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strategisch consultant / manager

strategisch consultant / manager

Work Experience

August 2009 – October 2011l Welbions (a Dutch Housing Foundation); Position: strategic consultant sustainable development and policy.
Duties & responsibilities:
• Development and implementation of a local environmental and energy policy
• Development of a campaign to create more awareness on sustainability and to change behavior of employees, customers or other stakeholders.

August 2008 – August 2009; Domijn (a Dutch Housing Association); Position: Projectmanager / Policy advisor sustainability
Duties & responsibilities:
• Development of a social economic programme for an urban area
• Development of a sustainable policy and project implementation

July 2006 – May 2007
AWS Beter Wonen (a Dutch Housing Association); Position: Adviser to the Board of directors concerning financial policy and treasury
• Translation of strategic intentions to a long term financial forecast
• Improvement of planning & control cycle
• Analysis and configuration of quarterly financial reports (including project reports)

July 2005 – july 2006; Community of Dinkelland; Position: Projectmanager in the field of Sports and Welfare
• Projectmanager of the renovation of existing sports facilities and the building of a new sports facilities, the latter in combination with the building of new appartments
• Projectmanager of building a “Kulturhus” (an accommdation for housing of multiple organisations)

March 2005 – July 2005; Balance Financial Management BV Amsterdam; Position: Project consultant for UWV, Amsterdam
• Development of a quality manual based on performance management
• Advise and support to the planning office on internal audit and finance matters

January 2004 – january 2005 ; Arbo Unie, Twente region ; Position: Interim-manager Operations
• Management of the administration and planning office
• Projectmanagement of the implementation of a new software tool

October 2002 – January 2004 ; Community of Enschede; Position: Strategic consultant
• Initiating and implementing improvements in the quality of policy proposals and the decision making process
• Coordination of long term strategic programmes and creating the strategic programme for traffic

October 2002 - September 1998; Achmea ; Positions: Internal consultant AIV and manager
• Optimize and improve strategic, tactic and operational control of the business unit AIV; implementation of strategic business planning, risk management and improvements in policy
• Advise to board of directors on programme management
• Management of administrative personnel
• Responsible for process management, product management and legal policy conditions and all operations concerning Waz product

November 1996 – September 1998; Forensic Psychiatric Clinic Oldenkotte in Rekken; Position: Secretary to the Board of Directors
• Management of executive secretariat
• Advisor to the board of directors
• Construct annual plan and report on behalf of DJI (Ministry of Justice)


PhD research (2009 - present), University of Twente, CSTM.
Research focus: implementation of biodiversity into business strategies and performance, considering the goals of the Convention on Biodiversity.

1991 – 1996 University of Twente, MSc Public Administration (specialization organizational and financial management)
1987 – 1991 Enschede School of Economics and Administration, BA Commercial management
1981 – 1987 Pre-university education, Jacobus College in Enschede

Completed courses during employment:
Cursus Herstructurering van woonwijken / Restructuring urban areas (November 2008)
Training projectmanagement (October 2001)
Training change management (July 2001)
Training risk management (2001)
Basic Management Course Achmea (1999)
Training internal communication (1997)
Mediatraining (1997)


Skills in the field of analytics, advise, writing improvement proposals, vision and building and implementing strategies


English fluent; German basic; French


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