Flex Manager
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Senior Business Development Manager

Senior Business Development Manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

• J.P. Morgan Chase Bank – Senior Business Development Manager October 2006 – October 2010
Key initiator and approached J.P. Morgan Worldwide Securities Services in 2006 to establish Dutch J.P. Morgan WSS office with team of three colleagues (team transfer from ABN Amro Mellon)
Prepared initial business plan: main objective was to build a sustainable book of business and double business line revenues from €50 million per year to €100 million in five years time. Revenue objective realized after three years. Team expanded to 9 people.
Key (partial) mandate wins: APG Asset Management, Shell Asset Management Company, Kempen Capital Management, Vopak Pension Fund
Main responsibilities: marketing (including thought leadership articles and client events) and business development for securities services products. Main prospects: pension funds, asset managers and banks
Responsible for market segmentation, sales planning and sales execution in The Netherlands
Responsible for securities lending sales execution in Nordic region (2008)

• ABN Amro Mellon – Business & Product Development Securities Lending November 2004 – October 2006
Business development for securities lending in The Netherlands
Developed German KAG securities lending product
Developed synthetic (delta one) securities lending product
Prepared European third party securities lending business plan
Prepared business case potential acquisition of eSecLending
Prepared business case for Equilend electronic trading implementation

• ABP Investments – Portfoliomanager Global Securities Lending December 2000 – November 2004
Responsible for set-up of internal securities lending desk
Realized securities lending revenue growth from €60 million per year to €90 million per year
Responsible for selection of eSecLending as new lending provider
Responsible for development of risk management framework securities lending
From 2000-2001 Quality Manager Global Equity Team. Main responsibilities: equity overlay management and performance management reporting. Transitioned regional equity investment approach to global equity investment approach.

• Twynstra Gudde Management Consultants – Management Consultant August 1998 – December 2000
Execute projects related to corporate strategy & finance
Advise clients and implement concepts as value-based management, performance management, and cost management
Responsible for acquisition of consultancy projects

• Several positions held at the following organizations November 1991 – August 1998
Aska Consultancy, Falcon Leven, TeleMedia, De Zeeuw & De Keizer Accountants and Coopers & Lybrand

Opleiding interimmanager

 Master of Science in Economics degree – Financial Economics – Erasmus University Rotterdam 2000-2003
 Bachelors degree in Business Economics – Hogeschool Brabant 1999-2000
 Bachelors degree in Business Administration – SPD – Hogeschool Markus Verbeek 1994-1999
 Moderne Bedrijfsadministratie – Hogeschool Markus Verbeek 1993-1994
 Hoger Algemeen en Voortgezet Onderwijs (H.A.V.O.) – Pieter Nieuwland College Amsterdam 1984-1990
 Hildebrand van Loonschool (elementary school) Amsterdam 1978-1984

Talenkennis interimmanager

Nederlands en Engels vloeiend in woord en geschrift


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