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Business Consultant & Financial Controler

Business Consultant & Financial Controler

Work Experience

Business and IT Consulting
•Business Process Redesign for a discreet manufacture company, distribution and retail. Team leader, in charge with overall result and re-designing the Financial and Accounting processes.
•ERP specification for large distribution and retail companies.
•Business Strategy for discreet manufacturing, distribution and Retail Company. Preparation and support for implementation.
•Leading Microsoft ERP Navision implementation, project management, software development and requirements preparation.
•Assisting CONEL (National Electricity Power Production and Distribution) in the financial management and analysis of private and state-owned organizations (2000 – Diagnostic of the costing system at the companies forming the former CONEL holding – Electrica, Termoelectrica, Hidroelectrica and Trans Electrica);
•Assisting Romatelecom (Largest Romanian telecommunication provider) and Electrica to agree a tariff mechanism for renting the electrical pillow.
•IT audits for large numbers of companies from various industry including SNP Petrom, Nuclearelectrica, Transelectrica, Electrica, etc.
•Helping Brown Union to redesign their processes for distribution and stocks management.
•Assisting Continental Hotel chain to improve their customer relationship.
•Assisting Sogelease to implement the company accounting and management software.

Corporate Finance and Restructuring
•Restructuring of the Romanian Energy Sector in 1995.
•Romanian Fleet economic and financial analyses 1998;
•Restructuring of the Romanian Mining Sector in 2002;
•Preparation for privatisation for Tobacco National Reggie;
•Restructuring and preparation for Privatisation in SIDEX Galati, Timpuri Noi Bucuresti, Masini Agricole Craiova,
•Assisting Fergat/Italy to acquire Roti Auto Dragasani;
•Financial due diligence of IMGB – the largest local turbine producer on the buyes side (ALSTOM) in 1999;
•Assisting TAROM (Romanian Airline) to prepare financial business plan to obtain international loan.
•Assisting Union Fenosa to acquire a thermo power plant – Enet SA.
•Assisting of Municipal utility companies of Bistrita and Targu Mures for business concession.

Relevant banking industry experience
•BDR – Societe Generale Andersen performed the audit of the bank for number of years and assisted the bank in the privatisation process. Involved in wining this client, second partner review for the privatisation job as well performing interviews with the bank top management to find ways to improve the performed services.
•Raiffeisen Romania – Andersen performed the IT due diligence for Agricola Bank acquisition. Engagement team leader.
•Banca Transilvania – Andersen was the bank auditor and assisted the bank to review the implementation of the new IT system. As a result the bank redesigned the implementation plan, aiming speeding up the implementation process. Engagement team leader.

•BCR – Involved in bank preparation for privatisation in 1999 – 2000. As a result of Andersen work, the bank re-launched the implementation of the in house produced software SIBCOR 2000. Advice on the IT department reorganisation.

•Auditing the National Oil Company PETROM - 6 years between 1996-2002;
•Auditing the National Electricity Company RENEL 2 years between 1996 - 1997;
•Auditing the National Distribution of Electricity Company Electrica for 4 years between 1998 – 2002;
•Auditing the National Termo Power Plant Company Termoelectrica for 4 years between 1998 – 2002;
•Auditing the National Hydro Power Plant Company Hydroelectrica for 4 years between 1998 – 2002;
•Auditing the National Nulear Power Plant Company Nuclearectrica for 4 years between 1998 – 2002;
•Auditing the Water Companies of Brasov, Targu Mures, Iasi, Craiova and Timisoara for five years between 1998 – 2001;
•Auditing of the National Airline Tarom for (1998 – 2001). These engagements also include assisting the mentioned Companies in preparing their annual accounts in accordance with the International Accounting Standards.


EMBA - ASEBUSS, Bucharest & University of Washington (g:1995)
BA, Statistics and Cybernetics - Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest (g:1989)
Romanaina National Auditor (2000)
Romanian Charted Accountant (1993)


Over the past fourteen years, accumulated outstanding business consulting experience:
•From the accounting entries and economic processes through most advanced software tools, was extensively participating in numerous business areas such as accounting and controlling, production, auditing, valuations, financial due diligence, privatisations, restructuring, taxation, IT, people management, merger negotiations, in various industry including but not limited banking, energy, pharmaceutical, distribution, discreet production, oil & gas and telecommunication.
•Multiple role as Consultant, Leader of Practice and Business Developer, have been exposed to the various business experience, accumulating skills, knowledge, and keeping his clear reputation.
•During Accenture period focused on the banking industry and Government clients but also supporting his colleagues from Energy and Utilities industry as well Telecommunications to chase and win different opportunities.


English : Reading, speaking, writing - very good


All qualifications for the yearly appraisals prepared by his superiors where outstanding in all his period working for Andersen.
At the end of the “180 degree appraisal” process obtained qualifications above the Andersen Partners average.
Likes to be involved in social and charity activity.
Played a major role in re-launching the Junior Achievements program in Romania as well others two NGO’s activity dealing with children protection.
Participating as guest speaker in National and International Conferences publishing articles in business newspapers and business TV shows.

Member Jury for CIEL AWARDS (for two consecutive years) – to reward entrepreneurs launching their business ideas into the market.


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