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Interim manager

Interim manager

Work Experience

November 2002 – to date
Bradford & Bingley (Yorkshire) – asked to return to BBG as Group Business Continuity Manager within Group Risk – an interim management role. Responsible for:
Development of Group strategy and framework for Business Continuity Management;
Providing an independent assessment of the Group’s continuity arrangements to ensure that they are complete, robust and workable;
Facilitating the business continuity management process and providing support and assistance to the business at all stages of the process;
Assisting and co-ordinating the development of a testing strategy and individual testing plans;
Providing support to the Crisis Management Teams in the event of an incident. These teams are located at each major BBG location;
Undertaking a series of communication initiatives to raise the level of awareness of the importance of Business Continuity management and to constantly emphasise roles and responsibilities.

During this assignment I have liaised with the FSA (Financial Service Authority) on behalf of the BBG Chief Executive with regard to the status of Business Continuity Management at BBG. This was achieved via a detailed report of our processes and procedures in the context of the FSA Best Practices and Operational Risk practices. Also reviewed the overall Group Business Continuity Strategy with a view to implementing improved Northern & Southern Sites recovery capabilities.

Contract extended to Program Manage IT Disaster Recovery Improvements. Dealing primarily with strategic outsourcing partners (IBM & BT) and other 3rd party providers in defining and implementing IT DR improvements for 3 key data & network centres. Responsibilities include documenting business case and obtaining approved capital and revenue budgets for next 5 years from Executive Committee.

June 2001 – November 2002
One 2 One/ T-Mobile (Hertfordshire) - asked to return to One2One (now T-Mobile) as Senior Consultant within TS Security department. Main projects included :
Development of detailed security policies and supporting technical standards for GPRS (2.5G) and UMTS (3G) network infrastructure and related services (e.g. international roaming). Input security requirements to major service developments.
Development of security improvement action plan to implement best security practices across the end-to-end GPRS network, addressing vulnerabilities highlighted within a 3rd party architectural review and technical audit. Worked with key service providers to scope and implement regular vulnerability testing of the 2.5/3G networks. Ultimately, overall level of security classed as “very good”.
Development of IS security requirements within UMTS (3G) Seamless Roaming project (T-Mobile / O2).
Facilitation of an IS Security Forum reporting 2.5/3G security risks through to the Risk Steering Group.
Evaluation of an ongoing security project to implement Control SA centralised security administration solution across multi-platforms. Conducted a detailed project review against original business drivers and project objectives.

During this contract also gained BS7799 / ISO17799 Practitioner Qualification (self-funded). Some involvement in successful BS7799 accreditation of internal IS Security division.
Also familiar with ITIL Security Management Module.

Contract renewed three times. Rate £600 per day.

Aug 2000 – May 2001
AMS / Bradford & Bingley (Yorkshire) - Project Manager for Alltel Mortgage Solutions (AMS) – a joint venture company set-up to service mortgages for customers (Bradford & Bingley) utilising Alltel (US) & AMS IT infrastructure.

Acting IS Security Manager & Project Manager for 2 specific projects :
Security Policy - development and implementation of all Information Security policies across AMS. Policies needed to satisfy legal & regulatory requirements, in particular the FSA since Bradford & Bingley were converting to a Bank. Policies developed based on BS7799 and similar best practices (ITIL Security Management module; ISF) , incorporating Alltel standards from the US, Bradford & Bingley specific requirements and supported by technical standards. Service schedule with Bradford & Bingley subsequently amended to reflect the new policies.
Business Continuity. Development of an independent business continuity plan and ongoing process for AMS that leveraged the existing relationship with Bradford & Bingley. After business impact analyses, selected a strategic solution that involved signing a £1.2 million contract with Comdisco for work area and ship-in recovery services. Plan developed to include Crisis Management at Board level, all critical business functions and key enablers. Connectivity testing to primary recovery sites in UK & US. Plan incorporated switchover to Alltel core systems in the US by 3Q 2001.

Projects conducted under the SPM project management methodology.
Assisted in recruitment of permanent Information Security Manager.

Contract extended to provide specialist security advice on Security Tools & Architectural requirements within E-Commerce/Web developments. Rate £552 per day.

July 1997 – June 2000
One 2 One (Hertfordshire) – Systems Security Manager, responsible for management of One 2 One’s multi-platform operational security team (mainly Unix, Novell, NT & Internet). Management of a team of staff, consisting of Project Manager and Security Analysts.

Key responsibility to provide a central point for expert advice in the application of security to existing systems and future IT developments (part of the development sign-off process).

Main achievements included :-
Implementation of in-house Certification Authority for digital certificate production used to enable web-based applications with the dealer and wholesale services community. (Point of Sales and Phone Ordering web-based applications).
Rollout of WWW access across the company and implementation of WWW activity reporting and monitoring tool.
Extensive growth of both internal and 3rd party remote access users, within set standards of One2One RAS solution incorporating ACE server and SecurID tokens.
Development of several security “templates” and baseline security standards for Operating Systems; Applications and 3rd party Access.
Setting policy and developing processes for the ongoing security of internet e-mail and WWW usage; virus checking; e-commerce developments; firewall-1 configurations; remote access and home working.
Evaluation of leading edge security tools (e.g. main PKI products). Implementation of a balanced portfolio of security tools based on business risk.
Growth of department and development of internal candidate to Project Manager level as permanent replacement. Introduction of “first-time” discrete security budget within overall Annual Operating Plan.

As Lead Security Consultant, headed a project team to formulate an Enterprise Security Strategy and Architecture. Utilised company agreement with Giga Information Group to reference latest security trends and best practises, and for specialist assistance in facilitating security workshops.

Recommended organisational & process improvements, and key to the strategy the development of a security architectural roadmap to accomodate future 2.5G & 3G service offerings.

Represented the company at the ISF (International Security Forum).
Contract renewed 3 times. Rate £400 per day.

Aug. 1991 – to July 1997 – contract / consultancy included :-
Business Advance Limited (North Wales) - associate senior consultant tasked with responsibility for consultancy project development & management of business development focused consultancy projects.
Barclays Financial Services (London) - IT Security Manager reporting to Head of IT Operations. Responsible for development, implementation and administration of data security policies and procedures across office and client server based systems, and for ensuring effective security services from 3rd party
FM supplier for mainframe systems.
Rank Video Services (London) - Physical and logical risk analysis of the Brentford complex, with recommendations for improvements passed to Rank Group Head Office. Specific project to assist in the formulation of an Invitation To Tender for a complete site-wide integrated business system, with specific reference to Accounting, Production & Sales/Purchasing departments.
Plant Safety Ltd (Manchester) - detailed development of a business continuity plan for the Didsbury complex. Risk analysis, site survey, business system criticality review, strategy selection and plan implementation.

Oct. 1990 - Aug. 1991 Price Waterhouse - Senior Security Consultant
May 1989 - Oct 1990 DRS Ltd. - General Manager / Senior Consultant
July 1986 - May 1989 Barclays Bank – ATM Network Service Manager (Barclaybank) & Technical Administration Manager


10 O levels
4 A levels
Post graduate qualification ICA Chartered Accountancy


An experienced IT Professional. Solid hands-on experience in both Operational Risk and Project Management. Experience of many technical environments and industry sectors, both as a contractor/consultant and in senior line management positions. Specialism in all aspects of Information Security, DisasterRecovery, Business Continuity and many aspects of Risk Analysis / Risk Management.




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