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Head/ Director/ Manager India

Head/ Director/ Manager India

Work Experience

Manager/ Head/ Director for IT/ ITES offshore company/ operations.
Experienced in setting up, developing and managing software development/ services operations in India for international companies.


+ Grown from Technical Support, Project Management and Business Development to Head Indian Operations for Indian and Multinational companies.
+ Set up (from scratch) and held day to day responsibility for managing the Indian offshore software development and services company for a European MNC.
+ Experienced in setting up, growing, improving operations and processes, for 3rd party and company owned operations, by developing structure, policies and a professional culture.
+ Improved revenue, operational budget responsibility (Euro 3,5M) and cost control.
+ Skilled in relationship management and people management (170+ employees and only 5,5 % attrition).
+ Results and service driven, cost conscious with a good technical understanding.
+ Extensive international experience in US, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia.


English, Dutch, German


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