgeies for Retailing, FMCG and Manufacturing organisations with significant experince of bespoke solutions as well expeince with Orcale, JDE , JDA and other application packages.




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