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Business management / development

Business management / development

Work Experience

Eigen Bedrijf:

January 2010 - now Managing Director, Co-owner
Key Characteristics: Production automation for milling machines, start up business in metal industry

Responsibilities: general management, portfolio management, marketing mix, project management, market communication, financing

Major achievements:
• Successful launch of new, plug and play production automation concept in November 2010
• First sales and very satisfied customers
• Organization prepared for growth, including ERP, draft Quality Manual

Bedrijf: Philips

2003 – December 2009 Senior Director Business Development – Business Unit TV
Key Characteristics: worldwide consumer market, televisions

Responsibilities: annual strategy review, definition and implementation of key strategy elements, portfolio management with global business lines, value / supply chain definition and implementation.

Major achievements:
• Defined Internet strategy for Europe and China and built European industry consensus for Internet TV standard
• Defined and implemented new strategies, e.g. in the areas of sustainability, user interaction and picture quality
• Negotiated partnership for divestment of Philips TV North America business

2001 - 2003 General Manager Wireless Internet Appliances (USA)
Key Characteristics: consumer market (initial focus USA), wireless entertainment tablet (TV, PC, Internet)

Responsibilities: set up and management of startup team (5 people) and \\\'virtual\\\' resources in Philips design and in development (25 people); strategic product and business planning, product life cycle management, product definition, pricing, promotion and distribution, market research.

Major achievements:
• Development of internet appliance which is new to Philips and new to the world, ready for production and field trials. Product was an iPad ‘avant-la-lettre’.
• Preparation of USA customer base and sales organization

Bedrijf: Ericsson

1995 - 2000 Global Product Line Director - Cordless Telephony
Key characteristics: worldwide consumer market, home cordless phones, € 50 Million annual revenue

Responsibilities: management of the department (30 people), strategic product and business planning, product life cycle management, product definition, pricing, global promotion and global distribution, market research, market communications and customer services.

Major achievements:
• Complete design and implementation of supply chain with semiconductor partner (National Semiconductors of the USA), ODM partner (Denmark) and manufacturing partner (Hong Kong)
• Number 1, 2 and 3 market share positions in all addressed markets at premium prices
• Integration of department with people in different locations (Amsterdam, Stockholm, Enschede)

1993 - 1995 Product / Project Manager - Cordless Telephony
Key characteristics: worldwide business-to-business market, business cordless systems

Responsibilities: product planning, product life cycle management, project management for new product developments and market introductions

Major achievements:
• Rationalization of complete product portfolio and product plans
• Project management of two projects with budgets in the order of 3 million Euro.

Bedrijf: AT&T (Today’s Alcatel-Lucent)

1990 - 1993 Product Marketing Manager - GSM Infrastructure
Key characteristics: telecommunication operators in Europe / Middle East, GSM systems

Responsibilities: Sales, Bids & Proposals, Market interface towards R&D (Bell Laboratories) for new product developments, Manager of Market Communications Officer

Major achievements:
• Introduction of Value Based Selling and Establishment of customer focus in R&D.

1987 - 1990 System Engineer - Public Telephone Exchanges
Key characteristics: telecommunication operators in Europe, Public Telephone Exchanges

Responsibilities: interface between customers and R&D (Bell Laboratories), product specification in the areas of ISDN, Signaling Systems, Operation and Maintenance, Billing systems

Major achievements:
• Made a de facto standard specification for billing in ISDN networks.
• Contribution to new sales to KPN Telecom and Telefonica.


1992 - 1994 NIMBAS in association with Bradford University (UK), Master of Business Administration
1980 - 1987 Eindhoven University of Technology, Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


I am looking for a Business Management or Business Development position, with a preference for a high tech industry. I have almost twenty years of experience in these roles, both for existing product / market combinations and for start up businesses. My strengths are in strategy formulation, marketing and in implementation. Dealing with challenging business situations and solving them with (multi-disciplinary) teams is what brings me pleasure.


Nederlands, Engels - zowel gesproken als geschreven
Frans en Duits - goede basis, doch niet vloeiend


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