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MBA & Post Graduate International Commerce

MBA & Post Graduate International Commerce

Work Experience

Set up - from scratch - of a successful service organisation in the field of applied microbiology (worldwide clientele in the sectors of health, pharmaceuticals, food, agriculture, environment, chemistry, energy etc.).

Practical implementation of management procedures in the field of e.g.: marketing, HRM, planning, quality assurance etc.


- exponential growth of clients, services and income;
- the progressive build-up of a solid international competitive position.


Degree in science (magna cum laude)

Special degree in Business Administration (cum laude)

Post-graduate in International Commerce

Certificate for International Cooperation


Good analysis and synthesis; Problem solver; Polyvalence (cf. broad interests); Hard worker


English, French, Dutch: fluent
German: good understanding
Spanish & Moroccan: notions


Bureautics: Wordperfect, Word, Excel, Access;
Internet: IE, Netscape, Eudora, Outlook, Dreamweaver, Search Robots;
Statistical package SPSS


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