Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Interim Manager

Interim Manager

Work Experience

Apollo Management
Assigned to assist affiliate companies of the firm in the Netherlands
produce the information needed to make investment decisions
analyze companies’ annual results
Design Business Process Outsourcing (Cost Reduction)
write reports on potential investment sectors
research areas including share prices and companies abilities to pay back their debts

Business process improvement within management process, operational process, and support process. (Worked with Canadian Tax, Treasury, and Legal Departments for the project of global funding and entity restructuring, prepared the IFRS financial report for interim and year-end closing of the holding company, focused on financial planning, operating review, and investment evaluation, prepared the operating result for investors, coordinated and prepared local budget and long term financial plan procurement/purchasing, Prepared management report for Canada head office)
Planned and executed BPR-Business Process Re-Engineering ensured the process improvements and efficiencies lower unit costs.

MicroStrategy BV
Company specialist in Business Intelligent Data Mining Solutions. Increased group sales, large account won and retained Makro, Citigroup Benelux. Worked closely with SAP Applications (BW-Business Warehousing, ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning system)

Corporate Division, covered areas Finance Management Information Strategy, Financial Reporting and Control, Finance Strategic Decision Support, Assets and Liability Management

Hunstman Corp
Company specialist in chemicals located in Belgium, assisted in the development and execution of plans and activities that support client communication goals and objectives, worked within a client-focused settings


Hogeschool voor Economisch Studie (International Business Management)
Universiteit van Amsterdam (Business Studies)-MSc


Business Process Improvement
Business Process Re-Engineering
Planning & Execution
Strategic Management


English, Dutch, Indonesisch


Mastery of Microsoft Office, SAP-BW advance users, SAP-CRM advance users


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