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Interim manager

Interim manager

Werkervaring interimmanager

Position: Plant Manager Norit Klazienaveen
Keywords: turnaround, operation, cost control, business unit, organization development, growth, innovation, business process improvement, lean six sigma, QA, ESH
P&L responsible – turnover € 50 mio, production result € 1 mio
Growth > 20% yearly, doubled the turnover within 3 years (mTon + €)
170 FTE, 12 production lines 24/7
Investment projects > € 20 mio
Responsible for operations, maintenance, quality control, purchase, sales & operational planning, environment safety & health (ESH), workers council, investments, improvement projects
Brought the factory to quality standards: Improved the quality of the products, brought quality to the mind of the employees. Resulted in GMP certificate and HACCP certificate beside ISO
Successfully implemented new strategy (motto: ‘more output, smarter work’), including new structure with clear responsibilities, appointment of key people, and a meeting structure with clear in- and output for everyone involved
Implemented lean and world class manufacturing concepts like Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and Six Sigma leading to reduced cost (< 10%) and increased output (up to 250%)
Designed and implemented effective and efficient maintenance process. Leading to committed priority setting and control of the maintenance costs
Designed and implemented professional purchase process, leading to major cost reductions and win-win partnerships with suppliers
Designed and implemented investment processes with all disciplines according to Design for Six Sigma leading to avoidance of costs and faster start-up
At the start in 2006 the level of ESH was dramatic. A safety and health program was developed with a strong focus on ATEX to bring the factory back to standard. Upgraded environmental permits to make growth of the factory possible
Change management – Successful turn around: from a strategy to close the site in 2013 into a growing and learning organization

Company: AVEBE U.A. (1992 – 2006)
AVEBE U.A. is a leading supplier of potato starch based industrial products sold as food ingredients, paper chemicals and other industrial chemicals like adhesives, textile, building, detergents. Turnover € 600 mio; 2500 FTE

Position: Marketing & Innovation Director
Period: 03/2005 – 12/2006
Keywords: marketing, strategy, innovation, business process improvement, Six sigma
Designed and implemented sales & operational planning process, responsible for the sales and operational planning process within the commercial team. As a result both operation (on production line level) and sales (on customer level) had a by the board committed monthly sales plan and a production plan. Besides, we had a prediction for the next 18 months
Designed and implemented innovation process dealing with all relevant disciplines e.g. sales, marketing, operation, engineering, maintenance, purchase, ESH, research & development. Including clear responsibilities and formats. It lead to very successful new product introductions at low costs in due time
Member of the commercial management team
Responsible for the implementation of the company strategy. Beside leader of the development and implementation of both the innovation and the partnering strategy. Both strategies were developed and successfully implemented
Global responsible for analysing market opportunities, developing market strategies, shaping the market offerings (product assortment, positioning, pricing, market communication), managing and delivering marketing programs
Global responsibility for the marketing and innovation department of 80 FTE
Leading marketing managers, product managers, development managers and researchers in all sectors
Responsible for a product development pipeline based on customer needs with DCF value of € 50 mio for all markets with a focus on food and paper applications
Leading cross licensing negotiations of the patent portfolio with several competitors
Responsible for the global patent portfolio

Position: Change/Improvement Manager – direct reporting to the executive board
Period: 01/2002-03/2005
Keywords: strategy, marketing, supply chain, organizational development, innovation, business process improvement, Six sigma, HR
As change manager reporting to the Executive Board, lead teams of middle and higher management from all disciplines commerce and supply chain in a total of >50 FTE in > 10 teams
World Class Manufacturing by implementing and harvesting top down and bottom-up by lean projects. Responsible for the priority setting, design and quality of the new processes, and the total result
Program leader Top Gear- Implementation of a new purchase process including a target of € 9.2 mio of savings. As a result the target was exceeded by 15%. Beside, a sustainable new purchase process was implemented
Program manager Supply Chain Vision. Analysis and target setting of the total supply chain organization starting from the market. Potential saving € 10 mio. As a result the targets were set for the introduction of lean and six sigma
Project leader to introduce Six Sigma. Set-up and implementation of a training program for 80 green and 20 black belts and set-up of project program resulting in major savings
Internal Consultant supporting the Executive Board during the implementation of a global new strategy and structure mostly solving issues and (possible) conflicts
Program management monitoring, supporting and steering the progress of global cross AVEBE projects to improve and adapt business processes to new structure. Secretary en vice-chairman of the Executive Committee
Project leader: consolidation of European sales offices, design and implement regional business centres, decentralize quality control, maintenance, engineering, warehousing etc.
Program manager Portfolio Management for the AVEBE group. Analysis of all relevant trends in the market, technology, raw material, politics, macro economics and competition. As a result an improved global AVEBE strategy was build and market strategies were developed
Leading cross licensing negotiations of the patent portfolio with several competitors
HR activities: responsible for the negotiations of a ‘social plan’ with unions used to reduce the workforce. Chairman of a commission consisting of workers council and company representatives supervising the shifting of 750 employees to other/new departments. Member of the project team to design and implement competence and talent management.

