Flex Manager
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Corporate Interim Manager

Corporate Interim Manager

Work Experience

1998 since now: Executive Interim Manager
main mandates between 1998 until 2009:

CEO of several irish subsidaries (Ltd.s, 300 staff members) of an international facility management company: Restructuring, cash-generating program
(8 month in Dublin)

Chief operating controlling (COC)
confidental clerk of the holding one of the biggest german construction group , with around 4.000 million pounds turnover
. Shorttime reinstall of a MIS-System; Initiate and moderate the restore-programm (rolled out by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) in several companies and business-units after the crisis in 11/99 (chapter 11). Main activities:
· Rapid introduction of a new and efficient corporate monthly management information system, including reports of over 150 units. Managing that alle report units send the monthly figures and reports accurate to due-date. Re-desgin of the IT data-base of the corporate subsidiaries schedules, organize fransformation-process from “DM” to “€”
· Organize serveral work-shops in the regional agencies to train our local technical staff who to improve the cash positions of each of their long running building-project and abot relevance of commercial items (about 100 supervisiors)
·Organize and monitoring the monthly reviews with the board of directors and the local general managers of the subsidaries (domestic and foreign).
· Responsible for the monthly management report to the core-banks.

Interim CFO of an full integrated media-group, Munich:
ditial prepress, printing, publishing, 100 million pounds turnover:
Project-manager responsible for the restructuring issues in different plant overall bavaria; Interim head of controlling department of the holding.Main activities:
· Restructuring of 3 plants, cost-cutting programm and down-sizing of personal staff
· Feasibility-study to build of an new plant in eastern europe (full master-plan)
· Cooperation to the annual financial statement of the group; Optimize the accounting policy
· Initiate and management of two M&A´s in the prepres area
· Development of the PC bases MIS
· Choaching of the CEO in different projects

Interim CEO and CFO of a publishing group in cash and carry areas, Cologne,
80 millions pounds turnover.
Main actvities:
· Post merger Integration of an IT-book publisher into the publishing group
· Significant improvement of the procurement management system and bargaining cheaper purchase prices (15% or 300´ pounds/year savings from budget)
· Audited financial statement of the IT-publishing company
· Development of the group weekly and monthly reporting system for all subsidaries
· Accompany the due-diligence of an mail-order-publisher based in Swiss.

Interim CFO for a retailer-group for books with more than 30 outlets,
especially in the eastern part of Germany, 30 million pounds turnover.
Main activities:
· Review of the buy and built strategy and business plan of the merged company
· Moderate des planing process for the new financial year of the company
· Generate an new monthly bases management-report of the company for share-holder and for the core-bank (public govermental bank)

Newspaper company, 200 million pounds turnover(Southern part of Germany)Main activities:
· pre-due diligence for an private-equity investor with the option for an Executive Intermim Manager for restructuring in the post merger phase. Finally no business deal happend

Industrial career:

Chief executive officer(CEO+CFO) of an international electronic company, 50 millions pounds turnover, high-tech electronical company with manufacturing wage-cells and industrial measurement products
Main activities:
· Re-engineering programm for the whole company and especially in the non directly productive sectors (maintenance, logistic, quality department, administration)
· Improvement of the productivity of the internal/external logistic process
· Migration from the SAP-R2 to SAP-R3, standardizing of all software applications in the production and administration areas, outsourcing IT-system facilities
· Initiating, creating and practicing of a human ressource leadership-programm for staff and young professionals (40 participants), inhouse trainings over 3 years
· Introduction of an TQM incentive programm on the shop-floor
· Introduction of the ISO 14001 (Öko-audit) , award of the ASU (Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbständiger Unternehmer)
· Outsourcing of the real-estate facility management, printed circuits department, personell department, reception
· Introduction of the EVA-concept (economic value added programm) as a pilot for the whole DAX listed Holding-group until 2001)
· Legal concept for the spin-off of 5 business-units and profit-centers to legal entities and realization

Chief officer controlling, confidential clerk of the managing-holding.
Private german waste company, around 400 million pounds turnover
Main activiities:
· Establishing of an actual and speed generated monthly Managmenet reporting System of all waste companies of the waste-management group for the board of directors
· Built-up a state-of-the-art planning and controlling system for the waste management division (20 companies included)
· Practicing a pro-active and effective cash-management for the whole waste division, towards key-customers (public, US-military, Duales System Deutschland, industry clients)
· Identifing a tax optimizing programm for the whole group, which generates more than 20 millions pounds extended free-cash flow
· Initating and responsible to manage more than 20 acquisitions, 2 mergers of small and middle sized waste companies (for example netherland desinvestment to a UK based body)

Head of department controlling and planning of a leading stem glas company (trinking-glass manufactory, end-user and retailer markets for consumer-industry; 80 million pounds turnover
Main activities:
· Improvement of the installed Controlling system , supported by SAP-R2 tools
· Due-Diligence of market-leading company for press-glass products)
· Work out and realization of an human-ressources development-programm for 40 people of the management-team (training in 12 finance/controlling issues in 6 groups during 12 month)
· Preparing the wind-up decision of a plant
. Preparing, evaluating and bargaining strategic partnerships and ajoint-venture in the production and sale areas

Head of finance and controlling department of a printed circuit manufacturer(2 plants) and of a plant in Ireland, 16 million pounds turnover
Main activities:
· Integration and adaption of the companies financial accounting system to the odds of the parent company after the merger
· Practice several revision-audits, initated by the new share-holder to avoid illegal actions and frauds

Corporate controller/planner and assistent to the CEO of a special steel manufacturer, 235 million pounds turnover
Main activities:
· Initate and monitoring a programm to reduce the stock of finished goods of 6 divisions. Stocks had fallen during 12 month by 8 million pounds to 25 milliond pounds, without declining turnover. Generating significant extendes free cash-flow (interest payments improvement)
· Strategic Analysis of the 6 business units of the company
. Follow-up of the 2 years old Mc Kinsey schedules; Proposals and recommendations to the CEO for further improvements of the business units performance
· Introduction of the first PC bases (8086 IBM-Processor) integrated corporate planning system (annual planning and long-term planning)
· Initate and promoting an innovation programm over the company to replace the mature product lines in several divisions (work-shops, Intrapreneuring newsletter, competition-analysis, creating a new business area in the closed roll-production hangar)


Examination in economic science on the Eberhard-Karls-University, Tübingen
(title: Diplom-Volkswirt)Study of Economics

High-school for udults (Stifts-colleg), Sindelfingen;
examination with certificate to study on an german university (Abitur)

Apprecenticeship as a publisher
Technical-trade school Max-Eyth-school

12 times trainee in the factory of Daimler-Benz,



• Reading skills Indicate level: excellent
• Writing skills Indicate level: excellent
• Verbal skills Indicate level: excellent

* skills: basic


Long distance running (3:15 h)

DRIVING LICENCE(S) European driving licence for cars (Klasse 3)


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