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Consultant / interim manager

Consultant / interim manager

Work Experience

With over 10 years experience, my diverse background includes strategic management consulting with a specific focus on marketing and technology strategy, project management, IT planning, systems analysis, design and development, implementing organisational change and business process modeling. I have working experience across a variety of industries, cultures and countries, including Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Sweden and the United Kingdom and can be characterised as ambitious, reliable, enthusiastic, entrepreneurial, solid, team player and as a hands-on manager, that can balance company interests with satisfying customer needs.


Digitas Inc (Europe) 02/01 – present

VP/Director Delivery Management: responsible for building the Delivery Management capability of Digitas Europe, member of the Digitas UK Executive team and of the global Delivery Management Senior Leadership Team.

• In my capacity of Director of Delivery Management responsible for building a team of professional project managers to help manage increasingly complex projects across multiple disciplines, geographies and clients. As a member of the global Senior Leadership Team directly involved in developing the strategic direction of the Delivery Management capability within Digitas and in global Delivery Management practice development. In my role as member of the UK Executive team involved in developing new business, streamlining the UK organisation and in implementing the European expansion strategy

• Programme and relationship manager for the implementation of a digital brand and marketing strategy for a telecommunications company in Sweden that has recently focused on becoming a pure B2B brand. Managed various sub-initiatives and worked together with the various client stakeholders in developing a strategy to enhance the value of the on-line brand, to improve the effectiveness of digital channels in relationship building, to drive cost efficiencies and to leverage best practices across the organisation

Admiral Management Services 06/99 – 02/01

Principal, E-Commerce practice leader: responsible for the development of the E-Business service line (intellectual and human capital) and regarded to be expert in developing and implementing E-Commerce and CRM strategies.

• Programme manager for the implementation of a white label sharedealing service for a financial portal of a premier UK household brand. Responsible for commercial and contractual negotiations, requirements definition, impact analysis, re-branding of the e-stockbroker’s Web site, aligning back-office processes and procedures and changing the set up of the call centre. Whilst integrating the e-stockbroker’s white label offering with the financial portal, the baseline operation of the e-stockbroker (launch Feb 2000) was validated and concrete recommendations to improve and streamline its business operation were made. In working together with the Board on the development of the white label and co-branding service offering, significant pre-IPO value was added to the e-stockbroker’s organisation

Ernst & Young 06/98 - 06/99

• Interim manager: responsible for the strategic IT planning of a retail bank in the Netherlands. The IT department of the bank had just finalised the majority of the Euro and Y2K system changes and was struggling to eliminate the backlog of system and project request from the increasingly demanding business users / departments. Developed an Information Plan and IT project portfolio aligned with the overall business strategy of the bank. Made a significant contribution to improve the information planning process of the bank. Acted as ‘information manager’ for the Treasury, Security Trading and Private Banking departments, providing a streamlined interface function between these business departments and the IT department

AT&T Solutions 10/96 - 06/98

Manager: Responsible for leading project teams and actively involved in building a profitable (strategic) Consulting Practice from 2 persons to 10 in the Benelux over a period of one and a half years. Specific focus on strategic implications of E-Commerce, customer value analysis, electronic distribution channels, IT planning and business case development. Lead in many proposal writing efforts, discussion dinners, training sessions and other business and practice development efforts.

• Lead consultant for E-Commerce strategy and business case development for an European airline, covering benchmarking activities, customer segmentation, multi-channel distribution, product feature definition for electronic channels, cost/benefit analysis for electronic distribution and impact analysis on business processes and technical architecture

• Lead consultant in assisting a major global facility management company in developing a business driven information technology (IT) plan. The objectives of the project included to build a divisional IT vision and architecture, to initiate a set of activities to improve knowledge sharing and the exchange of best practices across the organisation and to identify and develop new technology enabled business opportunities, that would differentiate the company in an increasingly competitive and professional market

Accenture (formerly known as Andersen Consulting) 8/92 - 10/96

Senior Consultant: As a member of the Technology Integration Services West Europe division responsible for leading (sub-) project teams, to perform functional analysis and design, to create technical and architectural frameworks, to drive implementation efforts and to build technical expertise in the teams. Special focus within the division on telecommunications and media solutions.

• Set up and facilitated a major change program in a government department to reduce cost and increase operational efficiency through business process redesign and organisational changes. Part of the department was moving and reorganising to become an independent commercial entity. Played an initiating and stimulating role in the various projects that were defined to attain the new business objectives. Led several client teams and coached senior management with respect to BPR and change management methodology

• Information planning, system analysis and re-engineering for the security trading division of a large global bank. Responsible for the analysis and design of major components of a back office system for securities trading. Involved in the program management team to define standards, validate milestones and deliverables, and to customise the methodology. Team leader for a pilot to implement rule based workflow management system for customer complaints and issue handling (user requirements definition)

• Project manager for the definition and implementation of a distributed print architecture supporting the business requirements of various business units of a building trade / mortgage bank company. Responsible for another threat of work at the same client to audit the computer network services department with respect to their capability to successfully manage a distributed client/server (C/S) environment. This included the definition of tasks, activities, roles, responsibilities and SLA\'s for the IT department

• Technical design and implementation of a variety of banking applications in the area of securities trading at a Dutch bank. Maintenance of back office for international securities trading

• Development of business requirements for new PABX/ACD system and set up of call center, covering items as: call routing, agent grouping, training, environmental design, CTI applications and interfaces with back office and technical helpdesk

• Assessment of telecommunication infrastructure options and alternatives in the travel agent branches to enhance speed, reduce hardware costs and to increase customer service


• Master of Science in electrical engineering, Delft University of Technology, Information Theory Group (1986 - 1992). Major subjects include: speech and image coding, telecommunications, networks and systems, mobile speech communications, information theory, digital signal processing, HDTV

• Performed practical work within the framework of the Erasmus exchange program at the École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, département Signal in Paris. Requested to continue the research work for France Telecom and to publish an article in a leading French scientific magazine.

• Colloquium ‘Marketing the Integrated Services Digital Network’, an investigation of the opportunities of ISDN in small and medium sized enterprises
• NIMA Marketing course

Numerous internal courses at Digitas, AT&T Solutions and Accenture, including:
• Project Management Intensive (Project Management Institute)
• Consultative selling (Dynargie)
• Customer Value Management
• Technology for business integration school
• Integration Business Solutions School
• Object Modeling and Design School
• Client Server Technical Architecture School
• Business Practices Course

Member of the telecommunication focus group at Accenture.

• Selected as single representative from the Netherlands to participate in a European Procter & Gamble Management Trainee course in Paris.
• Faculty at the ‘Implementing Business Solutions School’ at Accenture’s St. Charles (US) based education center


Consulting, line management, project management in marketing / technology environment


Dutch, English fluent
French, German competent


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