Flex Manager
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CEO, Divisional Executive, Boundary Span

CEO, Divisional Executive, Boundary Span

Work Experience

Many years of diverse experience in profit & loss (P&L), general management, strategic planning, product and software development and marketing management with global high-tech firms and organizations


MBA (IMD Lausanne)
PhD Physics (Dr. sc. techn. ETHZ)
MS Physics (Dipl. phys. ETHZ)


Extensive exposure to customers, partners and suppliers in Asia, Europe and the US
Good understanding of the semiconductor industry and technologies; good understanding of factory automation and data integration, software development.
Organizational design incl. people, strategy, processes, structures, reward systems.
Coporate development incl. strategy, strategic initiatives (mergers & acquisitions, technology management, market intelligence, customer relationsship management, intranet, platform development, etc.)


(Swiss)German, English, French


Fast learner, dedicated, unconventional


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