Flex Manager
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interim manager

interim manager

Work Experience

2½ years as interim manger in various positions, 3 CEO, 2 Start up, 1 Strategy assignment, 2 Project manager assignments.
8 years in Industry covering various management positions: product- and technology development, product management, businessline management, with substatial experience in turnaround, M&A (operational marger, productlines, organisation, budgets)
6 years in consulting: PwC Strategy, Market and customer management, IPU product development consultant


2000 EMBA, IMD Lausanne, Switzerland
1998 PED. IMD Lausanne, Switzerland
1987 MSc Mech. Eng. DTU, Technical Univercity of Denmark


Substancial analytical skills, Creative in strategy, solutions and implementation, Good peopleskills


Danish, English, German (skandinavian)


I have chosen Interim Management as my professional career.


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