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Programma/project manager

Programma/project manager

Work Experience

Bas, born 21/09/1961, is active as an independent Financial Markets consultant since mid 1999, and operates in association with Atos Origin and DCE.

Bas worked mostly for middle and higher management and also directly for the Board of Directors. Bas acquired an in-depth knowledge of Middle and Back-Office activities within different business types in the Financial Sector, e.g., Banking and Asset Management. He has been responsible for many assignments, in roles ranging from Lead-Consultant to project and programme management. Since 1999, the start of his career as an independent consultant, he is concentrating on programme management and has grown to a level where he is experienced in managing several (7) dedicated teams and a budget of over € 4,5 million.

Typically, these assignments covered In-House Banking, Business Analysis, Business Process Redesign, Application Selection & Implementation and Application Architecture and Infrastructure. His expertise is mainly in:
· Programme Management
· Treasury & Trading
· Financial Markets Operations
· Application Architecture

From mid 1995 till mid 1999, Bas worked for KPMG Management Consultants, as a Treasury and Risk Management Consultant. Before this, he joined the ING division Treasury, Trading and Sales, as a projectmanager for derivative products. Bas started his career with the start-up of his own company in software for the financial administration.


After successfully finishing his studies in Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam and Utrecht, he joined a trainee program for ING International. Further training courses in Banking, Information Technology, Consultancy Skills and Project Management.


His expertise is mainly in:
· Programme Management
· Treasury & Trading
· Financial Markets Operations
· Application Architecture
· Inhouse banking


Dutch - fluent
English - fluent


Listed is a selection of the most important projects, for which Bas was responsible:

As independent consultant: Since 1999
· For ABN Amro and ING SC Morgages: Project management for SOx-projects.
Duration ABN Amro: 6 weeks, ING SC Hypotheken 16 weeks.
Bas project-managed the review and repair projects for the Business processes and General IT Controls.

· ING SC WIN: IT programme management for design and build of a large scale systems architecture. Duration 18 months
The WIN project aimed at establishing Service Centre WIN, that was designed to standardise processing in regional hubs for the ING foreign branches. For 8 months, Bas managed 7 teams to design and build the Front-Office and Finance interfaces. All were delivered with full scope, on time and on budget. He then moved to the Datamigration team to organise the credit limit migration and was consecutively asked to join the IT Core Team to organise the UAT testing and Go-Live.

· ING Wholesale International: IT programme management for CLS Settlement:
Duration: 18 months.
In the role of the IT manager in the ING CLS programme, Bas managed approximately 30 employees with an aim to establish the IT support for a new department for CLS settlement. He participated in the Process Design and managed the selection and implementation of a specialised application. Also the systems integration and the development of the infrastructure were part of his responsibility. This included the design and implementation of the Business Continuity Planning.

· PGGM Asset Management: Programme management of a Back-Office system implementation:
Duration: 4 months.
Assigned by the Board of Directors, Bas took responsibility for the last phase of the implementation of a new Back-Office system. To achieve this, the project was reorganised and the implementation of the Back-Office system and a diverse number of satellite systems was executed successfully.

· For Achmea Asset Management: Programme management of building an In-house Bank:
Duration: 6 +16 months.
Bas started this assignment as a KPMG Consultant. As such he managed the design of the Inhouse Bank phase. Later he was asked to take charge of the implementation as an Independent Consultant. The scope of the project was to design and position the IHB in the organisation and consequently to implement the AO/IC and systems.
KPMG Management Consulting: Risk Management & Treasury group: 1995 - 1999
· For Achmea Holding: Lead-Consultant Application Architecture and implementation planning:
Duration: 3 months.
Constructing an IT architecture for an aggressive marketing approach towards building a bank-assurance intermediary. The architecture should support multi-channel distribution, including a call centre, Internet, and over a hundred shops based on different marketing formula’s.

· For ING Futures &Options: Lead-Consultant Global Processing Design.
Duration: 9 month.
Infrastructure planning for a worldwide Futures & Options clearing and brokerage organisation. The new infrastructure should support the strategy of this organisation to provide global clients with a global service. To achieve this, they needed an integrated back-office and near-time risk management. An international team of consultants was mobilised to facilitate the global spread of the clearing organisations.

· For Rabo Bank: Project manager Risk Datawarehouse implementation.
Duration: 12 months.
Project management of a system selection and datawarehouse implementation project for the risk management department of Rabo Bank. This project was part of a programme that established the policies and developed the information infrastructure for the newly formed Central Market Risk Control department.

· For ABN AMRO Bank: Project manager quality assurance data.
Duration: 4 months.
Review and architectural recommendations as to the data quality processes and procedures for a near-time operational-warehouse for global risk management. The project aimed at centralising the transactions from nearly eighty international branches.

· ING Lease: Lead Consultant application selection.
Duration: 3 months.
Assisted this Leasing & Finance company, subsidiary of the ING bank, in the selection of a Treasury system and subsequently assisted the project organisation and implementation planning

ING Bank: Treasury, Trading & Sales Division: 1991 - 1995
· ING Branch Hong Kong: Implemented a trading and risk management system for derivative products and organised the administrative and risk management procedures.

· Management of the maintenance and development team for derivative products and implementation of exotic FX options for the FX options desk.

· Project management of the implementation of the ‘Devon’ risk management system, including the administrative organisation and EDP, for front, middle and back office. Embedding the maintenance and development for this system in the organisation.

Own company: Mabaphil B.V. : 1988 - 1991
· Adjusted a Swedish software package for the financial administration of medium sized companies. Responsible for marketing, sales and project management of implementations.
· Dutch University Degree in Philosophy, At the University of Utrecht.
· Traineeship ING International.
· NIBE: General Banking, International Financial Relations.
· NIBE Product training: Options, Swaps, FRA’s, etc.
· KPMG Consultancy training: project management and Consultancy skills.
· Dutch: mother tongue, English: fluent, German: passive.


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