Position: R&D Manager/Vice President R&D – reporting to Director R&D
Period: 05/1999 – 01/2002
Keywords: innovation, strategy, organizational development, business process improvement, marketing, operation
Responsible for all recipe´s of the factories, including solving production issues
Responsible for the total product development of all markets of AVEBE e.g. food, pharmacy, paper, adhesives, building, detergents, bioplastics with all available technologies: organic chemistry, physical chemistry, enzymatic conversion, fermentation, genetic modification etc. As a result more then 10 new products were introduced, in close cooperation with operations
Member of the management team R&D
Project leader knowledge management - expertise, codification, knowledge sharing, performance indicators – resulting in a more efficient and effective R&D organization (101 FTE)
Project leader Business Success with Projects. Initiated and implemented an improved way of project management including a training program
R&D leader of the analysis and scenario development of the R&D portfolio based on market needs. This lead to a new strategy for AVEBE
Fully responsible to decentralize and reduce the R&D organization (by 40%) leading to a lean and mean R&D organization
Integrate 3 departments: chemistry, biochemistry, and regulations & data management of 28 FTE while being promoted as colleague. Dealt with issues like improving output, integrating processes, HR, and improving the knowledge position. Develop my management style using several coaches
Leading role in the development of a new business plan for R&D including the organizational design of the unit. This plan included strategy (mission, SWOT, market trends, strategic research plan), processes (project management, technology roadmap and technology focus), people and structure
Member of the program committee of the Wageningen Centre of Food Science
Member of the program committee of the Starch congress of the European starch industry and referent for Starch magazine

Position: Researcher/Project Leader – reporting to manager of Chemistry department
Period: 03/1992 – 04/1999
Keywords: innovation, projects, marketing, operation
Product and technology development based on (physical)chemistry for several applications e.g. food, pharmacy, paper, adhesives, building, detergents, bioplastics (> 10 products) using techniques as extrusion, drum drying, dry reactions and suspension reactors
Initiated and formulated research programs and projects either together with customers or based on new product platforms
Development of a new method for starch modification (25 patents)
Creator and implementer of the AVEBE patent strategy resulting to a portfolio with a potential value of € 10 mio/y
Responsible for the coordination and solving of ad hoc issues with customers and operation
Project leader of multidisciplinary teams (4 – 15 persons), often in close collaboration with a customer and/or an institute
Specific tasks: managing capacity – expertise, year-end reviews, interpretation of internal and external trends etc.
Referent of NIKO-TNO, meaning steering and adjusting the research program of the Dutch starch industry at TNO

Opleiding interimmanager

2005 – Black Belt Lean Six Sigma – Certificate 05/2005

2004 – Master of Business Administration at IMD in Lausanne (Switzerland) – Degree MBA 11/2004

1992 – PhD Organic Chemistry at Agricultural University Wageningen (Netherlands) – Degree PhD 5/1992

1987 - Master of Science Food Technology with distinction at Agricultural University
Wageningen (Netherlands) – Degree MSc 06/1987

1987 – 2007 Several personal development and technical courses.

Consultancy interimmanagement a.i. kerncompetenties

Innovation & Improvement

Leader: Make people part of the solution; Walk the Talk
Change agent: Analyse; Design concepts; Commit stakeholders, Implement the improvements; Academic and pragmatic
Result oriented: Implement solutions to improve; Focus on what is really needed
Entrepreneur: Initiate improvement opportunities; See chances in the market understand what is possible with the organization and act
Team player: Get the maximum out of the team by working together

Talenkennis interimmanager

Dutch – mother tongue
English – fluent
German – speaking fluent


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