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Controller/Chief F/A

Controller/Chief F/A

Work Experience

Last project: INGBANK NV(securities) Job: Analist
project: Discrepancies Head Payment office.
Period: 01-05-2002 till 01-07-2002
Jobdescription: to set up and implementing an internal controle& business regulations.

INGBANK (securities)- Job: Analist/Fin.Controller
Projects are period
Discrepancy depots 01/07/01 till 30/04/02
Reconciliations & settlements 01-06-2000 till 28-02-01
Jobdescription: to set up an implementing an internal controle & riskmanagement procedures.

KENNEMER THUISZORG BV Job: Interim manager
Project: to set up a planning&controle system
period: 01-03-01 till 25-06-01
This project received via TRIVISTA

KPMG interim kader NV: Job : Fin.controller
Several projects:
Last project:
INGBANK NV(securities) project: Option clearing.
period: 01-01-2000 till 30-05-2000
Kroller Holding BV (Middle large insurance mediator company)
period: 01-08-1998 till 31-12-1999
Job discription:
To set up a standard accounting system including an I.C. and a managementreportsystem for the subsidiaries and the holding.

VAN ESSEN HALFWEG HOLDING BV (Middle large construction company) 240 employees.
Job: Chief F/A period: 1991 till 1996

TOORNEND & PARTNERS HOLDING BV (Small engineering management company) 60 employees
JOB: Chief F/A period: 1984 till 1990

BAUSCH & LOMB BV (U.S.Wholesaletrader in lenses and glasses)
Job: Chief F/A German division/subsidiary.
To set up a financial accountingsystem according to US GAAP and German regulations.
period: 1982 till 1983

Auditorsoffice : CROP, DE KLEUVER &CO BV.
jOB: Assistant-auditor.
Jobdescription: To audit the books of middlelarge companies
workingperiod: 1980 till 1981

Job: Assistant official UVS/Germany
workingperiod: 1978 till 1979



Studying : French - and italian conversation. Started in June 2002.

following courses in Balance Scorecard/ Activity Based Costing. Think to start a studie in Septembre 2002 in it.


Worked with the following accounting & other software:
Exact, Adfas4, Grote Beer, JD-edwards, IMS/BOSS(INGBANK)
Excell, words, windows


Language Writing- and speaking skills
DUTCH fluently
English Good
German Average


I know how to set up an InternalControle, Adm.Org.procedures
I know about accounting (IAS), dutch taxes, etc.

Hobbies: Fishing, One whish is to be one day in a Biggame fishing contest.


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