Flex Manager
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Work Experience

My professional career has given me the opportunity to work with companies with in a broad range of sectors, development stages, cultures and nationalities. I work at all organisational levels, enjoy establishing and maintaining relationships, and consider structured approaches and teamwork as the key to success.

Management (general, change and project), Negotiation, Sales and Sales Coordination, Business Analysis, Strategy, Market Analysis, Budget- and Account Analysis, Valuation, Communication and Tutoring.
Corporate Finance
Execution of close to 200 transactions for Nordic and International companies, has given me the opportunity to understand the complexity, dynamics and opportunities in the financial market. My core competencies within this area are preparation, structuring and execution of refinancing & capital raisings and support in IPOs & public offerings.

Mergers and Acquisitions
Execution of several acquisitions, divestments, spin offs, management buy outs and management buy ins has given me the opportunity to understand the criteria success, when seeking to grow business by acquisitions or seeking to divest business. My core competencies within this area are valuation, identification of acquisition opportunities & potential acquirers , analysis of synergies, financing strategies, information memorandum, approach to acquisition targets & potential acquirers, negotiations, due diligence and closing of transaction.


M.Sc. Economics, University of Copenhagen


Danish, English (Read, Write Speak), Swedish, Norwegian (Speak & Read),German (Read & Understand)


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