Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Work Experience

-Working experiences in Europe, Russia and the CIS, Saudi Arabia, the Far East Countries, South America and USA
-Conducted post-graduate courses, at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), on behalf of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNTAD.
-Conducted seminars for various Departments of Transport of the East European Countries, Russia and the CIS
-Conducted business processes resaerches and mapped task responsibilities and implemented the recommendations.
-Cost Management
-Cutting staff costs
-Supply Chain Quality Management


-Institute for economic and social sciences ISW The Hague
Economics & Trade
Marketing Nima A & B
-Alamon Learning Institue Los Angelos:
Time management, modules 1, 2 and 3.
Senior management courses:
Operations process skills.
Motivation and negotiating skills.
Marketing & sales
-Various Airline Account Management courses by Air India,
Finnair and B.CAL
Auditing & Reporting
Cargo rating


Dutch (mother tongue)
Knowledge of German.


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