Flex Manager
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project manager

project manager

Work Experience

02/2003 – 06/2004
Eefachy Kar, Teheran, Iran, business planner and business development

Eefachy Kar is the largest human resource company and training institute in Iran with over 4500 people working in all major sectors of the industry.

Together with the general management of the organisation mr. conducted a business planning, resulting in a corporate structure based on the core markets and a market expansion plan to provide human resource to international corporations. Both of the chosen strategies were implemented and both resulted in successful projects. The refocus on personal catering resulted in the management and organisation of a presidential ceremony to open the new international airport. The chosen expansion strategy resulted in new contract with Turkish foreign investors to provide over 200 employees for their new business ventures. Mr. was responsible for this new business development.

12/1999 - 06/2001
Interelectra cvba, Hasselt, Belgium, project manager and change consultant

Interelectra is the second largest provider of electricity, water, gas, tv and internet services in Belgium. They serve over a million customers in the East of Belgium.

After completing the initial business case for the implementation of new technology and the desired company restructure, mr. implemented, managed and successfully closed down the project. He was responsible for the overall management of the project itself and consulted top management on the organisational and change processes. During this 20 million plus project he managed more than 40 people divided over four different groups and four different disciplines.

01/1996 - 06/1998
EDS, Nuon, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, project manager and GIS consultant

EDS is the world leader in implementation and management of IT systems for world leading corporations. Nuon is a market leader in the utility sector in the East of the Netherlands

As part of the project management team, mr. was responsible for the technical team (20 people) and all technical aspect of this over a 100 million dollar project. Working in close cooperation with the consulting section and the customer, he was responsible for technology advice and the definition, execution and implementation of all technical projects.

10/1992 - 11/1995
Cap Gemini, information analyst and sales support

Cap Gemini is a world leading company on IT and consulting

During his career at Cap Gemini mr. worked on a number of projects in different functions.

10/1990 - 02/1992
Ministry of Defence, second lieutenant/staff member

During his military service mr. was responsible for the new administrative processes on the 109 different poly clinics in the military hospital


08/1984 - 08/1990
Erasmus University Rotterdam, MBA graduated
08/1984 - 08/1990
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Information planning graduated


good technical understanding
good interpersonal skills


Dutch Verbally excellent, reading and writing excellent
English Verbally excellent, reading and writing excellent
German Verbally good, reading and writing good
French Verbally average, reading and writing average
Farsi Verbally poor, reading and writing poor


Travel, on different world trips visited more than 80 countries by car;
Judo, semi professional career at international level


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